by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Aug 29, 2007 4:55 pm
I got the game back from the very nice guy who did in fact fix it. I broke several traces.
I.. I would pay someone to work on a board in the future, for me. Unless it was easy, like Spy Hunter. (One thing to solder on, with literally two globs of solder.)
The guy, Rob Carroll, is awesome and he did not charge me anything for it. What a mensch! He played it for a little bit and put a high score of 186,000 on the game. The highest I've ever gone is around 74,000. It is currently the only game at my place that has a high score by someone other than me.
Here is the current high score status:
Crystal Castles: Will never be broken by anyone likely to be in my house.
Ms. Pac-Man: Was broken by Jason Scott in about a half hour. I did break his high score a few days later and meant to post about it in this whole, "Here's what it's like when the Get Lamp Guy comes and interviews you" article I was planning on writing for either here or Trotting Krips, but I did not get that done. Which is too bad, because Pinner had many hilarious comments on what I told him, which need to get out. Anyway, my Ms. Pac score can be broken by anyone good at the game at any time.
Pac-Man: I don't have a very high score here. It could be obliterated by the right person.
Pac-Man Plus: What happens is, Dayna sets a new high score and I break it within ten minutes of her doing so. But not by a lot. I think she has wised up to this and therefore decided not to play it any longer.
Pengo: I have only made it to the third board, but this was enough to fend off my friend Fodge who was by a few weekends ago.
Super Pac-Man: I don't remember if the 96-in-1 saves the high score for this.
Space Invaders: Doesn't save the high score.
Xenophobe: Doesn't save the high score.
Spy Hunter: I had 76,000 and then moved the game and the battery I put in came out. Whoops! I'm only back to around 50,000. A score which a guy with no legs could easily pass.
Tempest: I think I'm around 150,000 and it took me, literally, an hour of playing to get that far. I also had my left arm completely lock up. I think this is pretty safe for the time being.
Gyruss: I'm horrible, but I think I can break 186,000.
So there you go. Come visit and set a high score.
I got the game back from the very nice guy who did in fact fix it. I broke several traces.
I.. I would pay someone to work on a board in the future, for me. Unless it was easy, like Spy Hunter. (One thing to solder on, with literally two globs of solder.)
The guy, Rob Carroll, is awesome and he did not charge me anything for it. What a mensch! He played it for a little bit and put a high score of 186,000 on the game. The highest I've ever gone is around 74,000. It is currently the only game at my place that has a high score by someone other than me.
Here is the current high score status:
Crystal Castles: Will never be broken by anyone likely to be in my house.
Ms. Pac-Man: Was broken by Jason Scott in about a half hour. I did break his high score a few days later and meant to post about it in this whole, "Here's what it's like when the Get Lamp Guy comes and interviews you" article I was planning on writing for either here or Trotting Krips, but I did not get that done. Which is too bad, because Pinner had many hilarious comments on what I told him, which need to get out. Anyway, my Ms. Pac score can be broken by anyone good at the game at any time.
Pac-Man: I don't have a very high score here. It could be obliterated by the right person.
Pac-Man Plus: What happens is, Dayna sets a new high score and I break it within ten minutes of her doing so. But not by a lot. I think she has wised up to this and therefore decided not to play it any longer.
Pengo: I have only made it to the third board, but this was enough to fend off my friend Fodge who was by a few weekends ago.
Super Pac-Man: I don't remember if the 96-in-1 saves the high score for this.
Space Invaders: Doesn't save the high score.
Xenophobe: Doesn't save the high score.
Spy Hunter: I had 76,000 and then moved the game and the battery I put in came out. Whoops! I'm only back to around 50,000. A score which a guy with no legs could easily pass.
Tempest: I think I'm around 150,000 and it took me, literally, an hour of playing to get that far. I also had my left arm completely lock up. I think this is pretty safe for the time being.
Gyruss: I'm horrible, but I think I can break 186,000.
So there you go. Come visit and set a high score.