by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sat Oct 27, 2007 11:49 pm
I had a chance to work for a spyware company once. I got an interview after I left the shithole that was AMD. I did some research on the company before the interview and found out, hey hey hey, they made spyware.
Rather than go to the interview, I completely ignored it. The guy wrote and called, flailing about because hey... why wouldn't I want to work there? I told him I had a flat. I probably should have been a man about it, in retrospect. He did not write back. The end.
I had a chance to work for a spyware company once. I got an interview after I left the shithole that was AMD. I did some research on the company before the interview and found out, hey hey hey, they made spyware.
Rather than go to the interview, I completely ignored it. The guy wrote and called, flailing about because hey... why wouldn't I want to work there? I told him I had a flat. I probably should have been a man about it, in retrospect. He did not write back. The end.