CGE 2007 back in Vegas

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Expand view Topic review: CGE 2007 back in Vegas

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Jul 17, 2007 7:50 am

Jack Straw wrote:that's my little bro & he's supposed to be yawning.


Good work on the both of you. The only way someone can top this is to somehow get those cartoon "XXX" things over their eyes and mime o O (zzZZZZZzz) in a word balloon. And I don't think they let you bring that onto roller coasters.

by Jack Straw » Mon Jul 16, 2007 11:57 pm

that's my little bro & he's supposed to be yawning.

by AArdvark » Mon Jul 16, 2007 5:07 pm

Oh my god! My life-line ends here!!!!AAAAAAAAA.


by Worm » Mon Jul 16, 2007 4:04 am

The guy staring into the palm of his hand is the real star of that photo.

by Jack Straw » Mon Jul 16, 2007 2:12 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Image

by bruce » Fri Jul 13, 2007 2:36 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:- Since I'm not driving I'll basically be able to consume a barrell of bathtub gin and blue dye for the duration with no ill effects.
If you vomit on a Black Knight, I will personally punch you in your face, once you've washed it.


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Jul 13, 2007 12:29 pm

Okay, to confirm for Roody and Bruce, our room is confirmed. Aces!

Apparently there is gonna be a whole bunch of exclusive stuff for sale at the show in addition to Pitcher's Duel. And the free shuttle thing to the Pinball Hall of Fame is the best thing ever. They're telling me:

- We'll bring you to pinball.
- Since I'm not driving I'll basically be able to consume a barrell of bathtub gin and blue dye for the duration with no ill effects.
- Present is every goddamn pinball game ever made.

Forget about the $3.95 crab and steak bucket over at The Sphinx, this is the best deal going in Vegas.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Jul 09, 2007 12:14 pm

Good grief! There is a Commodore 64 convention in Vegas the same weekend! DORK OVERLOAD!

Also, there was long rumored to be a baseball game created for the Vectrex. Well, someone got a hold of it and is selling it at the CGE. It's called "Pitcher's Duel" and barring a huge disaster... I'M IN, BABY!

by bruce » Fri Apr 27, 2007 9:35 pm

I'm with ya, Roody.

I mean, not that I don't like tits, because I sure do, but I don't like spending money, and I can pretty much see tits at home if I want to.

So if you can't stand it, let me know, and we'll go play Zaxxon somewhere.


by Roody_Yogurt » Fri Apr 27, 2007 6:12 pm

Ok, sounds like something that could work, but I reserve the right to be a cheap bastard at any time.

by Vitriola » Fri Apr 27, 2007 2:06 pm

Apparently I have been to more of them than you.

by pinback » Fri Apr 27, 2007 1:28 pm

Cheetahs != Most Vegas Strip Clubs

by Vitriola » Fri Apr 27, 2007 1:25 pm

Have Cheetah's? I had to wait for my choice girl for over a half hour. On a Sunday. With money in $20s in front of me. They've got better fish to fry than any of us dorks.

by pinback » Fri Apr 27, 2007 1:13 pm

Vitriola wrote:The thing about Vegas strip joints is that not a single person would ever come to you for a tip.

Best. Of.
It's Vegas - they dance incredibly
OMG stop stop... you are KILLING me!!
and not at all aggressive. it really is a bar with a great floor show.
(Falls over onto the floor, gasping for air.)

by Vitriola » Fri Apr 27, 2007 1:04 pm

The thing about Vegas strip joints is that not a single person would ever come to you for a tip. It's just a true entertainment bar, where you could sit and drink or talk all night long without talking to a single girl, if you didn't want to. It's Vegas - they dance incredibly, and are gorgeous, and not at all aggressive. it really is a bar with a great floor show. I would not recommend strip clubs in any other town, including NYC, but it's different there. They hire top caliber, and those girls are busy enough without your quarter, thank you very much.

by Roody_Yogurt » Thu Apr 26, 2007 7:49 pm

I'm pretty definite on this, too, but I won't be buying tickets and shit until sometime after my tax returns come in.

Also, last time, I was up for going to Cheetah's since I hadn't been to a strip club before (which is sort of funny since we have our fair share of them around here). I have been to them since then and I am not enthralled.

I had the misconception that tips were mainly used for buying extra attention and not the beggar fest that it actually is (no offense to beggars since they complain a lot less than strippers). What can I say, I don't have much disposable income and for what I have, that T&A just ain't worth it when it comes with so much bullshit.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Apr 26, 2007 11:24 am

bruce wrote:
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Well, yes. I am definitely, without question or hesitation going to be there. Absolutely and positively!
Seriously? Because if you're actually making this commitment then I will order my tickets, hotel, and plane tickets too.

Yup. Nothing will keep me away from Vegas that weekend. I am definitely, without question, gonna be there.

I wish I could see a list of guests, but no matter. Just being able to play the arcade games and browse the offerings of the vendors is cool with me. Plus, the million things you can do in that city.

I will rent a car while we are there. I have it on good authority that cabbies won't pick you up from the Pinball Hall of Fame. They'll drop you off, they just won't come get you. So we'll have a ride. I also have a crippling OCD when it comes to not having access to a vehicle, so that's the other thing.

by bruce » Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:37 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Well, yes. I am definitely, without question or hesitation going to be there. Absolutely and positively!
Seriously? Because if you're actually making this commitment then I will order my tickets, hotel, and plane tickets too.


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Apr 24, 2007 9:44 pm

Well, yes. I am definitely, without question or hesitation going to be there. Absolutely and positively!

by bruce » Tue Apr 24, 2007 8:59 pm

So are we doing this thing or what?

