by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Nov 05, 2007 9:42 pm
bruce wrote:I totally think ICJ should run an A2 BBS--with my custom (not actually existing) BBS software (in emulation if need be). THAT would show those fuckers.
Yes, it would. We had a piece of board spam tonight that inlined Youtube porn. Motherfuckers! (Wait, Youtube doesn't "do" porn... shit, maybe they were just images that were made to look like it. I deleted it, so I can't tell.) Spam is one thing, but 'not safe for work' spam another.
I don't want to commit to something and then fall short, but I have been seriously considering running a telnet / dial-up BBS to go with this one. OK, I have been considering this for years, but considering actually doing it (while not taking this off-line) in the last month or so. These thoughts are spawned from Comcast playing stupid games with Bit torrent, while still charging me the same price. DSL means a phone line, and why not setup an old-school, Fidonet-enabled BBS on said phone line?
[quote="bruce"]I totally think ICJ should run an A2 BBS--with my custom (not actually existing) BBS software (in emulation if need be). THAT would show those fuckers.
Yes, it would. We had a piece of board spam tonight that inlined Youtube porn. Motherfuckers! (Wait, Youtube doesn't "do" porn... shit, maybe they were just images that were made to look like it. I deleted it, so I can't tell.) Spam is one thing, but 'not safe for work' spam another.
I don't want to commit to something and then fall short, but I have been seriously considering running a telnet / dial-up BBS to go with this one. OK, I have been considering this for years, but considering actually doing it (while not taking this off-line) in the last month or so. These thoughts are spawned from Comcast playing stupid games with Bit torrent, while still charging me the same price. DSL means a phone line, and why not setup an old-school, Fidonet-enabled BBS on said phone line?