You know, there's just no hope.

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by Debaser » Mon Jan 27, 2003 7:40 pm

Lex wrote:Sorry guys, it doesn't count as "antics" if you don't wear a dress.
The same dress at the same time, <s>natch</s> of course.

by Lex » Mon Jan 27, 2003 5:32 am

Sorry guys, it doesn't count as "antics" if you don't wear a dress.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Jan 27, 2003 12:16 am

Well... *start* expecting it! Please?

by Worm » Sun Jan 26, 2003 8:00 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: What's the point??? The point, Herr Parrish is that there are (if the sticky thread is any example) a whopping TWENTY-EIGHT people who visit here and expect to be entertained by our antics. And they sure aren't going to get it from alabaster and Dishbringer. The point, sir, is that you are going to make a point, I am going to refute it, you are going to refute my... refutations (er) and it just goes on and on from there.
Actually I don't expect to be entertained by your antics.

by AArdvark » Fri Jan 24, 2003 10:25 pm

Don't remember the kids in CCOT3K? I remember one of them breaking all his stuff because Mr Holland is fighting with his wife at the time. Dreyfuss! That's his name. You get the idea. Signs has the feel of a B movie. very little in the way of extended plot. it's just 'lets stick aliens in some guy's (the director's, BTW) pantry and have Max chop off his alien fingers.' Gibson! that's his name. You get the idea. It reminded me of other B movies like 'Evil Dead 2'
or...or...The 80's flick that featured 2 kids and a large hole in the backyard... (not poltergiest) I remember seeing it on HBO when it was a young channel. BALLS! can't remember much more of it. Anyhoo, I think putting Mel in there gave it an A rating in a B movie plot. Think of the movie if total unknowns were in it. maybe catch it at the drive in or the dreaded..... DIRECT TO VIDEO.
as a further note, I am going to refrain from capialtize my typing any more. it slows down my thought processes when i have to back up and fix my sentences all pretty.
I am also not going to fix any more typos as they slow down my thoughts in the same way. cant have mr fuckingaardvark slowing down his thoughts can we i mean god forbid the guy just does a spell check at the end of the post or anything next thing you know hes gonna want to freaking host his own bastr or something like that.goddam look im just gonna go have a couple more beets now, so ill have to get back to you all...


sorry gotta caps the signature

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Jan 24, 2003 5:47 pm

Easy there, Auric of Comedy! Jesus Christ. Next time, please do not put a paragraph break between your two comments. And ellipses really aren't your style. When someone gets done with a Ben Parrish post, the implying subtext is a, "I'm right, you're wrong, eat fuck." This whole dot dot dot thing just isn't you.

Shit, is someone else posting as "Ben"? I guess, now that I am the victim of it for a change, that it's really not so funny afterall.

by Ben » Fri Jan 24, 2003 5:38 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Getting what out? What are you talking about? Usually it's only Lex's posts that have reference to something that was talked about ten threads and three months ago. You going into non-sequiturs isn't going to work for me.
No, see... in the world of "humor" and "internet bulletin board systems" and "generally having a clue", that was what is normally referred to as a "joke". Implying that at one point, you had asked me to retrieve something from your rectum, and I naturally obliged, and then while I was doing so, something horrific happened which scarred me for life. Since that incident never (to my recollection) actually occurred, it creates a discordant juxtaposition with real life, and hence creates "comedy".

I would have hoped I wouldn't have to keep explaining this to you, particularly on your own website.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Jan 24, 2003 5:34 pm

Getting what out? What are you talking about? Usually it's only Lex's posts that have reference to something that was talked about ten threads and three months ago. You going into non-sequiturs isn't going to work for me.

by Ben » Fri Jan 24, 2003 5:29 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:came out. So maybe it's better when it's big and in front of you like that? It very well could be.
It's fabulous both ways. Your taste is, as usual, firmly lodged in your rectum.

And I'm not getting it out this time. Fool me once...

by loafergirl » Fri Jan 24, 2003 4:51 pm

Ben wrote:
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I don't remember any kids in Close Encounters.

Do you remember any light sabers in Star Wars? Do you remember any snakes in Raiders of the Lost Ark?

Do you remember any foul language in Eddie Murphy: Raw?

Do you remember any cockroaches during the final segment of Creepshow? Do you remember any police cars in The Blues Brothers? Do you remember a sled in Citizen Kane? Do you remember any soap in Fight Club?

Do you remember any Dom Deluises in Cannonball Run?
Do you remember any "Shut" in "The Fuck Up!"? I'm sorry, I was inspired...


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Jan 24, 2003 4:43 pm

Ben wrote:
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I don't remember any kids in Close Encounters.

Do you remember any light sabers in Star Wars? Do you remember any snakes in Raiders of the Lost Ark?

Do you remember any foul language in Eddie Murphy: Raw?

Do you remember any cockroaches during the final segment of Creepshow? Do you remember any police cars in The Blues Brothers? Do you remember a sled in Citizen Kane? Do you remember any soap in Fight Club?

Do you remember any Dom Deluises in Cannonball Run?

Honestly, I didn't/don't. (Er, the first one. Though I've never seen Creepshow.)

