by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Jun 27, 2006 9:57 am
Worm wrote:Disgaea

Disgaea T-shirt 36.99

Disgaea 3 year old game Used $52.66 - $61.95
So, ICJ, wanna mail me your copy? This is going to be followed up by an opposite thread once I make my way back into MGS3, DMC3, and RE4.
I sold it on eBay a long time ago.
I just couldn't get into it. I don't know why. Maybe it's because X-COM games played through a game pad irritate me. Maybe it's because Japanese X-COM games just give you the area on the screen that you need to work with and then have an effect that looks like you will fall off the edge of the Earth if you try to go too far in a different direction.
Disgaea just made it seem like your tropps were at the bottom of the map, the computer's was at the top and you two were going to meet right in the middle. X-COM is infinitely more playable. It's like someone saw X-COM once, figured they knew everything they needed to know and then put out Final Fantasy Tactics and ... ok, FFT and Disgaea are the only games that come to mind.
A comic store went out of business last summer and they had a new copy of Disgaea there for ten bucks. I should have picked it up for speculative value. I just assumed that Sony re-printed it. It's going for over $50 now? That's crazy. X-COM should therefore go for over a thousand.
Disgaea T-shirt 36.99
Disgaea 3 year old game Used $52.66 - $61.95
So, ICJ, wanna mail me your copy? This is going to be followed up by an opposite thread once I make my way back into MGS3, DMC3, and RE4.[/quote]
I sold it on eBay a long time ago.
I just couldn't get into it. I don't know why. Maybe it's because X-COM games played through a game pad irritate me. Maybe it's because Japanese X-COM games just give you the area on the screen that you need to work with and then have an effect that looks like you will fall off the edge of the Earth if you try to go too far in a different direction.
Disgaea just made it seem like your tropps were at the bottom of the map, the computer's was at the top and you two were going to meet right in the middle. X-COM is infinitely more playable. It's like someone saw X-COM once, figured they knew everything they needed to know and then put out Final Fantasy Tactics and ... ok, FFT and Disgaea are the only games that come to mind.
A comic store went out of business last summer and they had a new copy of Disgaea there for ten bucks. I should have picked it up for speculative value. I just assumed that Sony re-printed it. It's going for over $50 now? That's crazy. X-COM should therefore go for over a thousand.