by Worm » Tue Feb 05, 2008 4:37 pm
What's it going to tend more to Nethack, or ADOM?
I really don't mind Nethack being brutal because there's not much elsewhere to go but a dungeon, however in ADOM it fucking sets me off.
I think the way Dwarf Fortress did it's into was very interesting. I think it'd be neat to see JRPG style dialog boxes with ASCII art head shots of the character you're examining/speaking to/attacking. Tilesets are great, but I think that the ASCII sets so exemplify what are probably some of the most obtuse games ever.
I think it would also be neat to come up with more stupid bindings than any rogue like ever. I know that ADOM lets you clean your ears, but I'm talking something moronic for every CTRL,ALT,SHIFT and normal button you don't have mapped somewhere else. CTRL+L to lounge(bonus relations to lizard enemies), CTRL+U to undulate, ALT+H to harbinger(sorry, you need a "THE END IS NEAR" SIGN to do that).
What's it going to tend more to Nethack, or ADOM?
I really don't mind Nethack being brutal because there's not much elsewhere to go but a dungeon, however in ADOM it fucking sets me off.
I think the way Dwarf Fortress did it's into was very interesting. I think it'd be neat to see JRPG style dialog boxes with ASCII art head shots of the character you're examining/speaking to/attacking. Tilesets are great, but I think that the ASCII sets so exemplify what are probably some of the most obtuse games ever.
I think it would also be neat to come up with more stupid bindings than any rogue like ever. I know that ADOM lets you clean your ears, but I'm talking something moronic for every CTRL,ALT,SHIFT and normal button you don't have mapped somewhere else. CTRL+L to lounge(bonus relations to lizard enemies), CTRL+U to undulate, ALT+H to harbinger(sorry, you need a "THE END IS NEAR" SIGN to do that).