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Expand view Topic review: Hey guys!

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Dec 26, 2002 9:27 am

Wha... what's going on here? How did I reply to the wrong message..? Romey?? What? Daughter in porn..? Wha... what's..... huh?

by Ben » Wed Dec 25, 2002 11:47 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Two questions for the originator of the thread!
Go ahead! I'm listening!
1) Can we now refer to you as "The Debaser" some of the time now, like how some of us refer to the Gotham Knight as "the Batman"?
Hey, what is this happy horseshit?? I didn't spend $7000 on training so some punk can come on here and start calling me "The Debaser".
2) Should this be posted on the main page for posterity?
How about you post this on the main page for posterity.

by Ben » Wed Dec 25, 2002 11:46 pm

Welp, I'm back! I didn't die or nothing! Though I was continually fumbling over my words on the radio, which was quite embarrassing, but Jesus, I hadn't flown at night, let alone solo at night, in SEVEN GODDAMN YEARS, and I was a little nervous.

(Plus I skipped part of the preflight checklist, so I was partly concerned that the engine was going to give out at any given moment.)

Now, onto the questions!
AArdvark wrote:Are you cleard for instrument only flying?
No I am not. That's another $6, $7 thousand. Sigh.

by James » Wed Dec 25, 2002 11:11 pm

Can I start posting like this a few times and be your arch-nemesis?

by Debaser » Wed Dec 25, 2002 9:46 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Two questions for the originator of the thread!
I am going to assume this was intended for my Christmas shopping post, though I do realize how dangerous such an assumption might prove. If, however, you simply wish to start referring to Ben as "The Debaser", just pretend this post doesn't exist and go right on with your life.
1) Can we now refer to you as "The Debaser" some of the time now, like how some of us refer to the Gotham Knight as "the Batman"?
I was thinking about posting a poll to see whether people preferred me con or sans the article, but then I figured I probably shouldn't delve into that level of self-absorption before I'd given the people here more reason to give a shit about my existance both on this BBS and in the universe in general. Short answer: You can call me whatever you wish.
2) Should this be posted on the main page for posterity?
That is entirely your call. I, however, would feel giddy as a school girl if you did so.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Dec 25, 2002 9:31 pm

Two questions for the originator of the thread!

1) Can we now refer to you as "The Debaser" some of the time now, like how some of us refer to the Gotham Knight as "the Batman"?

2) Should this be posted on the main page for posterity?

by The JC Comedy Players » Wed Dec 25, 2002 9:26 pm

If you've ever seen Ben, you'd be thinking it's more along the lines of John Denver, not John Kennedy.

by AArdvark » Wed Dec 25, 2002 9:02 pm

Are you cleard for instrument only flying? I have visions of JFK jr. on the West coast.


by Ben » Wed Dec 25, 2002 8:40 pm

Welp, I'm off to practice some night flying!

This could be the last post I'll ever write here!

by AArdvark » Wed Dec 25, 2002 3:52 pm

Oh yeah now I see them..



by Query Beaver » Tue Dec 24, 2002 7:21 pm

ChainGangGuy wrote:1. The sheet you, or someone you love, is holding turned out a bit blurry. What's it say, and what is the significance of this ditto?
It's the front of the Los Angeles sectional chart ("map"). The significance is that I was doing some "last minute flight planning" whilst sitting on the pot in the Men's room.
The Cessna 172. Alright. Sounds nice, Ben. Now then, did you request this particular model (and if so, why) or were you simply assigned it (and if so, why)?
I am only "checked out in" (allowed by the rental company to fly) Cessna 172's and Cessna 152's. I chose the 172 because it's a little roomier, a little more comfortable, and a little faster. (Also, a little more expensive.)
3. "Left base for 15L." What's 15L referring to?
The number of the runway I was instructed to land upon. Santa Barbara has three runways, two of which are parallel. To keep from getting them confused, when landing to the south, the one on the "left" (from the perspective of the landing airplane) is called "15 Left" (or "15L"), and the other, "15 Right". (That's "one-five right", never "fifteen right".)

