by Lysander » Sun Nov 18, 2007 12:37 am ... on-071117/
Lovely. Let the child molesters off with a year and a day but by all means, go after those file sharers. Christ, you could rape your own daughter and probably get a lighter sentence. In a perfect world, of course, the child rapists would be dead, and the torrent uploader would be praised as a hero for allowing us to watch that aweful, aweful movie without forcing us to spend a dime on it--fate always did do tragedy better than comedy.
Lovely. Let the child molesters off with a year and a day but by all means, go after those file sharers. Christ, you could rape your own daughter and probably get a lighter sentence. In a perfect world, of course, the child rapists would be dead, and the torrent uploader would be praised as a hero for allowing us to watch that aweful, aweful movie without forcing us to spend a dime on it--fate always did do tragedy better than comedy.