Everybody online is an idiot

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Expand view Topic review: Everybody online is an idiot

by AArdvark » Sat Apr 15, 2006 3:04 pm

The internet isn't 'real' to some people. They can commit to anything and then just walk away from the computer and poof! All gone. Imagine the internet as a whole big video game. Sort of like mega sims. How about Sim-Everything. But it's still just some game.


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sat Apr 15, 2006 12:44 pm

Also, three people have now failed to pick up a free hibachi and bag of charcoal through Freecycle. I would like to write about the Great Failure of Freecycle at some time in the future. But it's just going to come down to this: people have the gimme gimmes and absolutely no ability to mentally filter anything in their lives. OH FREE MINI GRILL!! THAT I WANT! And then they send off the e-mail, probably not even thinking that they themselves are going to get it (due to the sheer volume of people who watch Freecycle like a hawk).

But then, somehow, they DO get it. And the gimme gimme urge, already satisfied, leads to a dour, unsettled emotion where... sheeeeee-it, I really have to drive across town and pick this thing up. Do I even really want this thing? I could get a new grill, unused by anyone else, for twenty bucks... I'm sure that someone else wants it more than me... but I don't want to seem like a flake... I'll ... I'll just say I couldn't find their apartment building! But I need to make a bona fide attempt here, first... I'll commit to getting ti and waste everyone's goddamn time, but I really don't want it any more. It was nice sending off that e-mail that said that I DID want it, tho! Hey, is that a message for a free Rubik' Cube? I loved those!"

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Apr 10, 2006 6:28 pm

Ian couldn't even work up the strength to use the shift key, I'm going to go with "couldn't work up the strength to stop his stepdad from throwing his shit out" as the conclusion.

by Vitriola » Mon Apr 10, 2006 11:10 am

IAN ROSE wrote:i do not have it anymore

by Vitriola » Sat Apr 08, 2006 3:41 pm

Ask and Ye shall receive. I did forget to mention that these items are listed at a $1 pricepoint.
Vitri wrote:I may be interested in your boa and some cards, but why the $1? May I ask why you're selling them?

Answers shall hopefully appear.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sat Apr 08, 2006 12:51 pm

I wish we could get some answers on this one.

by AArdvark » Sat Apr 08, 2006 3:21 am

I bet daddy just made him get out of his basement room and he's got to find his own place now. After all he's 24 and should get on with his life.


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Apr 07, 2006 6:27 pm

If that girl is any good as a human, she wouldn't be telling the guy to get rid of that stuff. Man, you can *store* those Magic cards. Don't get me wrong, I think the whole concept is a stupid fad, but brother needs to sock that stuff away.

But then it also says he needs to come up with his half of the rent. So who am I to judge?

by Vitriola » Fri Apr 07, 2006 4:54 pm

This just made me laugh. Must be his first girlfriend.
Craigslist wrote:ok so i have thousands of magic the gathering card and a 4 foot boa that i need to get rid of the magic cards have a lot of rares and classic editions to them you can make any deck you can think of i would like to sell the magic cards as a set and would do all of them for $300 it used to be $500 but i need cash to pay rent

the snake is a columbian redtail boa about 4 foot long and includes the cage and the heat pad and the lid for $100 please give me a call if you are interested in either

by Captain Obvious » Mon Oct 31, 2005 8:07 pm

ChainGangGuy wrote:how could anyone deny her so many pennies?
You can't spell pennies without penis.

Captain Obvious

by Vitriola » Sun Oct 30, 2005 7:20 pm

jenni it will be! Shall I forward you her email address?

Freecycle is a Yahoo!group which is city based. I'm sure there is an Atlanta one, and probably some for the outlying towns. Basically, you give away your shit you don't want instead of throwing it out or having to drive to the thrift store. You post an OFFERED:6 year old cat subject line, a description of item, and wait for the fun to start. WANTED:used car is allowed, and is mostly people wanting another tv so their kid can play video games in his room all day or a car or something equally ridiculous. Etiquette says when your item is taken, because the person you give it to is expected to pick it up, you post a TAKEN:pennies message, but really, just like on the internet, nobody looks to see if their point has been made by someone else or that item has been taken before they fire off a take. It is meant to keep things out of landfills and have an item go to someone who can really use it, but inevitably there are a few people who just get everything they can and add it to their garage sale or sell it or whatever.

Items I have received are a toaster oven, food processor, salon shampoo, spice rack, filing cabinet, and a spider plant. The only time I posted a WANTED:broom I didn't get it. Assholes.

by ChainGangGuy » Sun Oct 30, 2005 7:10 pm

I like jenni, she seems so nice. With her "may I" and a =), how could anyone deny her so many pennies?

