St. Louis SuperAuctions

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Topic review

Expand view Topic review: St. Louis SuperAuctions

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Nov 15, 2007 10:42 am

It is killing me that this is 12 hours away. Here's some stuff that is going to be there:
Omega Race - complete and fairly nice. Board is dead. Acid damage repaired but it has another board fault. Monitor appears to work.

Area 51 - 19 inch conversion cab. No art to speak of but the game works.

Space Duel - Working and very nice.

Galaga - Working but cabinet is fairly beat up.

Tron - Working and fairly nice.

Nintendo Tent Cocktail - Working.

Tank II - Plays blind.

Asteroids - Working and decent.


Gallag - pulled from a dead cab. Need to test in my Galaga.

Time Pilot - pulled from cabinet playing blind (cracked neck)

Star Wars - Bad AVG. Has mathbox error with good AVG installed.

MCR boards - I have a metric ton of these...

Leathal Enforcers - Works but will blow speakers...

VS boards - I have two or 4. I couldn't get them to work last time I tried... but I didn't try hard.

Pac Man/Ms.Pac - VRAM addresser and Sync Bus missing

Galaga - One spare working set
2x Baby Pac Man
Cheyenne (working)
Clay Pigeon
Toobin' (working)
From this thread: ... &fpart=all

I wrote SuperAuctions to ask them why they've never had an auction out here, but got no reply.

St. Louis SuperAuctions

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Oct 29, 2007 9:45 am

Honestly, if this wasn't right between a wedding I am going to in San Jose and my brother flying out for Thanksgiving, I'd be there, Bruce:

Saturday, November 17th || Area of Saint Louis, Missouri

Belle-Claire Fairgrounds
200 South Belt East

Belleville, IL.
View Map
Preview: 8:00AM to 10:00AM
Auction starts at 10:00AM
The prices at these things are ridiculously good. A mint Tempest went for $425 at Detroit this weekend. Mine, which is near-mint, but definitely not mint, cost me $800. A working Mr. Do's Wild Ride went for $25! A working anything should not go for $25 at these places, but they do.

But I have to road-trip out at some point, because the auction experience is something I gotta add.
