by Nihil Vulture » Sat Jan 26, 2008 9:32 pm
Hey guys, if you like Howard Phillip Lovecraft (aka the HP), and love Text Adventures/Interactive Fiction... Here's a small list of games to consider:
Anchorhead - Damn good IF game! It is logically driven, not whole lot of puzzles, just good ole story telling in the vein of the HP! - ZMachine game
Theatre - It prolly has something to do with The Thing At The Threshold, don't quote me about it (and I think it was Nightgaunt, or a Baakee (sic) that the foozle is. - ZMachine Game
The Lurking Horror - An AWESOME Infocom game about GUI University (actually, from what I gathered, GUI U is modeled from MIT), very Lovecraftian, one of the first Infocom lines with SOUND, rather then eye candy graphics... The sounds serve very much as ambience... There's even an Alchemy Department in the game... Awefuckensome!
Wishbringer - Infocom title, very enchanting, you play a tormented mailboy, who must save the sleepy town from the Dark One, after she kidnaps an old lady's companion, a lil kitty... Avoid the Boot Patrol (yes, I do mean a march of disembodied marching combat boots!!! Giant combat boots.... smelly leather... ummm, you get the picture), save platipusses, and become the hero! Written by the great Brian Moriarity
ZORK Trilogy - Damn I love these games!!! I do not care much tho, for the Anthology, I rather the great Trilogy.... Infocom titles... Deffinately something that won't disappoint you true IF players!!!
The Horror of Rylvania - A TADS game by Adventions... Definately a must!!! It has an original story, feels alil like Polarware's Transylvania series, but still original...
Trinity - Another Infocom game written by Mr. Moriarity... A must for all to see ^_~
A Mind Forever Voyaging - Gorgeous prose, of a robot who strives to become human. -Infocom game
Now, hopefully one day I will have the courage to bring forth an IF game, primarily in ALAN... But I must be vigilant with ACK, and the game called USURPER... I apologize to those who might think I am actually taking the short cut by making Ultima First Age-like characters... I feel I must do this as a retro and nostalgic feel of the Ultima series...
Well I said my peace, and I hope yall like my list! ^_^ My album, for Nightblood, is still in works, I might finish by tomorrow.... One song is done so far, called "Oath of the Horns"
Hey guys, if you like Howard Phillip Lovecraft (aka the HP), and love Text Adventures/Interactive Fiction... Here's a small list of games to consider:
Anchorhead - Damn good IF game! It is logically driven, not whole lot of puzzles, just good ole story telling in the vein of the HP! - ZMachine game
Theatre - It prolly has something to do with The Thing At The Threshold, don't quote me about it (and I think it was Nightgaunt, or a Baakee (sic) that the foozle is. - ZMachine Game
The Lurking Horror - An AWESOME Infocom game about GUI University (actually, from what I gathered, GUI U is modeled from MIT), very Lovecraftian, one of the first Infocom lines with SOUND, rather then eye candy graphics... The sounds serve very much as ambience... There's even an Alchemy Department in the game... Awefuckensome!
Wishbringer - Infocom title, very enchanting, you play a tormented mailboy, who must save the sleepy town from the Dark One, after she kidnaps an old lady's companion, a lil kitty... Avoid the Boot Patrol (yes, I do mean a march of disembodied marching combat boots!!! Giant combat boots.... smelly leather... ummm, you get the picture), save platipusses, and become the hero! Written by the great Brian Moriarity
ZORK Trilogy - Damn I love these games!!! I do not care much tho, for the Anthology, I rather the great Trilogy.... Infocom titles... Deffinately something that won't disappoint you true IF players!!!
The Horror of Rylvania - A TADS game by Adventions... Definately a must!!! It has an original story, feels alil like Polarware's Transylvania series, but still original...
Trinity - Another Infocom game written by Mr. Moriarity... A must for all to see ^_~
A Mind Forever Voyaging - Gorgeous prose, of a robot who strives to become human. -Infocom game
Now, hopefully one day I will have the courage to bring forth an IF game, primarily in ALAN... But I must be vigilant with ACK, and the game called USURPER... I apologize to those who might think I am actually taking the short cut by making Ultima First Age-like characters... I feel I must do this as a retro and nostalgic feel of the Ultima series...
Well I said my peace, and I hope yall like my list! ^_^ My album, for Nightblood, is still in works, I might finish by tomorrow.... One song is done so far, called "Oath of the Horns"