I've included a helpful link to aid visualization.

4. Did you sneak a fine brew while at the Silver Wings Restaurant & Bar? A Moling's Celtic Ale or a Boddington's maybe?
I did not. That would be in violation of Federal Aviation Regulation 91.17.
5. In picture 'sba34' there's a warning label. Isn't it a little late for a warning?
Yes. I guess I was supposed to read that before I took off. Oh well!
6. What was your highest elevation during the flight?
4,500 feet above mean sea level. Actually, I probably drifted up to about 4,700 when I wasn't paying attention, but don't tell anybody.
7. Is the Cessna 172 a one-person vehicle?
It can comfortably carry a pilot and a passenger. It can uncomfortably carry an extra two passengers. (Four-seater, in other words.)
Do you ever get lonely during long flights?
I don't know. None of my flights have been particularly long, and the ones I've had, I was too nervous and/or busy to get lonely.
Are you allowed to listen to music while piloting an aircraft?
I don't recommend it. There may be a regulation against it, too, but I forget.
8. You've been doing this flying gig for awhile, but still, do you ever get nervous? Pre-flight jitters? And do you have any "close call" stories?
Keep in mind, this is the first stint of flying I've done in seven years, and even before that, I hadn't done much, so it's all still VERY new to me. I mean, yesterday was the first time I'd soloed in an aircraft in SEVEN YEARS. Yes, I was very nervous. Yes, jitters.

I had a near midair collision back in 1995 while I was still training. But I had an instructor in the airplane at the time, so it wasn't my fault.

by ChainGangGuy » Tue Dec 24, 2002 6:07 pm

I was curious about a few more things:

1. The sheet you, or someone you love, is holding turned out a bit blurry. What's it say, and what is the significance of this ditto?

2. The Cessna 172. Alright. Sounds nice, Ben. Now then, did you request this particular model (and if so, why) or were you simply assigned it (and if so, why)?

3. "Left base for 15L." What's 15L referring to?

4. Did you sneak a fine brew while at the Silver Wings Restaurant & Bar? A Moling's Celtic Ale or a Boddington's maybe?

5. In picture 'sba34' there's a warning label. Isn't it a little late for a warning?

6. What was your highest elevation during the flight?

7. Is the Cessna 172 a one-person vehicle? Do you ever get lonely during long flights? Are you allowed to listen to music while piloting an aircraft?

8. You've been doing this flying gig for awhile, but still, do you ever get nervous? Pre-flight jitters? And do you have any "close call" stories?

Re: Checking about a pilot's license

by Ben » Tue Dec 24, 2002 4:27 pm

bruce wrote:So, how would you go about verifying that Person John Doe, with Social Security Number 123-45-6789 does/does not have a pilot's license?
Well, I've found a couple places to search for that sort of information, but I don't show up on any of 'em. I suspect this is because my info was not declared "releasable". However, I got a letter from the FAA last week saying that in 60 days (or some period of time), they're going to "release" all the information, unless you specifically ask them to do otherwise.

In any case, try searching here:


