Halloween 2K8: The monkey's paw

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Expand view Topic review: Halloween 2K8: The monkey's paw

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Nov 06, 2007 10:44 pm

Here is a late-Halloween treat! The Google Image Search for "Heath Ledger Joker". Enjoy!

http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&q ... oker&gbv=2

by Vitriola » Thu Nov 01, 2007 11:36 am

AArdvark wrote:Item 1] I believe there was a Hans Christian Andersen story about some guy always getting his wishes but they turned out to be really bad for him. Seems like I read it in middle school.
Then there's the Brothers Grimm one where the fisherman catches the fish and it grants him wishes and then it all goes south.
AArdvark wrote:item 2] What's this about wishing on a necklace if the clasp touches the pendant?

by AArdvark » Thu Nov 01, 2007 4:01 am

That would count.

Item 1] I believe there was a Hans Christian Andersen story about some guy always getting his wishes but they turned out to be really bad for him. Seems like I read it in middle school.

item 2] What's this about wishing on a necklace if the clasp touches the pendant?


by Worm » Wed Oct 31, 2007 8:55 pm


by AArdvark » Wed Oct 31, 2007 4:33 pm

Boy did I get that wrong!


by AArdvark » Wed Oct 31, 2007 4:22 pm

Homer: (paraphrased) "OK paw, listen up. I want a turkey sandwich with lettuce tomato and mayo. I don't want any funny stuff like turkey zombies and ...."

Wait. I have to either print the whole thing or don't type at all.

Maybe I can youtube it...


by Vitriola » Wed Oct 31, 2007 4:13 pm

Robb, are you responsible for this? I just noticed after my last post that the ad at the bottom of the page is the 'Reagan ringtone'. Fie.

by Vitriola » Wed Oct 31, 2007 4:12 pm

I looked up Monkey's Paw story, becaise I vaguely remembered reading it. I found out that it's the story that has been haunting me my whole life. From Wikipedia: "The theme of the story resembles the Faust stories, in which there is no way to craft a wish finely enough to prevent the Devil from thwarting the wisher."

I can barely wish on stars, hay trucks, eyelashes, or necklace clasps touching the pendant because of this story. I fear wishing for anything when a wish is granted, and for decades I have only wished good health and safety to people on airplanes as a result.

by Vitriola » Wed Oct 31, 2007 4:04 pm

Hey, ICJ, in the spirit of the day, tell that horror story you told me a few months ago! Not the one about finding the spiders, or the other 12 about finding the spiders, but the story about 'a person you don't know'.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Oct 31, 2007 3:44 pm

Well, that's sort of a goddamn letdown. Isn't there a fable about a cursed bad penny? Where the penny gives you some wishes or gifts, but then you can't get rid of it and before you know it you've ruined your life?

We need someone familiar with the works of O. Henry and/or Poe, but unfortunately for the last several years the only times I read for pleasure is when I backtrack and read my own old posts. Shit!

by Bugs » Wed Oct 31, 2007 3:36 pm

a bad penny?

by hygraed » Wed Oct 31, 2007 2:41 pm

What comes immediately to mind is the "thing your aunt gave you that you don't know what it is" from the Hitchhiker's IF game. That is probably not it.

However, I do know what you are talking about. I am trying to remember exactly what it was.

Halloween 2K8: The monkey's paw

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Oct 31, 2007 2:31 pm

Hey, I thought the monkey's paw was this thing you couldn't get rid of, it was cursed to always appear. But it is not! What is the thing that is what I am thinking of?