It has been at least 10, maybe 15 years since I saw Close Encounters, and it was the free TV version. I always thought it was complete shit. It takes forever for something to happen. The protagonist is COMPLETELY unsympathetic. You couldn't escape knowing OMG ALIENS appear at the end of it (sort of) so the "big payoff" isn't a big payoff as such. And the mashed potatoes scene is fucking disgusting. The guy so obsessed with whatever the hell he thinks is out there that is becomes an irritating drama queen thing isn't interesting to me.

I'd say "I should really see it again," but there's no way I could make it through it.

Funnily enough, I've never seen it on the silver screen. I presume you did, as you're like 20 years older than me and therefore would have been at movie-going age when CC came out. So maybe it's better when it's big and in front of you like that? It very well could be.

by Ben » Fri Jan 24, 2003 3:28 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I don't remember any kids in Close Encounters.

Do you remember any light sabers in Star Wars? Do you remember any snakes in Raiders of the Lost Ark?

Do you remember any foul language in Eddie Murphy: Raw?

Do you remember any cockroaches during the final segment of Creepshow? Do you remember any police cars in The Blues Brothers? Do you remember a sled in Citizen Kane? Do you remember any soap in Fight Club?

Do you remember any Dom Deluises in Cannonball Run?

by Brandon Van Every » Fri Jan 24, 2003 1:27 pm


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Jan 24, 2003 4:05 am

Ben wrote: Well, you're just a fucking idiot.

(Who is now in my killfile.)
I can't really express all the anger that I have, in seeing that you posted this, as I was picking off your messages one by one and not reading ahead. I got timelined for the kill file comment. Goddamn you.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Jan 24, 2003 4:03 am

Ben wrote:
o The scene where they are all having dinner.
Funny you should mention this. That was just about the time I was starting to mentally compare the movie to Close Encounters (and not coincidentally started wishing I was WATCHING Close Encounters), and then... Oh! Here's a scene of a family at a dinner table, eating mashed potatoes, and the father breaks down and the kids start crying!!

Gosh! What movie do I remember this scene from!?!?!

I don't remember any kids in Close Encounters.

It's been at least 10 years since I've seen it, though. I guess they were just not that memorable. (I'm going to be a total bitch in 5... 4... 3...2...) oh, well, SHRUG. That's Spielberg's fault, not mine.

Also, Dreyfus is too annoying to take seriously. If you think Close Encounters is better than Signs then why don't you just go take Mrs Skakabelli's Mandolin and cram it up your ass, ass?

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Jan 24, 2003 4:01 am

Ben wrote:
so I am mainly posting for the expected eventual abuse.
What's the point? This is why I didn't want to collaborate on a single website, though.
OK, this is the most offensive thing you've ever said to me.

What's the point??? The point, Herr Parrish is that there are (if the sticky thread is any example) a whopping TWENTY-EIGHT people who visit here and expect to be entertained by our antics. And they sure aren't going to get it from alabaster and Dishbringer. The point, sir, is that you are going to make a point, I am going to refute it, you are going to refute my... refutations (er) and it just goes on and on from there.

And the collaboration shot, that's just painful. A bullet through my soul. Here's the difference between the PWC/JC/MR "family" of websites and some hole like Pitchfork or Baseball Prospectus. OK? Here we go. Here we go. Bum-bum-BUM-bum-BUM-bum-bumbumbum-BUMBUm, OK:

o Pitchfork and BR hates everything, and when one of them hates something, which they all do, they groupthink their way into having the exact same opinion.

o PWC/JC/MR, well, one of us may hate something, but the other does not necessarily do so, and therefore we are engaged in a kind of *dialogue* and not just telling people (28 whole unique individuals, plus the one guy from Ireland who drops by around 3:30am MST and hasn't clicked on that thread yet) "this is how it is."

There is a *difference,* and that difference is so completely critical. In my mind at least.

But if you'd rather just speak AT people then speak with them, then I will sod off accordingly.


PS, killfiled

by Ben » Fri Jan 24, 2003 3:52 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:or some kind of CCot3K flick (which is a terrible, terrible movie in which nothing EVER fucking happens and the fact that you referenced it when belabouring Signs only goes to show that YOU are the being not from planet earth in this thread).
Well, you're just a fucking idiot.

(Who is now in my killfile.)

by Ben » Fri Jan 24, 2003 3:49 am

o The scene where they are all having dinner.
Funny you should mention this. That was just about the time I was starting to mentally compare the movie to Close Encounters (and not coincidentally started wishing I was WATCHING Close Encounters), and then... Oh! Here's a scene of a family at a dinner table, eating mashed potatoes, and the father breaks down and the kids start crying!!

Gosh! What movie do I remember this scene from!?!?!

by Ben » Fri Jan 24, 2003 3:46 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:belief (ha, ha) that any form of media that is remotely pro-spiritual is automatically a piece of funky-smelling crap
Not automatically, but I'll admit to a certain prejudice.
o "I'm insane with anger!"
I did like that.
o The basement scene, which was the best "lights go out in the basement" scene that I've seen since Re-Animator.
I was already MSTing the movie at this point. When the lights went out, I cocked the hammer. Then when they came back on, I fired (out loud, in my own empty apartment): "SURPRISE!!!" Oh, how I roared.
so I am mainly posting for the expected eventual abuse.
What's the point? This is why I didn't want to collaborate on a single website, though.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Jan 24, 2003 3:33 am

Additionally: you should have seen it on the big screen. It's Just That kind of movie.
