by The Last Man Standing » Wed Jul 11, 2007 12:09 pm
Right now, I chose I7 as my programming language (and Jonesy, you need to check it out, the Inform 7, if you are into playing and/or making IF on the fly)... It may or may not have chapters... But it is STORY DRIVEN, not puzzles-akimbo! IF means to read a Story, and have it not hampered with mindboggling puzzles! But if that is what IF is to be, then I will call it IN (Interactive Novel)... So for now, I will continue on to march with my game, "Usurper of Bastarhast..." It is in a pseudo-Medieval like world, called Tuotonia... More behind the text after I do more writing. Auf Widdersehn, and see you later...
Right now, I chose I7 as my programming language (and Jonesy, you need to check it out, the Inform 7, if you are into playing and/or making IF on the fly)... It may or may not have chapters... But it is STORY DRIVEN, not puzzles-akimbo! IF means to read a Story, and have it not hampered with mindboggling puzzles! But if that is what IF is to be, then I will call it IN (Interactive Novel)... So for now, I will continue on to march with my game, "Usurper of Bastarhast..." It is in a pseudo-Medieval like world, called Tuotonia... More behind the text after I do more writing. Auf Widdersehn, and see you later...