Bryan B.

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Topic review

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Bryan B.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Dec 05, 2002 5:10 am

As many of you know, the Trotting Krip site was originally the brain child of one Bryan B.

Bryan originally sent out an e-mail dated June 3rd, 1999 looking for IF reviewers for a new site that he was starting. (This message is saved by Google Groups, and you can find it here.) I responded, as I was looking to contribute to the IF scene, and doing so as a reviewer seemed a good way to do so. (This was before I wrote Chicks Dig Jerks.)

Well, as it turns out, I was the only guy to respond to his post, and the two of us started the site. Before too long Ben joined up as the "official" third member, and you could definitely make a case that the success of the site was also highly dependent upon contributions from Roody, Greg, Eric Mayer, and a few others.

I think Bryan started to lose his momentum, when it came to reviewing IF, when the Dino-Comp came out. Bryan reviewed every game in that mini-competition, but shortly after his review rate definitely fell off. The same thing happened to me -- if I am lucky, I seem to be able to write a text adventure review once every six months. But that's a whole nother thread, I think.

The last I had heard from him was a post on the RFTK board when Jeff was hosting it. (You can find all 24 of his posts on that board right here.) I attempted to contact him at the last e-mail address I had for him, but to no avail.

Funnily enough, and the reason I am posting all of this, is that I found a page of his which kept several of his reviews on music, books, movies, websites and so forth. The site is right here:

The above is not Bryan's site -- it's maintained by a guy who knew him, and enjoyed his writings. It seems that the last he heard from Bryan was in April of 2000... certainly, RFTK was in full swing by then, so it seems as if Bryan wanted to keep the two places separate.

There's some great stuff on the Memoriam site. Bryan talked about albums and non-text adventures with as much careful consideration and talent as he did IF. If you remember him at all -- hell, even if you don't -- I highly recommend stopping over and giving the pages a look through.

I'm going to attempt to contact the site owner there and see if he has heard anything as of late. I really hope so, as I fear that possibly something bad has happened to him. Hopefully we can hear from him again.

Bryan, if you're out there dude, we're missing ya.
