by Concerned Parent » Fri Jan 19, 2007 4:07 pm
Is there a problem with "bad parents" ? Did they run a poll or census and feed the results through a Cray Super Computer to determine that yes, smoking is harmful to children and that yes, it would be effective to sort out those stupid fucken punks who would dare like a cig in front of a toddler?
Surely there is a logical and thoughtful process behind the law, instead of someone, say a member of the State Legislature, driving into work and seeing an "adult" smoking in front of a child and putting "smoking bad" with "children" and creating an issue where no one else could give a happy god damn fuck about it?
About the government; issues are antedotal, somehow they are related to a Congress woman or stupid fuck sitting in office who has expierenced some event that they think should be expunged, even if its one person doing it on a bad day or in a habit they haven't realized its a habit.
So... We get a group of busy bodies with POWER and give them the ability and oppertunity to use THAT POWER to enforce an issue they percieve to be an issue and in effect, over apply one idea or aspect to everyone and everything.
The Federal Government sucks because they are allowed to apply a consequence through force, to a specific instance or action in only an overgenerlized sense; laws apply to everyone regardless of the consequences.
And then theres the idea that the police or "authority" will know best when to apply a consequence to a context when the truth, if they'd just leave the issue alone, no one would care.
So... Lets ban the sun! It causes skin cancer!
Also, I need a smoke.
Is there a problem with "bad parents" ? Did they run a poll or census and feed the results through a Cray Super Computer to determine that yes, smoking is harmful to children and that yes, it would be effective to sort out those stupid fucken punks who would dare like a cig in front of a toddler?
Surely there is a logical and thoughtful process behind the law, instead of someone, say a member of the State Legislature, driving into work and seeing an "adult" smoking in front of a child and putting "smoking bad" with "children" and creating an issue where no one else could give a happy god damn fuck about it?
About the government; issues are antedotal, somehow they are related to a Congress woman or stupid fuck sitting in office who has expierenced some event that they think should be expunged, even if its one person doing it on a bad day or in a habit they haven't realized its a habit.
So... We get a group of busy bodies with POWER and give them the ability and oppertunity to use THAT POWER to enforce an issue they percieve to be an issue and in effect, over apply one idea or aspect to everyone and everything.
The Federal Government sucks because they are allowed to apply a consequence through force, to a specific instance or action in only an overgenerlized sense; laws apply to everyone regardless of the consequences.
And then theres the idea that the police or "authority" will know best when to apply a consequence to a context when the truth, if they'd just leave the issue alone, no one would care.
So... Lets ban the sun! It causes skin cancer!
Also, I need a smoke.