I took a career quiz!

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Expand view Topic review: I took a career quiz!

by Women's faces » Wed Oct 08, 2008 5:38 am

Knuckles really missed out on that whole steamfitting thing. I'm still here!

Grumpy women around here...

by loafergirl » Tue Oct 07, 2008 6:31 pm

Hadn't anyone fed those two the rufies?

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Oct 07, 2008 4:44 pm

My brother's reply where he goes through the list is the best thing ever.

by bruce » Mon Oct 01, 2007 10:21 pm

co wrote:mmmm, catfight.
They totally need to take off their shirts!


by co » Mon Oct 01, 2007 1:20 pm

mmmm, catfight.

by Vitriola » Mon Oct 01, 2007 12:24 pm

itgirl wrote:I wasn't in the basement with a marker marking boxes.
Of course not, you also had to dust them off.

by itgirl » Sun Sep 30, 2007 8:42 pm

I never claimed to be saving the environment, but I also managed and worked in the technical library doing environmental research for the scientists. And I developed policy and implemented content management systems, I wasn't in the basement with a marker marking boxes. But like EPA does any saving of the world, anyway.

by Vitriola » Sun Sep 30, 2007 9:23 am

Yeah, I was a librarian as much as you were "in an environmental field" when you did records management for the EPA. You had it all down like you were singlehandedly saving the world, one cardboard box with a new, bright, sharpie marker label stacked in a basement at a time.

by ICJ » Sat Sep 29, 2007 11:37 pm

Did you do collection development? Original serial cataloging? Advanced business and/or legal reference searching using DIALOG or Lexis-Nexis?
This stuff all sounds easier than shelving books, so I think it might not be enhancing your argument.

by itgirl » Sat Sep 29, 2007 9:42 pm

Vitriola wrote:24.Librarian

done it
Fuck you, you did not, not even a little tiny bit, and I'd wager you don't even know what it means to be a librarian. You reshelved books in the public library in high school. That is not what I got my goddamned master's degree in. And you can't even claim to have been a librarian if you don't have a master's degree or haven't lucked into someone's master's degree level job after having worked in a library for twenty years. Did you do collection development? Original serial cataloging? Advanced business and/or legal reference searching using DIALOG or Lexis-Nexis?

by bruce » Sun Sep 16, 2007 10:33 pm

1. Agricultural Engineer
Huh? I mean, OK, maybe it makes sense, kinda. But never a career I woulda picked.

2. Aerospace Engineer
3. Mechanical Engineer
4. Mechanical Engineering Tech
5. Biomedical Engineer
6. Computer Engineer
7. Electrical Engineer
Are we sensing a theme here? "6" is sorta close to what I do for real.

8. Architect
9. Chemical Engineer
10. Anthropologist
11. Mining Engineer
12. Oceanographer
13. Environmental Engineer
All things I might have enjoyed doing, actually. "Anthropologist" seems out of place, but anthropology is pretty cool. Just requires too much interpersonal contact.
14. Technical Writer
Yeah, I do this too in real life.

15. Petroleum Engineer
16. Mathematician
17. Industrial Engineer
Hey, why not just tell me I have Asperger's and get it over with? All, also, cool careers.
18. Historian
Hey, look, it's my Master's Degree!
19. Computer Programmer
Yeah, I do this too.

20. Taxidermist

21. Marine Biologist
22. Zoologist
I guess if I'm working with animals I'd prefer them dead.
23. Electronics Repairer
24. Model Maker
Hey, two of my hobbies, basically.

25. Elevator Installer and Repairer
26. Operations Research Analyst
27. Office Machine Repairer
28. Project Manager
29. Multimedia Developer
Well, at least they got the relative ranking of these four right.
30. Race Car Mechanic
31. Aircraft Mechanic
32. Small Engine Mechanic
33. Diesel Mechanic
34. Motorcycle Mechanic
...and I am indeed thinking of taking up CNC milling as another hobby. Which leads pretty naturally into small engine repair.

35. Locksmith
36. Automobile Mechanic
37. Conservator
38. Engineering Tech
37 is a little odd there. Other than that, pretty much a continuation of the "fixin' stuff" theme.
39. Paleontologist
40. Hydrologist / Hydrogeologist
So, that's pretty interesting: "Asperger's engineering jobs, or scientific professions with a lot of fieldwork. Or fixing shit."

It makes sense.

Also, apparently, I should stuff beavers.


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Sep 14, 2007 9:49 am

Knuckles the CLown wrote:Intersting..... the Knuckles will not comment cause Robb protects everyone.
By the way, my brother specifically asked me, in the past and this year, to not pick on some of his idiot friends during the fantasy baseball and football drafts that I am in, for his leagues. This is partially because some of the dumbest people I've ever met are involved (which is fine, I am not going to attack anybody over that) and also because they are capable of competition-killing moves. One guy traded away Scott Kazmir in a deal that was actually WORSE than the one that originally sent him to Tampa Bay.

Here's what I said after the guy's weak-kneed attempt to call me out, after I said (in general terms) that some owners were making bad trades:
I don't normally don't give a crap about the fact that most of the posts slapped together from you meaty-pawed, balding ham hocks read like they were assembled from glued-together colored pasta, but the phrase I think you were groping for in between deciding that having an injured Devil Ray third baseman named "Akinori" on your team was more valuable than the #1 overall prospect in baseball was "*You're* an idiot." Unless you just decided that if you were going to drop the future AL MVP this week you certainly weren't going to have any problems dropping apostrophes. I wouldn't normally say anything, because I hate nitpicking that shit but JESUS CHRIST.