Also, could you tell us a little bit more about this whole FreeCycle webpage? :idea:

by Vitriola » Sun Oct 30, 2005 7:01 pm

Knuckles the CLown the tobacco tax is killing me wrote:I could sure use 3 bucks :(.
I'll leave it on the doorstep for you, buddy.
JJ if you ask 100 girls... wrote:I am interested in the pennies to add to my collection. Would be fun to see what we have that you were missing and vice versa. Can get there Monday morning, coming from Frederick.
Any way you read this, it's a pick-up line.
Freecycler Dave has a flag decal on his Expedition wrote:I wouldlike these to go with my penny collection if it is still avalaible. if so, let me know. I can pick up most anytime.
Would you go on online as AOLer? Didn't think so.
jenni gives cat magnets to people with cats because, you know, they must like cats wrote:may i have the pennies? i know someone who would enjoy
them very much! He collects them and other coins, so
they would have an appriciative owner :)
please wirte back asap

Carol who I suspect has garage sales with the merch wrote:Has the coin collection been taken
Am I not even worth the question mark?
C&M How can he cheat on you if you won't give him any privacy? wrote:I have been collecting for my son and he would love to have them. Address?
Ken, hereafter known as Lonely Ken wrote:I would be interested in your pennies if available. Please let me know and I can pickup. Do you have a number I can call you.
I have read this message 3 times writing this stuff and it shows up as penis every time.


by Knuckles the CLown » Sun Oct 30, 2005 5:47 pm

I could sure use 3 bucks :(.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Oct 30, 2005 4:40 pm

This is truly an interactive website.

by Vitriola » Sun Oct 30, 2005 4:33 pm

ChainGangGuy wrote:Oh, and will there be a poll posted to determine the "winner" of so many pennies?
No. I think...YOU'RE going to decide. One more stack of responses, and YOU decide who jumps over the alligators to pick up the copper. Come on, CGG, you can DO IT!!!!!

by Vitriola » Sun Oct 30, 2005 4:27 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Hmm... is there some way I can get these people to my HOME???
There sure is! Any given one of them will knock on your door after picking up the cleverly placed bag left OUTSIDE the door in order to tell you about their gratitude in the face of their evermounting medical expenses and those damn kids their drunken offspring had and abandoned at grandma's. Oh, and did you have anything else you didn't want?

by Vitriola » Sun Oct 30, 2005 4:23 pm

Girliewoo wrote:Hi! My daughters are 8 and they{twin girls} love collecting coins and I think that this would be so neat for them! Let me know if it's still available and I will pick them up! We are in Longmont, so anytime.
Coincidentally, the aforementioned PS1 went to someone else with twin daughters, and I suspect twin girls getting the cast-offs is the new hotness of guy-with-cute-dog getting the pink.
Jennifer who's gotten so many things from me she knows my real name wrote:Hi Dayna. I would be interested in these coins for my father-in-law, if they are still available. He has been collecting pennies for as long as I can remember, and lately has begun a project to create penny books for each of my sons. I’m sure he would be interested in these to help round out any holes in his collection.
I could pick up either later today or on Monday morning (or whenever worked for you).
She has a very long, convincing, and intricate story every time about why she can best use my wee free thing. I start to believe she is full of shit.
DCC no comment needed wrote:i am interested in your penny collection. thank you
Bunnybutter wrote:I would love to have this for my 10 year old son who has taken an interest in coin collecting. If you still have this please let me know.
Bunnybutter. Sounds like an alternative to Mexican cream.
Amanda who is probably DCC trying to stack the odds wrote:i am will like to have your penny collection for my son.
thank you.
Zola who owns half my things and never remembers who I am, thus indicating she owns half the town's old things wrote:I am very interested in these. I am doing a collection and I could really use it. Please respond. I can come get them immediately if you choose me. Please let me know. Thanks My phone number is 303-xxx-xxxx. Please call me as soon as possible.
Leslie who posts under her husband's account because this Earthlink program is soo hard wrote:I would be interested in these. I am close to Xxx & Xxxxx and could pick
up today.
Thanks, and keep freecycling,
Way too into it, there.
Don here's an email but call me instead because we all like talking to total strangers wrote:I am very interested in the coin collection. Call at 303-XXXXXXX for some guidelines, address, time, etc. or email. your preference.
Sue777sue sue77777su77suesuesue7777suesue7777777 wrote:If still available, I'm teaching my 15 yr old nephew about coins, and we'd make great use of your collection.
A penny is worth 1 cent, and these might be worth 5, lesson over let's sell this crap.

by ChainGangGuy » Sun Oct 30, 2005 4:19 pm

While its no Top 100 Games of All Time List, I really enjoyed this post! :razz:

Oh, and will there be a poll posted to determine the "winner" of so many pennies?

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Oct 30, 2005 4:16 pm

Hmm... is there some way I can get these people to my HOME???
