Todd Goldman

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Topic review

Expand view Topic review: Todd Goldman

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Apr 22, 2007 10:53 am

I think that, clearly, you are in the right and the ripoff guy is in the wrong. This will apply to many things in life, not just this thread.

by hygraed » Sun Apr 22, 2007 10:49 am

I think the best thing about Goldman's already shaky defense (LOL furries) is that Shmorky hasn't drawn "Smut" for years, and he's publicly stated that that particular stage of his creative output is far behind him.

That said, I think "Smut" is funny. So maybe I'm the fucked up one.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Apr 22, 2007 1:24 am

Update: Goldman had his lawyer send a C&D to Wikipedia, due to the fact that the article goes into detail about what a worthless piece of shit he is. Wikipedia, of course, caved.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Apr 12, 2007 5:29 pm

So in addition to the "informal" post that Goldman made where he went all "furry!" and "pedo!" he apparently released a formal apology.
Goldman issued a statement Wednesday saying that he issued a formal apology and that he will not use Kelly's design again. The statement also says that Goldman will donate his proceeds from the painting to "Mr. Kelly or a charity of his choice."

He said one of the artists working for his company brought the image to him.

"I made a judgment error and didn't research the background of this particular submission," Goldman said. "My intention was not to copy Mr. Kelly."

Kelly confirmed that Goldman e-mailed an apology.

Of the Internet reaction, Goldman said: "This is just a bunch of hater artists trying to take me down. I'm not an online Web guy. I'm not trying to rip people off. I work with a team of artists at David & Goliath. We create thousands of designs."
Hahaha, yeah, just a bunch of haters, that's all this was.

In other news, Penny Arcade made an absolutely insipid update that solidifies the fact that their comic is produced by two condescending wretches who are always completely wrong about anything that matters.

by Vitriola » Wed Apr 11, 2007 1:46 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Here's a page a guy made documenting Goldman's numerous thefts.
WTF is that comment poster third down fucking going on about?

by Vitriola » Wed Apr 11, 2007 1:31 am

Purple Pussy?

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Apr 10, 2007 9:42 pm

Here's a page a guy made documenting Goldman's numerous thefts.

by Roody_Yogurt » Tue Apr 10, 2007 9:31 pm

Well, hopefully this guy will burn in ways I cannot imagine.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Apr 10, 2007 7:07 pm

Hopefully, Colorado denizens can get a kick out of this:
Fascination Street Gallery in Cherry Creek (Denver - about a mile from my house) apparently has a bunch of his stuff, ever since he opened an exhibition there in May '05. I don't see your comic in their online store, but I could certainly run down there over the weekend to see if its on display
Well that was highly unpleasant. I just spoke with the gallery owner, and at first she somehow got the idea that I was saying that other artist's were ripping off Todd Goldman by telling me, "Oh yes, a lot of people make their work like his." When I corrected her, and informed her that it was Todd actually tracing other artists' work, she got pretty nasty, telling me I couldn't prove anything and that she wouldn't do a thing about it. I intermittently tried to explain that it could be proven, and tried to appeal to her sense of artistic integrity, but she ended the conversation with a sudden "THANKS BYE" and hung up.

Hahaha, nice job, Cherry Creek. I don't understand why that town has the reputation it does. Why that... that... that would mean REMOVING THE DISPLAY! Or, it would mean admitting that they put up a content-stealing hack and couldn't be bothered to do a modicum of research to determine this.

Todd Goldman

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Apr 10, 2007 6:57 pm

This is a brief story of plagiarism on the Internet.

There is an insipid, worthless asshole named Todd Goldman out there whose claim to fame is apparently making a t-shirt that says something like, "Boys are dumb, throw rocks at them."

Allow me to say that every single person on this forum is capable of that level of idiocy, but you guys choose to not reduce yourself to that level. Hot Topic nonsense. I got one, I got one! "Boys are dumb. PRICELESS!" It could truly be a Goldmanism because he rips off Mastercard, which is par for the course for this guy. It's obvious that he has absolutely no talent and can't do or produce anything.

That being said, he's recently making the rounds because he plagiarized another web comic artist.

From Wikipedia:
In April 2007, Goldman was accused of plagiarism by webcartoonist Dave "Shmorky" Kelly. Kelly's accusation was that Goldman's piece "Dear God Make Everyone Die," featured in his Gold Digger exhibit at Jack Gallery, was traced directly from a comic by Kelly, which was published on September 19, 2001 in his Purple Pussy series and reprinted in the book Keenspot Spotlight 2004 for Free Comic Book Day.

Following the accusation of plagiarism, the Webcomic community noted several other similarities between Goldman's characters and other preexisting works. His character Eve L. was compared to Roman Dirge's character Lenore, the main difference between the two being a lack of pupils in Goldman's work. His design known as "goodbye kitty" was also claimed to be a copy of Neko, an animated character from a computer program. [3]

Goldman has yet to respond publicly to the accusations of plagiarism.
I am AMAZED that someone presented this asshole's work in the first place. This is why nobody takes modern art seriously.

Okay, so, a bunch of people e-mailed him about this. His auto-reply?

Thanks for the inquiry…

Here's my inspiration! Every month I paint the works of a pedophile. This week, I chose the work of Dave Kelly, he's a huge infantilist furry. This is someone who draws baby anthropomorphic animals either wetting themselves or jacking off. I'm not kidding. Once again, his name is Dave Kelly and this is his FTP full of his lovely art, there are even some photos of the artist himself, handsome fellow isn’t he?

Next month, please look for my special pedophile/serial killer series when I recreate the works of Jeffrey Dahmer.

Once again thanks for your support and please help me with my cause by spreading the word and showing the world just how creative pedophiles can be.

Do it for the kids.

It drips of condescension, but more to the point, this guy is obviously deluded and probably realizes that it's all about to come crashing down. He's been reduced to screaming, "pedophile!!!" or something. Who knows. To the people who actually create shit in this world, you hate to see a no-talent, self-entitled hack like this rip people off. But this guy feels he's totally justified. It's his right to do it, or something.

Making shit is difficult in and of itself, making shit you're proud of takes forever. I don't even think that the original artist thought his design that started this mess deserves to be on the Sistine Chapel or anything, but that's not what this is about. It's about a leech, subhumanly feeding off the energy of others.

The story can't get big enough if this fucking shitheel is anything but starving and homeless. Follow along.