But what do I know, any time you're able to grab the trifecta of a guy who is hurt, a Devil Ray AND a Japanese infielder you definitely want to hang onto him with death's grip. With your stellar decision making, if I actually clicked on his profile there is like a 60% chance that I'm going to find out that in addition to all that he's also a girl. There's probably a Ukranian shortstop with a club hand coming up in the Rangers' system that you can dump Prince Fielder for, you sniveling nobody. I hate to be the one to break it to you, because God knows who else in this league is unaware, but you actually get to keep 5 guys each year and not three. I'm thinking you could have found space for him seeing how your keeper list is now Hafner, Mauer, Fielder, Gorzelanny and Doumit.

But hey, at least he didn't immediately get picked up by someone in your own division so you won't have to face him for the next 20 seasons, Captain Bavasi.
I know that a lot of that might not be comprehensible, but trust me, it's hilarious. And for this, I was asked by my brother to lay off.

by ChainGangGuy » Fri Sep 14, 2007 9:37 am

a website wrote:1. Director of Photography

2. Actor

3. Director

4. Special Effects Technician

5. Animator

6. Fashion Designer

7. Costume Designer

8. Makeup Artist

9. Artist

10. Graphic Designer

11. Computer Animator

12. Casting Director

13. Composer

14. Comedian

15. Medical Illustrator

16. Website Designer

17. Desktop Publisher

18. Set Designer

19. Cartoonist / Comic Illustrator

20. Musician

21. Video Game Developer

22. Magician

23. Multimedia Developer

24. Sign Maker

25. Dental Lab Tech

26. Taxidermist

27. Upholsterer

28. Chef

29. Curator

30. Web Developer

31. Insurance Underwriter

32. Database Developer

33. Gunsmith

34. Baker

35. Brewmaster

36. Musical Instrument Builder and Repairer

37. Manufacturing Machine Operator

38. Veterinarian

39. Picture Framer

40. Furniture Finisher

by co » Fri Sep 14, 2007 7:33 am

That's eerie, they got it almost right on. Almost all of their suggestions are a good fit, and several are exactly what I'm doing or going to do.

- this is what I wanted to do in my last year of college, didn’t happen
- sure
<u>3.Corporate / Commercial Lawyer</u>
- why yes, I am planning to go to law school in a few years
- I happen to be very interested in economics but didn’t go that way
<u>5.Advertising Account Executive</u>
- never sold ads, seemed cheesy
- absolutely
- doubtful
- nah
<u>9.Investment Advisor</u>
- interested but no
<u>10.Venture Capitalist</u>
- I would fucking love to do this
- where’d this come from?
<u>12.Media Buyer</u>
- ok
<u>13.Management Consultant</u>
- wouldn’t be bad
<u>14.Office Manager</u>
- nah
<u>15.Health Care Administrator</u>
- um, nope
<u>16.Marketing Specialist</u>
- this was my exact job title about 7 years ago
<u>17.Technical Sales Representative</u>
- this is almost my exact job title now
<u>18.Sales Representative</u>
- yep, what I do
<u>19.Public Policy Analyst</u>
- no, but I’ll argue with some libertarian fuckers anytime
<u>20.Communications Specialist</u>
- this was my major in 3rd year of college
<u>21.Political Aide</u>
- hmm
- not too hot on this
- does it matter that I have pot convictions? It does? Then no.
<u>24.Civil Litigator</u>
- not my cup of tea
<u>25.Criminal Lawyer</u>
- I’m not into being a trial lawyer
- business law, yep
- can’t talk that fast
<u>28.Economic Development Officer</u>
- that would be great
<u>29.Public Relations Specialist</u>
- would be interesting
- not creative enough
<u>31.Musical Instrument Builder and Repairer</u>
- not patient enough
<u>32.Art Dealer</u>
- not gay enough
- I hated learning Spanish, so no
<u>34.Telephone Operator</u>
- I use a telephone all day long but I don’t think that’s what they mean
<u>35.Print Journalist</u>
- I could have done this but might have ended up like Steven Glass or Jayson Blair
<u>36.Market Research Analyst</u>
- actually I do this on the side
- exactly what I do but I’d never call on people at home
<u>38.Sports Marketer</u>
- certain sports, sure, but I know shit about team sports
- would be interesting
- nope

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Sep 13, 2007 9:13 pm



by Knuckles the CLown » Thu Sep 13, 2007 8:37 pm

Oh I got plenty there sweet cheeks

by Vitriola » Thu Sep 13, 2007 6:28 pm

Knuckles the CLown wrote:
pinbacker wrote: Chimney Sweep is way too low on the list.


1. Sport Psychology Consultant

2. Psychologist

3. Naturopath

4. Licensed Practical Nurse

5. Addictions Counselor

6. Genetic Counselor

7. Marriage and Family Therapist

Intersting..... the Knuckles will not comment cause Robb protects everyone.
...and probably because you'd have nothing to say.

Here's to YOU, long-distance trucker!

by AArdvark » Thu Sep 13, 2007 6:27 pm

what is a sports psychology consultant?

is that a 'game-face' guy? like motivational speaker fat Tommy Boy guy?


by Knuckles the CLown » Thu Sep 13, 2007 6:07 pm

pinbacker wrote:Chimney Sweep is way too low on the list.
1. Sport Psychology Consultant

2. Psychologist

3. Naturopath

4. Licensed Practical Nurse

5. Addictions Counselor

6. Genetic Counselor

7. Marriage and Family Therapist

Intersting..... the Knuckles will not comment cause Robb protects everyone.

by Vitriola » Thu Sep 13, 2007 5:40 pm

