Recchi says, "Random question because this mud is filled with the smartest people I know, with many varied talents."
Recchi says, "I am changing the big blue capacitor in a cocktail Crystal Castles game."
Jota says, "The answer is 4."
Recchi says, "Many wires were attached to the positive lead and many to the negative."
Recchi exclaims, "I dropped the big blue and the wires are all cattywumpus. I took a picture!"
Recchi says, ""
Recchi says, "I have no idea which wires go where."
katre says, "oof"
Recchi says, "heh"
katre asks, "you didn't happen to take a before picture, huh?"
Nate says, "'cattywumpus' is the best word ever"
Recchi says (to
katre), "I... ah... I have several dozen pictures of it in general, but no, not the one picture I need, unfortunately. Heh"
katre says, "I mean, I'd _guess_ that the blues are one end and the reds the other"
katre says, "but if it's a big electrolytic capacitor, it'll explode if it's the wrong way around"
katre says, "even if you got the wires into the right groups"
Recchi says, "I am with you on that, but then there is that one with the yellow end and man -- right"
Recchi says, "I threw a note on, so I'm hoping that's my best bet. I really don't want to go out with my head crammed up a cocktail game. I want an open casket."
Jota says, "This sounds like what you need is a bomb squad."
Recchi says (to
Jota), "haha"
katre says, "yeah, asking someone else who has access to one is really the only thing to do"
Nate says, "hmm, that would be an interesting funeral"
Nate says, "I wonder if one can request that"
Nate says, "'bury me in a Defender machine'"
katre says, "that, or a long and painstaking trip through the innards to draw a schematic (ha ha)"
katre says, "good luck, looks cool"
Recchi says, "Thanks"
vaporware says, "Contact this guy:
Recchi says, "I think there is a manual floating around on the Internet, but it's for the standup version."
vaporware says, "Or one of the other couple google hits for 'crystal castles' 'big blue capacitor'"
Recchi exclaims (at
vaporware), "Right on, thanks for the heads-up there, looks like he replaced his in his machine too. Excellent!"
Recchi says, "A guy on Usenet said that all the purple wires go to the negative terminal, and all the orange wires go to the positive terminal, so here goes nothing."
Recchi says, "If it explodes please tell the police that I was dashing and reckless and that my friends called me "Hollywood." Actually, anything from the 'Suspect' user manual is fine"
Jota says, "We called him 'Seargent Duffy', officer. We're not sure why."
vaporware says, "He loved playing guess the verb, taking everything that wasn't nailed down... he truly had the adventurer's spirit."
Recchi says, "I put the cats in the pantry, put the game's power supply into a power cord, put that power cord into the wall and arranged it so that I could activate it with my foot"
Recchi says, "I was also covered in two blankets and my girlfriend had the cell int he other room. I wish I was kidding about all of this."
Recchi exclaims, "But it worked!"
vaporware says, "Yay Usenet!"
Recchi exclaims, "Usenet -- 30 years of geeks and electricity living together happily!"
Allen says, "Usenet won't be 30 years old for a few more years"
Recchi exclaims, "It is truly wise beyond its years!"
[color=cyan]Recchi[/color] says, "Random question because this mud is filled with the smartest people I know, with many varied talents."
[color=cyan]Recchi[/color] says, "I am changing the big blue capacitor in a cocktail Crystal Castles game."
[color=red]Jota[/color] says, "The answer is 4."
[color=cyan]Recchi[/color] says, "Many wires were attached to the positive lead and many to the negative."
[color=cyan]Recchi[/color] exclaims, "I dropped the big blue and the wires are all cattywumpus. I took a picture!"
[color=cyan]Recchi[/color] says, ""
[color=cyan]Recchi[/color] says, "I have no idea which wires go where."
[color=yellow]katre[/color] says, "oof"
[color=cyan]Recchi[/color] says, "heh"
[color=yellow]katre[/color] asks, "you didn't happen to take a before picture, huh?"
[color=lightgreen]Nate[/color] says, "'cattywumpus' is the best word ever"
[color=cyan]Recchi[/color] says (to [color=yellow]katre[/color]), "I... ah... I have several dozen pictures of it in general, but no, not the one picture I need, unfortunately. Heh"
[color=yellow]katre[/color] says, "I mean, I'd _guess_ that the blues are one end and the reds the other"
[color=yellow]katre[/color] says, "but if it's a big electrolytic capacitor, it'll explode if it's the wrong way around"
[color=yellow]katre[/color] says, "even if you got the wires into the right groups"
[color=cyan]Recchi[/color] says, "I am with you on that, but then there is that one with the yellow end and man -- right"
[color=cyan]Recchi[/color] says, "I threw a note on, so I'm hoping that's my best bet. I really don't want to go out with my head crammed up a cocktail game. I want an open casket."
[color=red]Jota[/color] says, "This sounds like what you need is a bomb squad."
[color=cyan]Recchi[/color] says (to [color=red]Jota[/color]), "haha"
[color=yellow]katre[/color] says, "yeah, asking someone else who has access to one is really the only thing to do"
[color=lightgreen]Nate[/color] says, "hmm, that would be an interesting funeral"
[color=lightgreen]Nate[/color] says, "I wonder if one can request that"
[color=lightgreen]Nate[/color] says, "'bury me in a Defender machine'"
[color=yellow]katre[/color] says, "that, or a long and painstaking trip through the innards to draw a schematic (ha ha)"
[color=yellow]katre[/color] says, "good luck, looks cool"
[color=cyan]Recchi[/color] says, "Thanks"
[color=magenta]vaporware[/color] says, "Contact this guy:
[color=cyan]Recchi[/color] says, "I think there is a manual floating around on the Internet, but it's for the standup version."
[color=magenta]vaporware[/color] says, "Or one of the other couple google hits for 'crystal castles' 'big blue capacitor'"
[color=cyan]Recchi[/color] exclaims (at [color=magenta]vaporware[/color]), "Right on, thanks for the heads-up there, looks like he replaced his in his machine too. Excellent!"
[color=cyan]Recchi[/color] says, "A guy on Usenet said that all the purple wires go to the negative terminal, and all the orange wires go to the positive terminal, so here goes nothing."
[color=cyan]Recchi[/color] says, "If it explodes please tell the police that I was dashing and reckless and that my friends called me "Hollywood." Actually, anything from the 'Suspect' user manual is fine"
[color=red]Jota[/color] says, "We called him 'Seargent Duffy', officer. We're not sure why."
[color=magenta]vaporware[/color] says, "He loved playing guess the verb, taking everything that wasn't nailed down... he truly had the adventurer's spirit."
[color=cyan]Recchi[/color] says, "I put the cats in the pantry, put the game's power supply into a power cord, put that power cord into the wall and arranged it so that I could activate it with my foot"
[color=cyan]Recchi[/color] says, "I was also covered in two blankets and my girlfriend had the cell int he other room. I wish I was kidding about all of this."
[color=cyan]Recchi[/color] exclaims, "But it worked!"
[color=magenta]vaporware[/color] says, "Yay Usenet!"
[color=cyan]Recchi[/color] exclaims, "Usenet -- 30 years of geeks and electricity living together happily!"
[color=orange]Allen[/color] says, "Usenet won't be 30 years old for a few more years"
[color=cyan]Recchi[/color] exclaims, "It is truly wise beyond its years!"