by Nihil Vulture » Mon Apr 16, 2007 1:50 am
Ladies and Gents! I introduce to you the most awesome RPG Maker of them all.... The Great, The Powerful, The Awesome... THE BARD'S TALE CONSTRUCTION SET! I found it on Icestorm9999's Bard's Tale tribute website.... You can Wiki BARD'S TALE, and learn more about... It can make stand-alones, but I do not know for sure if it is compadible to WinXP,seeings how it is down right now... And I am WinME! I might as well get the RPG Archives by Interplay
Ladies and Gents! I introduce to you the most awesome RPG Maker of them all.... The Great, The Powerful, The Awesome... THE BARD'S TALE CONSTRUCTION SET! I found it on Icestorm9999's Bard's Tale tribute website.... You can Wiki BARD'S TALE, and learn more about... It can make stand-alones, but I do not know for sure if it is compadible to WinXP,seeings how it is down right now... And I am WinME! I might as well get the RPG Archives by Interplay