by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Dec 28, 2007 5:57 pm
The best part is that they indignatly defend their system. Yeah, if you are pre-charging someone $20 for gas, sure, go crazy. Some poor fellow trying to get $400 worth of monitors may not want his credit card tied up like that.
I have no idea why Happ even sells to the general public. Their prices are ridiculous, their website hard to navigate and they actually looked at the trillions of credit card transactions that the rest of us did and shook their head, said, "No... no... there has to be a BETTER way! "
I'll tell you something else that makes me sick, the whole "show ID when paying with a debit card." Which has really taken off lately and completely against merchant agreements. If I didn't have a million other things going on, I'd start reporting businesses around here.
The best part is that they indignatly defend their system. Yeah, if you are pre-charging someone $20 for gas, sure, go crazy. Some poor fellow trying to get $400 worth of monitors may not want his credit card tied up like that.
I have no idea why Happ even sells to the general public. Their prices are ridiculous, their website hard to navigate and they actually looked at the trillions of credit card transactions that the rest of us did and shook their head, said, "No... no... there has to be a BETTER way! "
I'll tell you something else that makes me sick, the whole "show ID when paying with a debit card." Which has really taken off lately and completely against merchant agreements. If I didn't have a million other things going on, I'd start reporting businesses around here.