Edge #175 - May, 2007

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Expand view Topic review: Edge #175 - May, 2007

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon May 21, 2007 10:01 am

I have not seen the physical issue yet, but a Google Alert told me of the following link:

http://www.next-gen.biz/index.php?optio ... 4&Itemid=2

Which I think is what the article in the magazine has, but I won't know for certain until I get Edge #175. Anyway, I'll put up the full interview at some point.

Edge #175 - May, 2007

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Apr 20, 2007 12:23 am

Hey, looks like it is out. This is the one referenced on the front page, the one where Keza interviewed me.

The May edition of Edge is on sale now. In this issue, we focus on gaming’s future, rounding up the trends, technologies and talents that will change the way we play, from Home to HD, while also contemplating some red herrings along the way. We also take a look at what games can learn from books, speaking to Obsidian’s Chris Avellone and interactive fiction writers such as Robb Sherwin.

There’s more future gazing in Hype, which features Manhunt 2 and the next Stuntman game alongside EA’s Skate, and we take extended looks at The Club, the next title from PGR developer Bizarre Creations, and EA’s MySims.

Naturally, Time Extend and The Making Of… look to the past, tackling the fractured chronology of Second Sight and the spirit-sucking gameplay of Ghostbusters respectively.
Now to hit the mall during lunch tomorrow and see if any of the magazine shops carry it. I'm psyched.
