Five video games you want to complete in 2008

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by Worm » Mon Dec 29, 2008 8:43 am

I only got Persona 3 finished.

I don't know what happened to my FF3 ROM, but the game erupts into such bullshit that I got sick of it. Right after you get the class that lets you jump, you run into an enemy that you have to beat by managing to be mid jump when he attacks, it was fucking infuriating.

All the other ones I just wholesale lost interest in. Well I guess we're going to have a 2009 thread in a few days, get your picks FUCKING READY.
jjsonick wrote:Damn, yeah, I didn't finish any of the games I listed either. I did happen to start playing one that was on Worm's list - Persona 3 - and, like he was at that time, I'm really liking it but also not getting around to playing it as much as I want.
That game was probably one of the most humbling gaming experiences ever for me. I warezed expecting to fucking hate it, and lo and behold it's better than the majority of Western RPGs out there.

I said the big thing about time would be to do the dungeons in marathons and get them out of the way, because every full moon is just one boss battle coupled with an FMV event, so if your guys are grinded all the way up you can easily get through those without it taking much time.

by bruce » Sun Dec 28, 2008 12:58 pm

I did manage to finish Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas last night.

Yay me.


by jjsonick » Sat Dec 27, 2008 11:27 pm

Damn, yeah, I didn't finish any of the games I listed either. I did happen to start playing one that was on Worm's list - Persona 3 - and, like he was at that time, I'm really liking it but also not getting around to playing it as much as I want.

by Garth's Equipment Shop » Sat Dec 27, 2008 10:08 am

By 2010 I plan to have played every piece of IF stored on the IF Archive and provide my own reviews of each. As if that weren't enough I also plan to play every FRUA design module archived at the Magic Mirror and provide my own reviews of each of them too.

Interactive Fiction Archive:

Forgotten Realm's Unlimited Adventures Magic Mirror:

Wish me luck! (I'm gonna need it to accomplish this daunting task!)

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Dec 25, 2008 9:19 pm

Yeah, I accomplished nothing I said I was going to in 2008.

by hygraed » Thu Dec 25, 2008 12:51 pm

None :( I just ended up beating Max Payne 1 and 2 for the umpteenth goddamn time.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Dec 25, 2008 10:18 am

So! How did we do?

by Roody_Yogurt » Mon Jan 07, 2008 9:19 pm

Not familiar with Summoner but that video is pretty entertaining.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Jan 07, 2008 2:32 pm

Planescape: Torment. If I get through that one, I will have unlocked the achievement in this thread.

Though Caltrops Pinball just went to beta, and I am going to play the SHIT out of that tonight. More on that later.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sat Jan 05, 2008 1:47 am

jjsonick wrote:Ultima VII - I've started this multiple times and loved it each time, but always get distracted at some point and feel like I need to begin at the beginning each time I eventually return to it. Here's to trying to finish it in '08.
Yes! This one!
Starflight - Here's another one I like, get distracted from, and feel I must start over from the beginning. One problem I've had is that 'time' (in terms of triggered events) seems to pass too quickly when I've played it through DosBox before, so I probably need to slow it down and endure painfully long planet-landing sequences.
This one, too. Although realstically, I would imagine that this is the one I will not get to. I keep thinking there is some idealized version of it for some long forgotten platform like the CoCo that has great graphics and all the missions and so forth. For some reason, just doing it in EGA in Dosbox makes me feel like I am missing something. Still, an amazing game.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sat Jan 05, 2008 1:45 am

AArdvark wrote:The Visiting Rich People mission is rather difficult. Skulking about is tricky.
Because your character is poor, or because your character is, you know, sniff sniff, Italian?

That was the other thread. This is the one that really took off, so I hope everyone had this thread in their 3-thread teaser.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sat Jan 05, 2008 1:43 am

Roody_Yogurt wrote:Sacrifice (PC)
I always get that game confused with Summoner.

And then I remember this video, which apparently has the characters from Summoner:


by jjsonick » Fri Jan 04, 2008 8:49 pm

Baldur's Gate 2 - I've been playing this through Gametap but at a slow pace with much too long stretches between sessions - this must be corrected!

Ultima VII - I've started this multiple times and loved it each time, but always get distracted at some point and feel like I need to begin at the beginning each time I eventually return to it. Here's to trying to finish it in '08.

Starflight - Here's another one I like, get distracted from, and feel I must start over from the beginning. One problem I've had is that 'time' (in terms of triggered events) seems to pass too quickly when I've played it through DosBox before, so I probably need to slow it down and endure painfully long planet-landing sequences.

Star Saga I - This is a mammoth combination of sci-fi computer rpg, board game and choose your own adventure that I actually made an map-assistant utility program for (which replaces the physical game board) as a contribution to the Home of the Underdogs site. What's sad is despite that work, I've barely played this very interesting game.

