by pinback » Sat Sep 09, 2006 11:10 am
I feel that people are really enjoying this new feature.
HOT SAUCE: Da' Bomb, The Final Answer
I can take it pretty hot, and I eat stuff like Endorphin Rush like candy , I hadn't graduated to the ultra hot categories yet when I tried Da'Bomb.
A buddy of mine and I have a running dialog of taunts regarding hot sauces. I was his office one day and he reached in his desk and said "hey tough-guy, try some of this stuff if you're such a bad@$$"
I was about ready to leave to go home, but I figured what the heck. I opened the bottle stuck the cap of a pen in and got just a tiny bit.
I honestly didn't have any reaction at all in the beginning (4-5 minutes). My buddy was quite impressed. It was hot, but nothing I couldn't handle. So, I left.
About 3 miles down the road (right when I got on the highway) I noticed that my lips were numb and my upper lip was sweating. Then it hit me!! WHOA!! My dog actually started talking to ENGLISH!! I could feel this mohawk like band of hair down the top of my head try to stand up, my ears started to ring and I started sweating. I actually started laughing because the experience was pretty funny.
I think I even started to get a woody, but then my vision started to narrow. I was crackin' up. I actually had to pull over to the side cause my eyes were watering so bad. I wiped my eyes and ....BIG MISTAKE!!!
Somehow, I must have gotten just a microscopic amount on my hand while opening the bottle.
For the next 10 minutes or so I just sat there in agony hoping the highway patrol didn't pull up and inquire what the hell was going on, eyes watering and drooling through lips that were unable to retain any form. I swear my tongue was glowing! I felt like I was on some kind of drugs. I think I even might have hallucinated for a minute. WOW, THAT was some HOT SH!T!!!!
I called my buddy on my cell phone from the side of the road and he told me the next day that he couldn't understand a word I told him. "BLAAA MFFFFT, FFFDGGGAAAA GLEEEEEMAAPPP FFFFFT SSSSSRRRRGGTTT!!" was what he said I told him.
I must have taken a little more than just a drop because I think I definitely blew a couple "O" rings the next day. Now I have a permanently radioactive hemmrhoid that I can tune like an FM radio with my belt buckle (but it comes in handy at parties).
I don't know what took it so long to have an effect on me, but when it did....LOOKOUT!! My dog still doesn't look at me the same way we've communicated on some new level.
I don't know if I'm up for The Source anymore!!! I used to think I was, but we'll see. I think I'll just try some of the others.
- smackdaddy
I feel that people are really enjoying this new feature.
HOT SAUCE: Da' Bomb, The Final Answer
I can take it pretty hot, and I eat stuff like Endorphin Rush like candy , I hadn't graduated to the ultra hot categories yet when I tried Da'Bomb.
A buddy of mine and I have a running dialog of taunts regarding hot sauces. I was his office one day and he reached in his desk and said "hey tough-guy, try some of this stuff if you're such a bad@$$"
I was about ready to leave to go home, but I figured what the heck. I opened the bottle stuck the cap of a pen in and got just a tiny bit.
I honestly didn't have any reaction at all in the beginning (4-5 minutes). My buddy was quite impressed. It was hot, but nothing I couldn't handle. So, I left.
About 3 miles down the road (right when I got on the highway) I noticed that my lips were numb and my upper lip was sweating. Then it hit me!! WHOA!! My dog actually started talking to ENGLISH!! I could feel this mohawk like band of hair down the top of my head try to stand up, my ears started to ring and I started sweating. I actually started laughing because the experience was pretty funny.
I think I even started to get a woody, but then my vision started to narrow. I was crackin' up. I actually had to pull over to the side cause my eyes were watering so bad. I wiped my eyes and ....BIG MISTAKE!!!
Somehow, I must have gotten just a microscopic amount on my hand while opening the bottle.
For the next 10 minutes or so I just sat there in agony hoping the highway patrol didn't pull up and inquire what the hell was going on, eyes watering and drooling through lips that were unable to retain any form. I swear my tongue was glowing! I felt like I was on some kind of drugs. I think I even might have hallucinated for a minute. WOW, THAT was some HOT SH!T!!!!
I called my buddy on my cell phone from the side of the road and he told me the next day that he couldn't understand a word I told him. "BLAAA MFFFFT, FFFDGGGAAAA GLEEEEEMAAPPP FFFFFT SSSSSRRRRGGTTT!!" was what he said I told him.
I must have taken a little more than just a drop because I think I definitely blew a couple "O" rings the next day. Now I have a permanently radioactive hemmrhoid that I can tune like an FM radio with my belt buckle (but it comes in handy at parties).
I don't know what took it so long to have an effect on me, but when it did....LOOKOUT!! My dog still doesn't look at me the same way we've communicated on some new level.
I don't know if I'm up for The Source anymore!!! I used to think I was, but we'll see. I think I'll just try some of the others.
- smackdaddy