by Vitriola » Sat Mar 04, 2006 6:51 pm
My teachers were pretty cool, although I don't know if that would fly. In my animal behavior class, as story I've probably already posted on here, our big thesis project was on interpersonal distance. So while most people did the stand-in-the-bookstore experiment wherein they wanted to see how close they could stand to a guy, a woman, a pregnant woman, being either a woman or man standing there, I did mine about mosh pits and whether or not interpersonal distance had anything to do with whether or not a pit would break out right where you were standing.
I had a heavy metal poster tacked up on the board. Some guy in the class asked me who I had seen (Pantera, Zombie, Dream Theater, Manson, a few others) and was like cool, I was at that one too, did you buy the T-shirt? But I really did measure floor space and distance between bodies and all that shit. Got an A- or B+, something like that, A overall in the class, and that professor loved me. I think that guy also liked me because I kicked him off of his own phone, and for some reason he liked chicks with balls, and he basically told my mother to go to hell for me, and he was enough of an expert in his field (genetics) that he goes to famous trials and was a material contributor/witness in the OJ trial, so there's that.
I can see the teacher in that story being anal, but, if I was a teacher with a sense of humor, I'd give that a barely passing grade, ignore all the misspellings, say something like 'page too big' too, and laugh. I wouldn't have subtracted for swearing, tho, unless it was in the code of conduct, so there might have been a CYA thing going on there.
I'd probably have put something in there like "Do you KNOW Dre was a big balla? References?"
My teachers were pretty cool, although I don't know if that would fly. In my animal behavior class, as story I've probably already posted on here, our big thesis project was on interpersonal distance. So while most people did the stand-in-the-bookstore experiment wherein they wanted to see how close they could stand to a guy, a woman, a pregnant woman, being either a woman or man standing there, I did mine about mosh pits and whether or not interpersonal distance had anything to do with whether or not a pit would break out right where you were standing.
I had a heavy metal poster tacked up on the board. Some guy in the class asked me who I had seen (Pantera, Zombie, Dream Theater, Manson, a few others) and was like cool, I was at that one too, did you buy the T-shirt? But I really did measure floor space and distance between bodies and all that shit. Got an A- or B+, something like that, A overall in the class, and that professor loved me. I think that guy also liked me because I kicked him off of his own phone, and for some reason he liked chicks with balls, and he basically told my mother to go to hell for me, and he was enough of an expert in his field (genetics) that he goes to famous trials and was a material contributor/witness in the OJ trial, so there's that.
I can see the teacher in that story being anal, but, if I was a teacher with a sense of humor, I'd give that a barely passing grade, ignore all the misspellings, say something like 'page too big' too, and laugh. I wouldn't have subtracted for swearing, tho, unless it was in the code of conduct, so there might have been a CYA thing going on there.
I'd probably have put something in there like "Do you KNOW Dre was a big balla? References?"