The Phantom

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Topic review

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by bruce » Fri Jan 24, 2003 6:51 pm

Lex wrote:Their press Release and Events section also insist that they're appearing at the ECTS, E3, etc., but none of these people have them listed as showers.
Yeah, well, it's basically a downmarket X-Box: it's a cheap PC in a small case. They're going to do some sort of PC-game downloading to the box. Either they're based in China or somewhere with similarly unenforceable intellectual property laws, or their 37 gazillion titles are "X-Treme Beach Solitaire (vol 14), Shareware Edition" and the like.

If it ever appears.


by Lex » Fri Jan 24, 2003 6:10 pm

Their press Release and Events section also insist that they're appearing at the ECTS, E3, etc., but none of these people have them listed as showers.

This is some serious bullshit. Weird bullshit. And the bull, was, like an alien or something.

The Phantom

by Lex » Fri Jan 24, 2003 6:08 pm

Some of you may be aware of this; others may not.

Now, I think this thing has appeared on Penny Arcade, but I was on it from the ground floor, and your remmeber that.

No-one knows about this company; their press-release tells us they are a group of people with corporate knowledge of all sorts of things, but know nothing about videogames.

The "specs" of their system is uselessly vague, and obviously broadband-specific.

They claim to have thousands of games already, which is impossible, unless it's an emulation machine, and even then there are thousands of legal wrangles. Or nipples. Whatever.

If you give a lookup of them you get a Mail Boxes Etc. Box/ address, which is hardly professional or inspiring.

In short, no-one knows whether this is a hoax. And in that they bought, which must've cost millions, they are serious, about something. ... 1-22&res=l
