by Lysander » Thu May 03, 2007 7:59 pm
Wing Commander III: the middle of the first atmospheric mission, because while the enemies are on "radar", they stil are far enough away from you to the point that you can't see them or shoot them and vice versa and can in fact autopilot right past them, only doing so fails the mission and sends you right onto the unwinnable branch of the losing track. I mean it's bad enough that I'm outnumbered twenty to one in every mission, that'st he very first experience with atomspheric flight in the game, thats' the very first time you get to go up against a totally new type of enemy fighter in the game, it's only hte second time you get to fly the fighter you're given, and the first time that you have to go up against ground-based tank units, but now i have to actively search them out in order to "strafe" with this 2D game's bad approximation of 3d space? Fuck that noise. The fact that it doesn't autosave doesn't help matters.
Wing Commander III: the middle of the first atmospheric mission, because while the enemies are on "radar", they stil are far enough away from you to the point that you can't see them or shoot them and vice versa and can in fact autopilot right past them, only doing so fails the mission and sends you right onto the unwinnable branch of the losing track. I mean it's bad enough that I'm outnumbered twenty to one in every mission, that'st he very first experience with atomspheric flight in the game, thats' the very first time you get to go up against a totally new type of enemy fighter in the game, it's only hte second time you get to fly the fighter you're given, and the first time that you have to go up against ground-based tank units, but now i have to actively search them out in order to "strafe" with this 2D game's bad approximation of 3d space? Fuck that noise. The fact that it doesn't autosave doesn't help matters.