DLP vs. Plasma

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by Worm » Mon Sep 04, 2006 2:41 pm

So, he's a disembodied foot, and I'm an ant? I really don't understand the idea of scale, does gleevil view himself as a giant and us ants? Isn't giving the "King Kong ain't got SHIT on me!" line in a message board about your style of posting, pretty fucking gay?

Am I like SKO Lizzie, and the Internet a poor four skyscraper mini-city?
No. We're people, and you're the guy who stalks his girlfriend and spent his childhood hunting out ant-hills, apparently. Maybe you should have played video games? Maybe a Gauntlet metaphor would have been better accepted by people who think that ants nest in houses exclusively?

I'm no maggot, but I have the oddest feeling that this guy wants me to cum on his face.

by jc lurker » Sun Sep 03, 2006 7:02 pm

I'm amused that his grandiose metaphor for this exchange... still involves him killing a bunch of ants.

by Souffle of Pain » Sun Sep 03, 2006 6:31 pm

i dont get it wrote:
Lysander wrote:I'm just amused at how quickly this guy showed up. Either he or one of his "friends" has been reading JC but never posting for every day for the past three years (an act that is so socially inept that it blows right passed "creepy" and goes right into "pathetic" territory) or he has a sixth nerd sense giving him the ability to smell internet ph34r and hone in on it like Kate Moss and the last straw in the house.
Souffle of Pain wrote:Heya everybody! Wazzup?
This is because I LOVE drama. This kind, even more so. Are you kidding me? An opportunity to tell someone who essentially stole money from me to fuck off - and he won't say anything in return? This is a wet dream.

Did Dayna date anybody who worked on Doom 3? Let's bring one of those guys over. I'd paint pinback's house if he revealed that savvyraven went out with the 2600 Pacman guy.

Whatever. This guy got more 50%s than discussions about voter turnout. I told him to eat shit and he sat there and ate it WITH GLEE.

Wazzup, indeed!

Re: Mighty Foot Engaged

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Sep 03, 2006 5:45 pm

(You don't have to fill out the "subject" tag on this shitty software. It's barely visible. But then again, I understand why you're particularly sympathetic to shitty software, having written the great percentage of it.)
Evil Gleedux wrote:When I was a little kid, about five years old, I sometimes found it amusing to kick over anthills.
Wait, you? Or someone pretending to be you? I do like how you had to go all the way to kindergarten age to find someone with less evolved attitudes towards women than yourself. Go back to pretending you were somebody else, you fuck, at least doing that let you try to save face. (Though in your case, judging by the picture up above, I wouldn't try to save face at all if I were you.)

No, you got properly identified as a cowering bitch and when faced with the HORRIFYING concept of having to deal with men instead of yelling at women, you backed right down, scurried off and spoke in generalities. Your attempt to not offend any particular person here is truly touching and revealing. You're pathetic, predictable, and I'm glad everyone else can see you for the slime that you've always been.

Unable to dispute the essential, fundamental reality of the foot in their house
If you're saying that we didn't dispute the fact that you're not a socially inept, utterly worthless cretin that was obviously the problem in your own relationship(s), then think this over again. You'll be coming here for the next four years, so you'll have plenty of time. Though hearing you bring up the concept of "reality" is fantastic. I'm sure "Tiffany" probably enjoys the hell out of these posts, or whatever woman you've made up to be at the office that's interested in you this week, you delusional fucking sociopath.


... It's rough when you can't release a patch for your shitty posts, isn't it? You're kind of working without a net here.

the denizens instead fell into chittering chemical critiques of the name of the company that made my shoelaces
Hey, we didn't even get into the Wolf Age. If anything, we went easy on the shoelaces.

or even better, the questionable status of someone who would spent five minutes of his life at an anthill.
This works a lot better if you didn't spend the majority of your life on one of a hundred different retard-filled forums filled with sigs longer than your own single-minded drive to insult women, all while furiously steering clear of guys who call you out for the obvious coward you are.

