by pinback » Thu Aug 03, 2006 3:09 pm
1. Strangely, Far Cry doesn't look any better on my new system, even at the highest levels. I think my video card blows.
2. I said FC was better than HL2, but at that point I hadn't played FC in a couple years. Having reacquainted myself with the game, I want to amend that statement:
FC is WAY better than HL2 in nearly every aspect except for voice acting. Way better. "But we had the buggy you could drive!" FC did it first and better. "But we had the river level where you drove a boat!" FC first and better. "But the physics system!" FC first and, while not as elaborate or as part of the game, functional.
The combat system in FC is so far superior that it barely warrants mentioning.
In summation, FC rules, HL2 (while still being a fine game) drools.
1. Strangely, Far Cry doesn't look any better on my new system, even at the highest levels. I think my video card blows.
2. I said FC was better than HL2, but at that point I hadn't played FC in a couple years. Having reacquainted myself with the game, I want to amend that statement:
FC is WAY better than HL2 in nearly every aspect except for voice acting. Way better. "But we had the buggy you could drive!" FC did it first and better. "But we had the river level where you drove a boat!" FC first and better. "But the physics system!" FC first and, while not as elaborate or as part of the game, functional.
The combat system in FC is so far superior that it barely warrants mentioning.
In summation, FC rules, HL2 (while still being a fine game) drools.