by Robb Sherwin » Tue Jan 07, 2003 3:02 am
Hi there, "Beavar Fan"!
We are currently working on our third album. We have yet to come up with a title for it, but it will probably have something to do with Drinking, Driving, Shooting or Swearing. Maybe even all four!
The track list includes finished versions of some of the "demo" songs that were placed in the soundtrack to the 2000 text adventure "A Crimson Spring." These tracks include:
Carnival Baby
Silent Hill
... and one other song that we have to rename, because we became aware that a band called "Rush" already named a song "Ghost of a Chance"! In addition, we have even more songs that have not been released to the general public in any form!
Our lead singer is in the process of getting married this February, so we're hoping for an -- at the earliest -- Late Spring, 2003 release. The CD will be made available and it's likely that I will hype it so much on this BBS that you'll want to get a hold of a copy just to snap and send digital pictures of yourself breaking it!
Hi there, "Beavar Fan"!
We are currently working on our third album. We have yet to come up with a title for it, but it will probably have something to do with Drinking, Driving, Shooting or Swearing. Maybe even all four!
The track list includes finished versions of some of the "demo" songs that were placed in the soundtrack to the 2000 text adventure "A Crimson Spring." These tracks include:
Carnival Baby
Silent Hill
... and one other song that we have to rename, because we became aware that a band called "Rush" already named a song "Ghost of a Chance"! In addition, we have even [i]more[/i] songs that have not been released to the general public in [i]any[/i] form!
Our lead singer is in the process of getting married this February, so we're hoping for an -- at the earliest -- Late Spring, 2003 release. The CD will be made available and it's likely that I will hype it so much on this BBS that you'll want to get a hold of a copy just to snap and send digital pictures of yourself breaking it!