A few decades later, it's still kind of entertaining.
No kidding! You're probably wearing the same retarded grin you've already treated us with. Ho, ho, ho! No, it's a GREAT picture, champ. You look like something that an art school dropout put together with a protractor, white enamel and a couple of hobo's spinchters. Make a strong move for Threadless to create a "bag" division and do some actual good for mankind by wearing it all over your ghoul's-stare grin.

Because I care, here's some help. I hope it lets you finally stop wrestling with what is obviously the biggest mystery in your life: you can finally figure out why "ICJ got laid" after all these years by taking a look at yourself in the mirror. ("Figuratively?") Well, no.

Mighty Foot Engaged

by Evil Gleedux » Sun Sep 03, 2006 4:52 pm

When I was a little kid, about five years old, I sometimes found it amusing to kick over anthills. Unable to dispute the essential, fundamental reality of the foot in their house, the denizens instead fell into chittering chemical critiques of the name of the company that made my shoelaces, or even better, the questionable status of someone who would spent five minutes of his life at an anthill. A few decades later, it's still kind of entertaining.

by Knuckles the CLown » Sun Sep 03, 2006 2:17 pm




by Lysander » Sat Sep 02, 2006 8:24 pm

Jesus Christ, "evil glee". If you're going to pretend to be someone you're not, you could at least fucking change your online handle so that we can't take two seconds on a google search to find out. When you go into the lesbian chatrooms as a 20-year-old Southern Californian girl do you do that with your Evil Glee profile, as well?

by i dont get it » Sat Sep 02, 2006 8:18 pm

Lysander wrote:I'm just amused at how quickly this guy showed up. Either he or one of his "friends" has been reading JC but never posting for every day for the past three years (an act that is so socially inept that it blows right passed "creepy" and goes right into "pathetic" territory) or he has a sixth nerd sense giving him the ability to smell internet ph34r and hone in on it like Kate Moss and the last straw in the house.
Souffle of Pain wrote:Heya everybody! Wazzup?

by Souffle of Pain » Sat Sep 02, 2006 7:24 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: If you want to take the moral high ground, you could volunteer to send Souffle his $55 bucks back. Years later (and you've obviously got no problem with the concept of "years later!" It's like Souf just bought it!) he still doesn't stop talking about it.
Whoa! I appreciate the gesture, but leave me out of this. I don't want this diminutive psycho knowing my address. Four years later he'll show up all crazy and shrieking. Or rate my shirt poorly.

by bruce » Sat Sep 02, 2006 5:23 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I don't think I've said three words to most of the girls I used to date since the break-up.
You're missing out.

Some of mine, I go to their weddings.
ICJ wrote:Get cancer. For the win!
Best of.


by Draal » Sat Sep 02, 2006 4:21 pm

Isn't Troika a song from Tetris?

Because of this forum, will Troika stop being associated with falling puzzle pieces and become the rallying call of the oddly tired?

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sat Sep 02, 2006 3:55 pm

Souffle of Pain wrote:Is this one of the Troika guys?
Better than that. It was her ex-boyfriend! Andrew Meggs of Mythic Entertainment and Troika. I guess he didn't care very much if we figured that out. It does make his attempt at painting a picture that there was some guy out there that was moonstruck with him and just logging on & posting to have his back more hilarious. Nobody has this shitstain's back, because whether he realizes it or not, he's stricken with an industrial grade level of unwarranted megalomania.

But that just makes this ... all of this... even better. I don't think I've said three words to most of the girls I used to date since the break-up. This guy IMs about once a week, always desperately seeking attention or validation or trying to make Dayna feel bad or something. And they split up YEARS ago. When he bought a house the first person he scurried off and notified was Dayna. Jesus Christ -- buying a house is like having babies. Anybody can do it, and it's not all that impressive if you're over 30. But I guess can't fault him too much for trying to go "LOOK! L@@K at ME!!" because when we got our house I did admittedly send pics to the girl across the street that I innocently 'kissed' when we were both four years old. Yeah, now that I think about it, this is perfectly normal behavior.

