Roguelikes for (Underware Designs) PlayBASIC

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Expand view Topic review: Roguelikes for (Underware Designs) PlayBASIC

by Garth's Equipment Shop » Wed Dec 17, 2008 11:09 pm

My fav was Alphaman. Maybe ANSI would be the way to go. You can get a little fancier with ANSI graphics while still keeping it old school.

by Oroth » Wed Feb 06, 2008 2:57 am

Worm wrote: I think it would also be neat to come up with more stupid bindings than any rogue like ever. I know that ADOM lets you clean your ears, but I'm talking something moronic for every CTRL,ALT,SHIFT and normal button you don't have mapped somewhere else. CTRL+L to lounge(bonus relations to lizard enemies), CTRL+U to undulate, ALT+H to harbinger(sorry, you need a "THE END IS NEAR" SIGN to do that).
Heh, it'd be like emacs, or vim.
CTRL+ALT+B to blink twice slowly

Roguelike, PlayBASIC and BASIC4GL

by Sarg » Wed Feb 06, 2008 1:35 am

I almost got big hammer to smack this programming! It eludes me that I cannot do ASCII style graphics for PlayBASIC... But on the other hand, there's a good BASIC for that type of thing... BASIC4GL... Therefore... I am gonna make the ASCII first, then port it into a badass graphical one... It's gonna feature new races, while the ASCII is just pure adventure, 100 dungeons (I HOPE for), with three stages that randomly change... 300 Dungeons canl be explored... And yes, the monsters get bigger and badder... One game that also gets me going into that general direction is The Orb of Zotz, the grand daddy of all Roguelikes :)

by Worm » Tue Feb 05, 2008 4:37 pm

What's it going to tend more to Nethack, or ADOM?

I really don't mind Nethack being brutal because there's not much elsewhere to go but a dungeon, however in ADOM it fucking sets me off.

I think the way Dwarf Fortress did it's into was very interesting. I think it'd be neat to see JRPG style dialog boxes with ASCII art head shots of the character you're examining/speaking to/attacking. Tilesets are great, but I think that the ASCII sets so exemplify what are probably some of the most obtuse games ever.

I think it would also be neat to come up with more stupid bindings than any rogue like ever. I know that ADOM lets you clean your ears, but I'm talking something moronic for every CTRL,ALT,SHIFT and normal button you don't have mapped somewhere else. CTRL+L to lounge(bonus relations to lizard enemies), CTRL+U to undulate, ALT+H to harbinger(sorry, you need a "THE END IS NEAR" SIGN to do that).

Roguelikes for (Underware Designs) PlayBASIC

by Nihil Vulture » Tue Feb 05, 2008 10:23 am

Right now, I am trying to make (with out eyecandy graphics) a roguelike through PlayBASIC... Old ASCII graphics defined the visuals of Rogue... And the RPG-like stats and stuff, made it enjoyable... I hope I can figure out the way to ASCII mapping and sprites...

Check yall later,

