Check out this ghost photo I took this weekend

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Gin N Juice

by milker » Sun Apr 22, 2007 8:11 pm

I think Robb wants to Crump in the Gorilla costume.

Dude, I would pay money to see Robb Crump.

He could crump his ass off that dude!!!!!!!

by hygraed » Sun Apr 22, 2007 7:08 pm

AArdvark wrote:What sort of game are you writing that requires a gorilla suit? The more hints that are dropped keeps me scratching my head.

Clearly the gorilla suit is for Robb. He's writing a game in which the player character is a gorilla, and he'll be using the suit in an effort to gain further knowledge about life as a gorilla.

by AArdvark » Sun Apr 22, 2007 6:21 pm

What sort of game are you writing that requires a gorilla suit? The more hints that are dropped keeps me scratching my head.


Re: Lets Plan on it

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Apr 22, 2007 6:08 pm

milker wrote:I will bring a shovel. What the hell you bringing?

We may need some rope, a top hat, gloves, an extra set, and Vitriola's truck. We are going to dig that fucker up that ate all those people up in the mountains. You know he is buried in this same cemetary. Alfred Packard my man, mutha fuckin Alfred Packard.

WE will eat his bones :)

Lets plan it, I need to go back to set my mind at ease.

I also have a gorilla suit for the game if you want to use it for pictures.
What do you mean you "have" one. You own one? You own a fakkin gorilla suit? Seriously? Who just ow -- ... this is incredible news. Unbelievable that any man could be this clutch, but GOOD news. I don't know what I would do without you.

What are you wearing?

Re: Lets Plan on it

by bruce » Sun Apr 22, 2007 5:47 pm

milker wrote:Alfred Packard my man, mutha fuckin Alfred Packard.

WE will eat his bones :)
It's actually "Alferd Packer," and seriously, if you do this, save a bone for me, because I am so there.


Lets Plan on it

by milker » Sun Apr 22, 2007 5:32 pm

I will bring a shovel. What the hell you bringing?

We may need some rope, a top hat, gloves, an extra set, and Vitriola's truck. We are going to dig that fucker up that ate all those people up in the mountains. You know he is buried in this same cemetary. Alfred Packard my man, mutha fuckin Alfred Packard.

WE will eat his bones :)

Lets plan it, I need to go back to set my mind at ease.

I also have a gorilla suit for the game if you want to use it for pictures.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Apr 22, 2007 11:00 am

Milk, I would be a fan of going through a cemetery at dusk one of these nights for some photos. We need to take the datestamp off your camera first though, heh.

by Vitriola » Tue Apr 17, 2007 5:10 am

Even though there is a whole thread attached to this, I am still wary of the 'look closely at this picture' gambit. The internet has been ruined for me.

The plot thickens

by milker » Mon Apr 16, 2007 10:41 pm

Ok, after researching who the gravestone belongs to, I am now extra intrigued. The name on the gravestone is Bowles who happens to be a famous Littleton, CO resident and could absolutely afford a gravestone like that.

Check this out for more research: ... bowles.asp

If you read at the end you will indeed see that this is the gravestone I captured in the photo.

To cool!

by milker » Mon Apr 16, 2007 9:45 pm

I have to actually laugh at some of the photos on these sites trying to pass the weird white spots from digital cameras as ghost sightings. I think every fricken digital camera I have owned has throw a white spot on the picture here and there.

The reason I find this photo of interest is it is not your typical lighting situation and not just the typical white spot.

Who knows, I just have to wonder a little that is all.

To cool

by milker » Mon Apr 16, 2007 9:42 pm

So, I guess a guy from another mask making forum I partake in was once a paranormal investigator and finds this picture to be of great interest. He is posting it to a ghost hunter site and going to see what others think.

It sure does beat some of the crap I saw on these ghost hunter sites I just looked at.

Very cool, even if it is just a weird light, the picture is really pretty for non believers :)

Nice sculpting!

darn it...

by milker » Mon Apr 16, 2007 8:21 pm

I so wanted it to be a ghost, I really did. Those letters made a great nose and eyes that is for sure :)

Oh well, back to the Ouija Board and Corpse Paint for this kid.

by hygraed » Mon Apr 16, 2007 8:18 pm

Looks like the light reflecting off the shiny stone with words carved into it.

Check out this ghost photo I took this weekend

by milker » Mon Apr 16, 2007 8:03 pm

Ok, man, this is really freaking me out and it takes a lot for milker to get the willies. Given my Father passed away this past Christmas, they always say that messages may be delivered to us to remember them or the past living.

Check out this photo I took at a cemetary for a website I am working on and tell me that there is not a guy starring back at me and pissed I am taking a picture of this stone. Look at the base of the statue.

WOW, this goes really good with the website considering I am finally putting together a website for my masks and costume stuff I do.

Check it:

Freaky or what? Am I high?
