by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sat Dec 29, 2007 3:05 am
This is a link that will take you to a wonderful remake of "Wizard of Wor," an arcade classic that almost none of the general public will remember to this day. ... r_152.html
It has a few problems with collision detection, but - to quote Gaff from "Blade Runner" - then again, who does?
... Anyway, it's an excellent waste of a half hour and it works perfectly in Windows XP.
This is a link that will take you to a wonderful remake of "Wizard of Wor," an arcade classic that almost none of the general public will remember to this day.
It has a few problems with collision detection, but - to quote Gaff from "Blade Runner" - then again, who does?
... Anyway, it's an excellent waste of a half hour and it works perfectly in Windows XP.