But many of my earlier points stand. Thanks for checking in, Meggs. You fucking pathetic unloved, sadsacked degenerate. I'm glad you could squeeze us in between giving a shitty score to Threadless Design #244 and #245. If your life is so empty that you need, you just fucking need to tell teenage kids that their rendition of Che Guevera stinks then you obviously have it all together. And if you seriously thought that you were going to pile on my girl in fucking front of me without me or her friends sticking up for her, then I'm sure you won't mind us all descending on the little wall-eyed, alien-faced, pre-op tranny that's following you around like an order-taking drone and who's just as interesting. We'll get right on that. What kind of a man goes and insults a girl he used to date years ago? You're nothing more than a mewling, bleating child. Yours has continually been the most pathetic behavior I've ever seen out of somebody older than 15 years old. Grow the fuck up.

This week Dayna and Aardvark gave pinback a hard time and next week Pinner will tease me and the week after that Pinback's girl will call us all assholes. Such complicated social dynamics are completely lost on you because at your core, there's nothing fucking there. A big blank spot when it comes to enjoying the company of others. Everybody who knows you despises you. Ahhhhndrew.

When I met Dayna, in college, she was a cool and confident young woman with a radiant beauty, a warm and open heart and a fragile kindness that I've not seen before or since. She was instantly one of the most important people in my life during that time. To see the effect that you and some of your horrible "friends" had on her in the years that passed is sickening. You should be a-fucking-shamed of yourself. For Christ's sake, she's out volunteering right now and has been all day. If you want to take the moral high ground, you could volunteer to send Souffle his $55 bucks back. Years later (and you've obviously got no problem with the concept of "years later!" It's like Souf just bought it!) he still doesn't stop talking about it.

Get cancer. For the win!

by Souffle of Pain » Sat Sep 02, 2006 2:01 pm

Lysander wrote:I'm just amused at how quickly this guy showed up. Either he or one of his "friends" has been reading JC but never posting for every day for the past three years (an act that is so socially inept that it blows right passed "creepy" and goes right into "pathetic" territory)
I love drama.

Is this one of the Troika guys? If their dialogue in real life is anything like the shitty, shitty conversations in their horrible games no wonder those get togethers weren't as smooth as "Evil Glee" so desperately wanted. I can't believe these guys had problems with women. They're so smooth!


This is why you all got fucking fired. "Niche" is just another word for "garbage." Eat shit.

by Lysander » Sat Sep 02, 2006 1:08 pm

I'm just amused at how quickly this guy showed up. Either he or one of his "friends" has been reading JC but never posting for every day for the past three years (an act that is so socially inept that it blows right passed "creepy" and goes right into "pathetic" territory) or he has a sixth nerd sense giving him the ability to smell internet ph34r and hone in on it like Kate Moss and the last straw in the house.

by Shredder » Sat Sep 02, 2006 12:45 pm

retard wrote:/Plasmas burn in, DLP has rainbows, go with Sony LCoS for the win.
"For the win"? FTW!! Hot and timely! Try not spending you entire life on the fucking Internet, you miserable, buttfucking trendfag. If you can't even "anonymously" talk shit about someone who was absolutely correct to write you off as a worthless coward without using the current catchphrase championed by nobodies that spend nine hours reading forums each day then I think it's time to take a long look at your life and realize that the problem, as always, is you.
Seriously. Seeing that stupid meme spread like wildfire over easily impressionable losers is getting very tired. The longer he talked the clearer it was why nobody liked him.

I did like how he still tried to contribute to the thread. Savvyraven might just turn single! He'll impress her with his awesome geek cred!

Re: only the names have changed

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sat Sep 02, 2006 11:56 am

Evil Glee wrote:The funny thing is, whether they realize it or not, this is the real reason Vitriola and Ice Cream Jonesy are together.
Hahaha! Lookee here! Some me-obsessed maggot coming out of the woodwork to try to get a couple digs in. I couldn't be more thrilled. His glee is EVIL, everybody! He is chuckling up his sleeve at all this in a very "evil" manner. This is going to be a lot of fun.
Some years ago, some other guy got tired of her doing the verbal equivalent of peeing on the carpet every time they tried to hang out with his friends or coworkers.
Yeah, these people were all a bunch of real winners. A pack of social retards and complete fucking zeroes that clung together for companionship and warmth so that they could all make shitty games and eye-rolling ports together. Fantastic. I don't know why that didn't go any smoother when clearly you bony, sunlight-fearing hominids had it all figured out. She probably accidentally looked at a catcher's mitt or football without hissing and making the "cross" sign with her fingers and was instantly ostracized by you pasty, breathy maggots.