Re: More Questions

by Ben » Tue Dec 24, 2002 4:21 pm

Now THESE are some questions!
ChainGangGuy wrote:1. What are those books you have precariously placed on top of your speaker?
Large book on top: Jeppesen Private Pilot Manual
Small book on bottom: An empty notebook.
2. `PILOTS GUIDE to CALIFORNIA AIRPORTS'. An important thing to have, I'm sure, but is it a requirement that you take it with you on the plane?
No, it is not. I simply needed it so I knew where to find the restaurant in Santa Barbara
3. The "N172EP". What kind of airplane is it and what are it's capabilities?
Cessna 172. It's "capabilities"? Well, it can fly, for one thing. Cruises at about 110 knots. Stalls out at about 45 with flaps down. Can't do loops. No in-flight meal service.
4. How long did the flight take?
There and back, 2.8 hours. But some of that was taxiing on the ground, and some of that was a "sightseeing detour" I took on the way back. If you go direct, it's about an hour each way.
5. Was there a post-flight feast, and if so, what did you feast upon?
I feasted on cheap champagne and Ben's Famous Grilled Cheese and Egg Sandwich.
6. Would you estimate how much you've spent on getting your pilots license thus far?
Well, I got my license seven years ago. To that point it had probably cost somewhere between $4000-$5000. Since I've gotten back into it, I've spent exactly $1709, which includes getting current again, buying all sorts of new books and new toys, and yesterday's cross-country flight.
7. Picture 'sba18.jpg.' It appears as though some editing took place on this pic. Why so many secrets?
That editing took the form of brown paint that someone had layered over the bottom half of the sign. Talk to them.
8. From what I hear, there's a sort of "checklist" a pilot must complete before taking off.
Yes. We call it "the checklist to complete before taking off".
What is it?
Make sure there's gas. Make sure there's oil. Make sure all the controllable surfaces on the airplane are... controllable. Make sure the instruments are working right. Make sure the gas that's in there is the RIGHT kind of gas. Make sure the lights work. Make sure the required documents are in the plane. Make sure the propeller's in good order. Make sure there ain't no screws missing on the airplane. Make sure the engine is running okay.
Are you thorough with this checklist, or do you perform it halfheartedly?
For the first flight of the day, I am very thorough. After a quick stopover, though, I'm more likely to just give it a once-over. "Gas? Check. Controllable? Check. Doors locked? Check. We up out this beeyotch!"
Boy, the world sure does look very Sim City-ish.
I noticed that my damn self. That's probably how they (and by "They" I mean "Will Whatshisname") got the idea in the first place.

Checking about a pilot's license

by bruce » Tue Dec 24, 2002 3:49 pm

So, Ben, something has come up that you might be able to help with.

My wife and her dad interviewed a candidate for Rice yesterday. And the kid claims he is a dyslexic Eagle Scout with a pilot's license.

Which might be true. But he might just be a good liar.

So, how would you go about verifying that Person John Doe, with Social Security Number 123-45-6789 does/does not have a pilot's license?


More Questions

by ChainGangGuy » Tue Dec 24, 2002 3:49 pm

1. What are those books you have precariously placed on top of your speaker?

2. `PILOTS GUIDE to CALIFORNIA AIRPORTS'. An important thing to have, I'm sure, but is it a requirement that you take it with you on the plane?

3. The "N172EP". What kind of airplane is it and what are it's capabilities?

4. How long did the flight take?

5. Was there a post-flight feast, and if so, what did you feast upon?

6. Would you estimate how much you've spent on getting your pilots license thus far?

7. Picture 'sba18.jpg.' It appears as though some editing took place on this pic. Why so many secrets?

8. From what I hear, there's a sort of "checklist" a pilot must complete before taking off. What is it? Are you thorough with this checklist, or do you perform it halfheartedly?

Generic Comments:

Boy, the world sure does look very Sim City-ish.

by Ben » Tue Dec 24, 2002 2:35 pm

So the captions ("Oxnard", "Camarillo") and the large "Santa Barbara Airport" sign weren't clues?

by AArdvark » Tue Dec 24, 2002 7:25 am

What part of California am I looking at when I browse the pix? I am guessing halfway between Long Beach and San Diego.


by Ben » Tue Dec 24, 2002 3:56 am

1. I like this shirt, bitch. (Also, I only own about three shirts. That's one of them. And one of the others looks almost identical.)

2. "FBO" stands for "Fixed-Base Operator". I don't know what it means. But that's the generic term for "a place that does airplane crap". So rather than enter a specific person's name, they just say "FBO". Bitch.

by ChainGangGuy » Tue Dec 24, 2002 3:39 am

After viewing the last bit of pictured documentation at the bottom, a question arose.

That 'salesperson'. FBO.

Man, Woman, or Machine?