Captain Blood - Captivatingly strange space exploration game I've never finished. Part of the problem is that the Amiga version was recommended as the best, and the (recommended) emulator I used would choke at an early part of the game. I'm hoping this has been fixed so I can have another go.
hygraed wrote: The next four go together:

Crusader Kings
Europa Universalis II
Victoria: An Empire Under the Sun
Hearts of Iron II: Doomsday

That's right, I'm going to attempt a Paradox Mega-Game, a grand historical strategy game spanning four games and nine centuries. If you don't know what this is, you can start a game in 1066 with Crusader Kings, and when the game ends in 1453 you can seamlessly transfer your empire to Europa Universalis II and play until 1820, at which point you switch to Victoria and play until 1920, when Hearts of Iron II takes over. It will be the deepest, most complex strategy game I've ever attempted, and will all but guarantee that I will never have sex again.
That sounds awesome. I have all of those except Crusader Kings, which I've considered buying recently. I've actually not played any of them as much as I'd like, though Victoria's complexity tends to jellify my brain.

by AArdvark » Fri Jan 04, 2008 2:30 pm

I loaded Mafia last night, just because I was all excited about it . There is something about mafia that makes it more fun than GTA, even tho the gameplay is very similar. I replaced all the music with Led Zeppelin tunes because that hokey be-bop tootling was driving me mad! It is quite enjoyable to be in a car chase with sirens blaring behind me as I roar through the streets of Lost Heaven with 'When the Levee Breaks' pounding away.

The Visiting Rich People mission is rather difficult. Skulking about is tricky. Especially as one gets used to blasting away while dodging to and fro. I know there is a walkthrough for the game on a couple sites. After I belted the first guy on the head and turned off the lights I just ran like a monkey for the house. Once you get the tommy gun off'n a goon the rest is cake. Don't forget to have the safecracker guy help you steal the mansion owner's car on the way out.


by hygraed » Fri Jan 04, 2008 1:26 am

I think you guys are misinterpreting me. Mafia is great. It's seriously one of the best PC games I've ever played. It has its flaws, though, just like every great game throughout history. It just so happens that one of those flaws is present in such a way as to make it impossible to progress until said flaw has been surmounted.

It's honestly a fantastic game and I recommend it to anyone who likes action games. It's similar to GTA except it feels a lot more polished (and there are FUCKING IN-MISSION AUTO-SAVES WHICH GTA HAS NEEDED FOR ABOUT SIX YEARS).

by Roody_Yogurt » Thu Jan 03, 2008 10:07 pm

I dunno, I got through Mafia ok. The racing part that has been bitched about muchly on here was quite hard, and that aforementioned mansion part was tricky but I don't remember it taking too long to find a safe-ish path through the estate.

I loved the game at the time, but I'm leaning towards not getting Mafia 2 when it's out just the same just because I couldn't stand to do any of that stuff over again.

by Roody_Yogurt » Thu Jan 03, 2008 10:02 pm

Sacrifice (PC) - This game had a nice enough plot and some cool characters and good voice acting, but I just hated the game play overall (first, I didn't like it, then I got used to it and then eventually decided that no, I didn't really care for it at all). Still, the strong points of the game are good enough that I keep meaning to just force my way through it just to see how the story plays out.

SkullMonkeys (Playstation) - I liked the prequel to this a lot, the Neverhood on the PC, which was an imaginative puzzle game in a claymation world. This one is one of those side-view platformers that I basically hate like Donkey Kong Country or Earthworm Jim, but I'd still like to beat it just to see the rest of the in-game movies.

Clock Tower (Playstation) - I've pretty much vowed to never play a Japanese game with a storyline again, but I still mean to one day re-visit this one and beat it just for some closure. Before you figure out the game play mechanics (or read the instruction manual), there was some actual tension which I had some fun with... Even though I couldn't figure my way out of the last level (of the path I was on- there are like five or six different endings), the good times were good enough that I still want to finish it off.

Advent Rising (PC and X-Box- I'll probably get the X-Box version) - I haven't even bought this one yet. I remember it looked sort of horrible when it came out and it's supposed to be a buggy mess, but I've heard that it has some fans that are mad that Psychonauts (also released by Majestic) stole attention away from it, contributing to its failure, and if it's good enough for some people to resent Psychonauts, then I think I want to check it out.

The Captive (C64) - This game tormented me back in the 80s. I started playing it again last year. If the CCS64 emulator guy ever lets you link gamepad buttons to the freeze state buttons, I think I can do it (not that the game mechanics are so insanely hard, but any mistake is an instant death that restarts your game).

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Jan 03, 2008 10:01 pm

hygraed wrote:Mafia - I loved the shit out of this game up until the mission about half-way through that managed to combine a stealth mission with an escort mission in a game that should not have included either.
See? SEE??!? This is exactly what I mean. Mafia is the good-looking-hooker-with-AIDS of the first person shooter community.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Jan 03, 2008 9:59 pm

AArdvark wrote:I like Mafia because I am able to run amok with weapons.
Nobody seems to have anything good to say about Mafia, but it is not a bad game. In fact, it is probably a GOOD game. But you never hear good stories about it.

It's always, "... and then I got to this one part, and fuck my mouth, it took 45 minutes to complete. Fuck Mafia!"

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Jan 03, 2008 9:58 pm

Draaal wrote:I completed the entire Baulder's Gate Trilogy just last night, and am still wondering if I will be alive when I wake tomorrow. Gah... Said "Fuck it" and bought twenty dollars worth of soda just for this, which I will feel very soon.
FUCK YEAH! Draal, that's awesome. That's the way to do it, too, because once you play BG2 you can never go back to BG1 due to the loafing those flatfooted motherfuckers engage in.

I think someone might port this to the Atari 800, which I mention because that is like the only platform in the world without its own .... Elite!
