by Jethro Q. Walrustitty » Wed Aug 02, 2006 7:57 am
One other thing to do is play with PinMAME, you can get a rough idea of how the games play there. Unfortunately, I had problems getting one of the Elvira games to play right - it wasn't playing the in-game sounds (like her voice) at all, even though it would if I played it without the playfield emulated, or something like that. It was weird. PinMAME could use a little more development before it's really perfect.
Plus, if you think getting a set of MAME ROMs is tough, that ain't NOTHING compared to getting a complete set of PinMAME ROMs and boards.
But I digress.
Scared Stiff is really good. The earlier game is Party Monster (or Party of the Monsters? something like that) and is good but not as advanced - doesn't have the LED video screen, just a scoreboard, etc.
Off the top of my head, $2,400 is probably not cheap but probably not outrageous, either. It is one of the more desirable games out there.
The pinball pics are at home, gotta put 'em on Groucho. I'll do that.
I would definitely see if there are any local pinball clubs or anything. Now that there's a club in Rochester (with a Yahoo Group - that's a good place to check for local clubs for damn near everything), at least I know that if I have problems, I have some local experts who will be glad to try to help out. Plus I was really happy with the work done on Baby Pac-Man, and it was cheap, so I know there are local professionals if I need work done. So I would feel fairly safe picking up a pinball.
But if you're in a situation where you don't know anyone local who's a pinball nut and the only repair guy is expensive, then it might be a bit more intimidating. Hopefully you can make some contacts - surely the people are out there, the trick is finding them.
But yeah, the high cost and amount of work in moving the things make the initial time/money investment pretty significant.
Someone locally was selling one that was nearly pornographic recently, and were desperate to sell and were pricing it pretty cheap. I might have considered it if I had the extra cash at the time. It had some futuristic robotchick in skintight clothes on the artwork and she'd make orgasmic moaning sounds as you played.
One other thing to do is play with PinMAME, you can get a rough idea of how the games play there. Unfortunately, I had problems getting one of the Elvira games to play right - it wasn't playing the in-game sounds (like her voice) at all, even though it would if I played it without the playfield emulated, or something like that. It was weird. PinMAME could use a little more development before it's really perfect.
Plus, if you think getting a set of MAME ROMs is tough, that ain't NOTHING compared to getting a complete set of PinMAME ROMs and boards.
But I digress.
Scared Stiff is really good. The earlier game is Party Monster (or Party of the Monsters? something like that) and is good but not as advanced - doesn't have the LED video screen, just a scoreboard, etc.
Off the top of my head, $2,400 is probably not cheap but probably not outrageous, either. It is one of the more desirable games out there.
The pinball pics are at home, gotta put 'em on Groucho. I'll do that.
I would definitely see if there are any local pinball clubs or anything. Now that there's a club in Rochester (with a Yahoo Group - that's a good place to check for local clubs for damn near everything), at least I know that if I have problems, I have some local experts who will be glad to try to help out. Plus I was really happy with the work done on Baby Pac-Man, and it was cheap, so I know there are local professionals if I need work done. So I would feel fairly safe picking up a pinball.
But if you're in a situation where you don't know anyone local who's a pinball nut and the only repair guy is expensive, then it might be a bit more intimidating. Hopefully you can make some contacts - surely the people are out there, the trick is finding them.
But yeah, the high cost and amount of work in moving the things make the initial time/money investment pretty significant.
Someone locally was selling one that was nearly pornographic recently, and were desperate to sell and were pricing it pretty cheap. I might have considered it if I had the extra cash at the time. It had some futuristic robotchick in skintight clothes on the artwork and she'd make orgasmic moaning sounds as you played.