by Lysander » Fri Jun 29, 2007 1:31 am
I WISH I was GOd-like at 2D fighters--I can kick the ass of just about anyone around here, but they all suck 'roudn theseparts. That fucker Brice Mellon irritates me because his game is Mortal Kombat fucking Deception. Which barely counts as a fighting game, let alone a good one. Aaanyways, yeah, I have jsut enough vision left ot the point that I can play a few games if they have high enough contrast and/or have simple enough geography that I can get a pretty good idea of what resources are available and how to use them. THe first two Oddworld games, for example, which are just godly. ALso, little things can become all kinds of useful, like in Destroy ALl Humans how you can use the mind power cursor to "autoaim" at people--not only does it help my aim but it puts a blue cursor over people, makes 'em easier to disdinguish. I'd have a much harder time playing hte game without it--I do anyway, I basically am fucked trying ot do real missions, but I Find rampage mode more fun anyway.
I WISH I was GOd-like at 2D fighters--I can kick the ass of just about anyone around here, but they all suck 'roudn theseparts. That fucker Brice Mellon irritates me because his game is Mortal Kombat fucking Deception. Which barely counts as a fighting game, let alone a good one. Aaanyways, yeah, I have jsut enough vision left ot the point that I can play a few games if they have high enough contrast and/or have simple enough geography that I can get a pretty good idea of what resources are available and how to use them. THe first two Oddworld games, for example, which are just godly. ALso, little things can become all kinds of useful, like in Destroy ALl Humans how you can use the mind power cursor to "autoaim" at people--not only does it help my aim but it puts a blue cursor over people, makes 'em easier to disdinguish. I'd have a much harder time playing hte game without it--I do anyway, I basically am fucked trying ot do real missions, but I Find rampage mode more fun anyway.