He got tired of choosing between having a relationship with her and having a social circle of any sort. And the resentment built up until he was all but walking around with a sign over his head reading "NEXT".
Wait a sec, two people dated for a while and then it didn't work out? JESUS FUCK. Well, shit. I can definitely see why you needed to post about this three years later -- I didn't at first, but holy shit. You should have led with that. Not doing so was in fact "Evil!" After all, when YOU are involved with a woman, she stays comfortably on your C: drive (no need to hide it when you are this alone) and there's never any tension. No wonder this blew your mind.

That's not to say he was some great guy...
Well, he certainly left quite the impression on you. I bet he's proud that you're throwing down the gauntlet and not letting this horseshit stand!

But where it all started was the way Vitriola, by being thoroughly rude and indecent, pretty much ruined any [short or long]-term possibility of [having any] real-life friends.
But you're such an obviously nice and together guy! I've seen about three laughably pathetic paragraphs from you and I've already been "rude and indecent" to you. I can't imagine having to associate with your type in real life. God, WHY WAS DAYNA SO RUDE!?!? You're so undeserving of it!

And that's how ICJ got laid.
ICJ got laid because he's not posting from a fucking "Danger Hiptop" on the Saturday of Labor Day weekend. But I guess www.danger.com fits the whole evil theme you ran with. The mobile landscape looks a little unshaped today, bitch. Get to it! Chop chop!

/Plasmas burn in, DLP has rainbows, go with Sony LCoS for the win.
"For the win"? FTW!! Hot and timely! Try not spending you entire life on the fucking Internet, you miserable, buttfucking trendfag. If you can't even "anonymously" talk shit about someone who was absolutely correct to write you off as a worthless coward without using the current catchphrase championed by nobodies that spend nine hours reading forums each day then I think it's time to take a long look at your life and realize that the problem, as always, is you.

But thanks for checking in! You did a very evil thing, just like you predicted, and nobody here knew at all how to respond to you. Your best bet at this point is to screencap this page rather than send a out a link so you can edit out my response and still get hoots and props from your honk-nosed buddies the next time you all get together to totally ironically watch a bad movie or trade Homelands Expansions with each other. Or whatever you frightened nerdlings do.

only the names have changed

by Evil Glee » Sat Sep 02, 2006 11:02 am

pinback wrote:To be clear, Vitriola has, by being thoroughly rude and indecent, pretty much ruined any short-term possibility of us all being real-life friends. Aardvark has now joined that crew, but who gives a fuck about him.
The funny thing is, whether they realize it or not, this is the real reason Vitriola and Ice Cream Jonesy are together.

Some years ago, some other guy got tired of her doing the verbal equivalent of peeing on the carpet every time they tried to hang out with his friends or coworkers. He got tired of choosing between having a relationship with her and having a social circle of any sort. And the resentment built up until he was all but walking around with a sign over his head reading "NEXT".

That's not to say he was some great guy...most obviously, he got the "dump her and nail her friend" part horribly backwards. But where it all started was the way Vitriola, by being thoroughly rude and indecent, pretty much ruined any [short or long]-term possibility of [having any] real-life friends.

And that's how ICJ got laid.

/Plasmas burn in, DLP has rainbows, go with Sony LCoS for the win.

by Worm » Fri Sep 01, 2006 8:06 am

Man, everyone is on fucking drugs.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Aug 31, 2006 11:05 pm

pinback wrote:How were you able to write that long and coherent a message with a "TLC's What Not To Wear" marathon blasting in the background?
I'm on drugs now. Hadn't you heard? It was like someone else was listening to WNTW.

by pinback » Thu Aug 31, 2006 11:00 pm

How were you able to write that long and coherent a message with a "TLC's What Not To Wear" marathon blasting in the background?
