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Topic review

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by Forum Socialist » Wed Jan 08, 2003 12:44 am

For those of you who might be considering learning to fly, let me describe it. Imagine a really long, boring car trip, where the road stays straight for hundreds of miles, and the hot sun is filling the car with stale, burning air, and fumes from the engine are seeping through the vents so that everything smells vaguely of a car mechanic's armpit. OK, now add to that the fact that if anything goes wrong, you'll be hitting the ground so hard that even the starving vultures overhead won't eat you because the sight of you makes them so sick that they all instantly turn vegetarian and start going to PETA rallies and throwing fake blood on rich people with nice coats.

by Forum Socialist » Wed Jan 08, 2003 12:39 am

Yeah, what is with that? Can someone give us a ruling on that?

by Forum Socialist » Wed Jan 08, 2003 12:38 am


by vicky » Wed Jan 08, 2003 12:00 am

maybe my browser is messed up.. but the pwc2 doesnt show up on my browser, it is some "fun house" thing which i dont understand??

by Forum Socialist » Tue Jan 07, 2003 11:41 pm

I really don't know what you're talkin about, vicky. Everything seems normal to me.

by vicky » Tue Jan 07, 2003 11:39 pm

does anyone know where pinback is?? or what is going on at pwc2 today?? something is weird

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Jan 07, 2003 11:13 pm

I'd like to take a moment and reflect on what a great evening yesterday was. Not only was Ben at his creative best, the man took REQUESTS at one point. Yes, I shit you negative, I have an opening theme for the work-in-progress I have been... er... working on.

So here's a round of thunderous applause for your efforts, Ben! HUWHHOAOAAAA!!!!! HUHHOAOAOAAHHWHOAAAA!!!!! Damned thunderous!

by PUNK RAWK WORM » Tue Jan 07, 2003 10:16 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: This is quite kind of you, but I should state that the production values on the CDs are quite crappy. And not exactly in a "Skullfuck the Machine, Anarchy in the UK" manner either -- we just didn't know much about recording back when we made those. There's lots of white noise (that's probably not the right term; white noise is really more a BBZZCCTTTCHTCHTHCHHCHCHHZZZHH kind of sound, but I can't think of the right term) on those songs. Plus cheesy drums which we've since eliminated.
There is nothing more punk rawk than a BBZZCCTTTCHTCHTHCHHCHCHHZZZHH sound.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Jan 07, 2003 9:54 pm

Worm wrote:I still can't find the song that plays outside the bar in ACS on either of my CDs. Ben, the wait is worth it the CDs are real good they have jewel cases and ... they track layout is good. Not to mention I think the extra time is because I break so many fucking CDs. I finally finished Omikron thanks robb.
This is quite kind of you, but I should state that the production values on the CDs are quite crappy. And not exactly in a "Skullfuck the Machine, Anarchy in the UK" manner either -- we just didn't know much about recording back when we made those. There's lots of white noise (that's probably not the right term; white noise is really more a BBZZCCTTTCHTCHTHCHHCHCHHZZZHH kind of sound, but I can't think of the right term) on those songs. Plus cheesy drums which we've since eliminated.

I still can't find the song that plays outside the bar in ACS on either of my CDs.
I wrote that one after we did those CDs -- that song is slated for the new one, whenever the new one gets finished. As a matter of fact, Kurt (the guitarist) is working on that song currently. I'll check in with him to see if he has a demo of it or something.

loafergirl wrote: Yeah are you using any of my writing for lyrics on that one?
So far we haven't. I think I still have your stuff in my e-mail, but I had a hard drive crash in April of 2001 and have nothing before then. I should check to see if they are still there. (I presume you have stuff not currently up on your website, right?)

by loafergirl » Tue Jan 07, 2003 8:56 pm

Yeah are you using any of my writing for lyrics on that one?


by Worm » Tue Jan 07, 2003 8:52 am

I still can't find the song that plays outside the bar in ACS on either of my CDs. Ben, the wait is worth it the CDs are real good they have jewel cases and ... they track layout is good. Not to mention I think the extra time is because I break so many fucking CDs. I finally finished Omikron thanks robb.

Notes: Download ben's music. ... figure out something to do with the free two hours between 3 pm and 5pm with Magnum P.I. being axed on A&E and me seeing basically ALL the A-Team episodes.

by Robb Sherwin » Tue Jan 07, 2003 3:02 am

Hi there, "Beavar Fan"!

We are currently working on our third album. We have yet to come up with a title for it, but it will probably have something to do with Drinking, Driving, Shooting or Swearing. Maybe even all four!

The track list includes finished versions of some of the "demo" songs that were placed in the soundtrack to the 2000 text adventure "A Crimson Spring." These tracks include:

Carnival Baby
Silent Hill

... and one other song that we have to rename, because we became aware that a band called "Rush" already named a song "Ghost of a Chance"! In addition, we have even more songs that have not been released to the general public in any form!

Our lead singer is in the process of getting married this February, so we're hoping for an -- at the earliest -- Late Spring, 2003 release. The CD will be made available and it's likely that I will hype it so much on this BBS that you'll want to get a hold of a copy just to snap and send digital pictures of yourself breaking it!

by BEAVAR FAN » Tue Jan 07, 2003 2:50 am


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Jan 07, 2003 2:44 am

No, one cannot. I could not in good conscience sell either Beaver CD.

I did make a copy of both CDs for Worm, but it took me four months to send them to him.

I am well aware that the songs that are available on the Beaver section of my website aren't particularly "radio friendly" or "friendly to human ears" in most cases. Casio, I think you said. Ah-ha. Hah. Hurm. But you're correct, of course.

So, to take money from someone for two CDs like that (and I am posting the best songs from them, I should add) would not be right.

On the other hand, we did do a cover of "Starless" by King Crimson which I kinda like.

Anyway, here's Pill. I sing on it. :shock:

by Ben » Tue Jan 07, 2003 2:26 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: - Mutations - 05 - Claim to Fame.mp3
Can one... *PURCHASE*... this music?

by Ben » Tue Jan 07, 2003 2:25 am

Work that Casio!

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Jan 07, 2003 2:07 am

While we are all sharing music tonight, here is Claim to Fame by Beaver. (C) 1995. Right-Click, Save-As to download. Or let it stream. Or, if you are on an alternative operating system, do whatever it is you lot do. Cheers! - Mutations - 05 - Claim to Fame.mp3

OK, this shitty software won't deal with the spaces properly. Plus, even though I have HTML and "BBCode" turned off, it is still trying to turn that into an URL. Perhaps you should copy and paste it into a browser window. I don't know.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Jan 07, 2003 1:46 am


NICE CHAIR, maggot!!!


by Ben » Tue Jan 07, 2003 1:42 am

"pooass", actually, is me on guitar, but that doesn't count, because I don't know how to play guitar.

Also, "doucheface" is brand new, because I just played it, and it's all screwed up, but who cares. I don't need your approval.

(But I'm always happy to receive it.)

by Ben » Tue Jan 07, 2003 1:37 am

All off keyboard.

Specifically, this one:


YES, I PLAYED ALL THE NOTES. God damn, people.
