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Topic review

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by milker » Mon Jan 21, 2008 12:16 pm

Well heck, I guess I should be using those 2 gigs if they are going to give it to me with my account. I guess that will give them more reason to throttle my account and decide what I can and can't do with my account.

I guess I could have done one of them there googles everyone is talking about and looked up reviews of usenet providers.

I was going for personal experience here as recommendations are always appreciated.

by Worm » Mon Jan 21, 2008 7:47 am

I know comcast has a 2gb cap per month on their service, but some ISPs have pretty warez friendly usenet services. blues

by milker » Sun Jan 20, 2008 11:11 pm

So, I see unlimited service is not nearly as nice as it once was considering half the stuff I go after these days are outside their retention time price hike they have done. At $14.95 for unlimited usenet downloads and massive retention, rates in the glory days when they were just small fry ia a thing of the past, I see they now want more for additional retention days and still only 8 connections.

So, anyone with a good usenet provider at a decent price with good retention times and completion rates? It has gotten to the point where hardly any downloads complete and I love warez!
