Video Game Ideas! An Instant Messanger Log.

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Expand view Topic review: Video Game Ideas! An Instant Messanger Log.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Jun 06, 2007 11:37 pm

Worm, here is your calling. Download and register Blitz3D and make this game! I will be your primary beta tester, out of respect for all the help you've given me.

by Worm » Wed Jun 06, 2007 6:41 pm

jc bbs wrote:Sorry pal but the place for IM logs is We don't want none of that crap here.
shuddap co
AArdvark wrote:I Would almost buy a game like that, Def'netly a must- download tho.

I would too. It'd be a fun cross genre thing, which I think PC gaming specifically is sorely lacking of late. I could imagine the puzzle screen appearing overlaid on your PC staring himself in the mirror sweating profusely. I wish that Quantum Dream had the sense to use the depression meter
more to their advantage and make a great game. However they just ended up with an easy lucas arts game crossed with real time simon.

It's really a shame we're going to end up with GTA3 with a person smuggling mini-game and it will be heralded as the new messiah. Especially when Grand Theft Blotto is such a better game idea.

by AArdvark » Wed Jun 06, 2007 3:56 pm

I Would almost buy a game like that, Def'netly a must- download tho.


by pinback » Wed Jun 06, 2007 3:11 pm

Shut the fuck up, this website.

by jc bbs » Wed Jun 06, 2007 2:49 pm

Sorry pal but the place for IM logs is We don't want none of that crap here.

Video Game Ideas! An Instant Messanger Log.

by Worm » Wed Jun 06, 2007 1:49 pm

(3:03:38 PM) me: ... post996291
(4:30:24 PM) me: This guy said I shouldn't call them nazis.
(4:30:45 PM) ben: Who? The sprites on the computer screen?
(4:30:48 PM) me: "Come on now. In our world of make believe little wars and WWII mania, everyone called them The Germans or The Axis. No one calls them The Nazis, not even the game."
(4:30:56 PM) me: They're models.
(4:30:58 PM) me: Models of nazis.
(4:31:15 PM) ben: Come on now.
(4:31:39 PM) me: Yeah, like I need to distance myself to avoid splash guilt from a video game or something.
(4:31:59 PM) me: Some guy who writes up a thesis justifying picking the nazi side in CoD in a multiplayer map.
(4:32:09 PM) ben: They are not Germans, either. They are instances of classes in heap memory.
(4:32:18 PM) me: Explaining how his hypothetical character didn't know about any of those concentration camps.
(4:32:25 PM) ben: hehehe
(4:32:34 PM) ben: That's a great idea for a new FPS:
(4:32:39 PM) ben: "Just Following Orders"
(4:32:54 PM) me: Haha, and you need to justify shit to yourself at the end of each round.
(4:33:02 PM) ben: haheahehaehe
(4:33:22 PM) ben: Instead of health points, you have remorse points.
(4:33:33 PM) me: That'd be good because it could be a FPS like with lots of civilians. So you'd have to work to avoid casualties.
(4:33:38 PM) ben: or supression points.
(4:33:49 PM) me: Then when one happens after the stage you get a little puzzle.
(4:34:00 PM) me: Where you need to line up excuses like it's tetris.
(4:34:02 PM) ben: hahahaahah
(4:34:07 PM) me: If you lose your guy blows his brains out.
(4:34:13 PM) ben: That is the funniest thing I have ever heard in my whole history of existence.
(4:34:33 PM) me: Yeah, I really want to roll with this and make at least a HL2 mod.
(4:34:58 PM) ben: line up excuses like it's tetris!! I am dying
(4:35:12 PM) me: There could be a million scenarios. Like a street cop, a guy in vietnam.
(4:35:20 PM) me: So it'd be a wide array of gameplay and weaponry.
(4:35:25 PM) ben: And excuses!
(4:35:28 PM) me: Yes!
(4:35:29 PM) ben: And rationalizations!
(4:35:51 PM) me: Oh man, that'd be such a great game.
(4:36:11 PM) me: The other idea I had awhile ago was Grand Theft Blotto. It's a GTA clone where you need to get drunk before you commit crimes.
(4:37:02 PM) me: So you'd have all of GTA with like drunk driving really.
(4:37:13 PM) ben: HHahhaha
(4:37:36 PM) me: God knows the series needs revitalization.
(4:37:36 PM) ben: You lose points for not barrelling through red lights.
(4:38:08 PM) me: I think NARC tried to put in drug use, but it was all on foot.
(4:38:27 PM) me: What's the point then?
(4:38:34 PM) me: My friend said you could call it ADICT.
(4:38:46 PM) ben: Did you ever see Harsh Times?
(4:38:51 PM) me: Nope.
(4:39:00 PM) ben: Sounds exactly like the game you describe.
(4:39:07 PM) me: I read another day in paradise however, which is what I'm imagining.
(4:39:13 PM) me: I'll have to download it.
(4:39:17 PM) ben: yeah
(4:39:19 PM) ben: you'll love it
(4:40:35 PM) me: I think this game idea thread is going on JC!
(4:40:46 PM) me: er game idea chat log
(4:40:52 PM) ben: Take out all the bad parts, which is most of what I said
