Maybe this base should be a photography base!

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Expand view Topic review: Maybe this base should be a photography base!

by Worm » Thu Nov 28, 2002 3:36 pm

I would like this base to be a photographybase...

by Lex » Wed Nov 27, 2002 5:18 am

I want it this way because I am doing a course on photography and people saying "That's good" and suggesting how to make it better would really help me out of my current slum.

by Worm » Mon Nov 25, 2002 10:33 pm

Maybe it should be a combination of the both. I was thinking of making those Mushroom Cloud things and taking a picture. I think we should call it Arts & Entertainment.

Maybe this base should be a photography base!

by Ben » Mon Nov 25, 2002 9:39 pm

High winds + big waves + sunset + screwing randomly with the camera settings + cropping like a mother = pretty cool pic:
