Rundown of games I've beaten lately

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by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sat Jan 25, 2003 5:44 pm

Ahh, didn't realize that Microsoft was going after a publisher and not a developer. I wondered why I hadn't really heard of anything they created themselves.

I imagine Sierra is still publishing the PC version of Half-Life II? (Not that it will ever come out.) They'd be operating under the same retarded bizarro logic found in many of their later adventure games if they let that one slip away.

by Jack Straw » Sat Jan 25, 2003 4:31 pm

...Looks like Vivendi publishes the console versions. ... _id=281677

At least we'll get a PC release, then.

by Jack Straw » Sat Jan 25, 2003 4:26 pm

"Half-Life 2, Warcraft, Counter-Strike, Crash, Spyro, Lord of the Rings... Vivendi has an enormous portfolio boasting some of the biggest titles on all formats, "

blah blah blah

from ... e)id=85976

Re: Rundown of games I've beaten lately

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sat Jan 25, 2003 2:41 pm

Jack Straw wrote:HAHAHAAA! Unreal kinda made me piss my pants. Didja hear Halflife 2 will be Xbox exclusive? I assume it'll come out for PC too, shame if it didn't. M$ *did* buy Vivendi, though...
An X-box III exclusive, maybe.

How is Vivendi related to Valve? I saw that there were rumors of MS buying Vivendi, and usually I post company purchases on JC, but they don't go over particularly well, so I didn't do it for that one.

Re: Rundown of games I've beaten lately

by Jack Straw » Sat Jan 25, 2003 2:32 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: I stopped playing Half-Life only because it was too scary for me.
HAHAHAAA! Unreal kinda made me piss my pants.
Didja hear Halflife 2 will be Xbox exclusive? I assume it'll come out for PC too, shame if it didn't. M$ *did* buy Vivendi, though...

by Roody_Yogurt » Fri Jan 24, 2003 10:51 pm

I forgot to mention that I almost have beaten Rygar for PS2, in the way that I kind of lost interest in playing it soon after getting it and have vicariously played it through my sister when she comes over to hang out and she got to the second to last end boss before going back to school. The graphics and the music are nice, but I don't like to even try making sense of the plot and sadly, it'd never have any sort of impact on me like the first one did. Of course, I have to wonder if I were to come across the first Rygar now and not when I did, would I still enjoy the game? I dunno. And if I were to play one of these newer graphically and musically superior (but generally lackluster) games back in the day, would they also own a special place in my heart just for their atmospheric qualities? No idea.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Jan 24, 2003 1:45 am

Roody_Yogurt wrote:Robb, do you mean a 1.2 patch for Freedom Force?

by Roody_Yogurt » Fri Jan 24, 2003 1:03 am

After reading that review of NOLF2, I think I'll pass on it. While I don't like everything that the guy misses from the first one, the characterization of the villains was one of my favorite things and it sounds like a lot of that kind of stuff is lacking.

by Roody_Yogurt » Fri Jan 24, 2003 12:39 am

Robb, do you mean a 1.2 patch for Freedom Force?

Re: Rundown of games I've beaten lately

by k. roo » Thu Jan 23, 2003 11:31 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Should I buy NOLF2? I bought the first one when it hit the bargain bins and liked it well enough. I didn't finish it, though, and I can't recall why. (Possibly a HD crash.)
The reason I ended up buying both was my feeble attempt at drowning out the Russian Family Feud that was keeping everyone excited over the holidays at home, where I plopped down in front of the screen and consulted Gamespy. Since in my normal life, I have no clue what's hot and what's not, I perused the "holiday buyer's guide" and downloaded every demo on the fucking site. See, about a year ago I had gotten me RTCW, and over the course of several months grown seriously addicted to the team based multiplayer mode. Since this did a good job at distracting me from, well, life, I figured the mindnumbingly shagadelic FPSiness of NOLF2, and later NOLF might allow me to keep the faith in humankind that otherwise would have been sacrificed to arrogantly-repressed Russian ignoramuses.

Yeah, and I'm usually the one that regrets seeing their 12-y/o spend day and night doing nothing but turning into a twitching hunchback in front of the PC (unless "Dad" has just roughed him up, in which case he would get his fix from "Even Stevens" and "Pepper Ann".) Guess that little fucker is way ahead of me after all.

Er, where was I.

Reviews of either NOLF and NOLF2 are a dime a dozen, and most don't have much to say. I've found one reviewof NOLF2, however, over at fourfatchicks which takes a well-intentioned yet critical angle that I can comfortably identify with.

If you look at NOLF2 as just another FPS, it will probably convince, even considering different folks' different standards. By my standards, the graphical eye candy is well above average. Sound and music are seamlessly integrated in the gameplay and, like a movie score, reflect any tension that the player might experience at any given time pretty well. NOLF did that too, and I liked the effect. The downside of that is rather stiff system requirements - load times of 5 min and more between levels are not unusual - but I wouldn't hold that seriously against it. Interface is standard WASD. Gloomy sequences are nicely balanced against comic relief; the same goes for required sneakiness vs. BFG mode. The AIs are generally more on teh funney side, which never hurts, and require a variety of tactics to beat. As in NOLF, their inane conversations are quite worth eavesdropping on. Some have the nerve to repop in regular intervals which in my experience is unusual for FPS, and actually quite annoying. Then again, what can you say against a game that lets you grab an AK47 and mow down Russians by the boatload. Otlychno!
All in all not too challenging, but good entertainment.

Now, if you however look for the plot and character development that enamored the masses to NOLF, you won't find it here. The story is not just linear (which I don't have a problem with,) but downright trite. No surprises, no intrigue, no plot twists that make you go 'whoa, neat.' At one point you face off against the "Man Handler" (appliance used to produce "Manhattan Style Man Chowder,") and just when you get ready for the challenge, not knowing what exactly to expect, the thing has a mechanical failure, and you've already beat it without as much as blink of an eye. You'll have to get used to these kinds of letdowns. The PC's chest is the only thing not flat about her. Apparently she doesn't have to struggle any more for acceptance in the intelligence business' old boys club, and therefore whatever she does as a character just comes across as tedious chores. Some of NOLF's characters get their cameo appearance in NOLF2, but they too are mere shadows of their former selves.

While one can definitely tell that NOLF is two years older than NOLF2, and the tech has noticeably matured since then, playing NOLF is an almost cerebral experience (as far as FPS go) compared to NOLF2. I can't say it better than that fourfatchicks guy:
The original No One Lives Forever expanded the narrative capacity of the medium. The sequel ... the sequel is just a game.
So, should you go buy it? After it drops to the price of 2-3 movie tickets, sure.

by Roody_Yogurt » Thu Jan 23, 2003 10:12 pm

The annoying aspects of NOLF (too much sneaking for my tastes, the training levels which I don't know exactly why I got sick of them... maybe just because they eventually just seemed boring) negated the cool factor to just about the point where it is worth playing but not necessary playing. Of course, the multiplayer game (where you can be good guys or villains) seemed interesting but I haven't really gotten an internet game going since Outlaws.
And if you play to the end of the GOTY edition, the bonus levels really aren't that great.

I haven't played NOLF2, but judging by the demo, it's hard to say whether the game play is better or just basically the same. The graphics definitely are a lot better. I'll probably pick it up eventually.

Re: Rundown of games I've beaten lately

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Jan 23, 2003 9:40 pm

k. roo wrote:If there was, and since we're talking about recently beaten games, and at least in passing about FPS, I could figure out whether NOLF 1 or 2 have come up in the past, and whether I should bother bringing either of them up now. Of course the decision about whether or not to mention them is obviously moot by now, but such is the nature of the sophonmoric geek's recursion.
Should I buy NOLF2? I bought the first one when it hit the bargain bins and liked it well enough. I didn't finish it, though, and I can't recall why. (Possibly a HD crash.)

Re: Rundown of games I've beaten lately

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Jan 23, 2003 9:39 pm

Roody_Yogurt wrote:Half-Life- It was basically what I expected from beginning to end, and I'm kind of surprised that it holds a special place in so many FPS fans' hearts.
Denizens of Monto Rusa may be aware of citizen Bruce's latest comment for your humble narrator over a recent set of circumstances. The exact quote is "GIANT FUCKING PUSSY." If that's the case, what am I about to say will make me start to rival the snatch on Giganta.

I stopped playing Half-Life only because it was too scary for me.

There, I said it. I, who complains that there are no more "scary" movies and whatnot out there any longer... left the game that scared him the most. I really need to go back to that one.

Games on my 'maybe next' list-

Freedom Force
Oooh! They just released the 1.3 patch for this game. No idea what it fixes. still has all the skins, I think, but let me know if you are missing one. I daresay it's more fun with your own heroes, so use the prestige cheat. Moo-hoo-hoohahah!

by k. roo » Thu Jan 23, 2003 9:19 pm

Well whaddya know. Right after submitting, I discovered the inconspicuous litle button labeled "Search" right at the top of this very screen. Hunh.

(What the heck, at least I got to squeeze in a copious quantity of `recursion'.)

Re: Rundown of games I've beaten lately

by k. roo » Thu Jan 23, 2003 9:15 pm

Roody_Yogurt wrote:I've mentioned some of this already,
This brings up a point which, I'm sure, has come up before like a sophomoric geek's recursion joke. But since I can't seem to search past topics (short of reading everything,) I'll have to inconvenience you fine folks and ask: Is there a way to search past topics (short of reading everything?) (I mentioned the bad recursion joke, didn't I?)

If there was, and since we're talking about recently beaten games, and at least in passing about FPS, I could figure out whether NOLF 1 or 2 have come up in the past, and whether I should bother bringing either of them up now. Of course the decision about whether or not to mention them is obviously moot by now, but such is the nature of the sophonmoric geek's recursion.

Rundown of games I've beaten lately

by Roody_Yogurt » Thu Jan 23, 2003 8:54 pm

I've mentioned some of this already, but since this is all part of the same effort to beat more of my games so I'm justified in buying the new ones that catch my eye (and also see if any of them have redeeming factors later on in the game), I'll say it again.

Mafia- This was one of the most fun games I've played in awhile, where I truly enjoyed throwing a lot of time towards it for days (took 3-4 days to beat). That quality made the disappointments irk me that much more, what with all the unnecessary driving and the ending that, despite staying relatively consistent, just wasn't as clever as what I'd hoped.

Hyperspace Delivery Boy- A failure on many levels, I don't believe, in the end, it was worth the $20 I paid for it. It's amazing how many bad game design decisions were made by these computer game veterans. It has its clever parts and aspects, but they're completely dragged down by the negative stuff.

Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine- The ending was sort of neat and clever (although I'm not sure if it'd be to everyone's tastes), but one has to go through so much shit to get there (dealing with the sort of lousy controls and gameplay) that I regret to say that I can not recommend this game to a gamer who isn't looking for something to beat his head against for awhile. The levels took me so long to beat that I'd pretty much forget plot elements of the beginning by the time I got to the end. I'm suspecting that the new one will have fixed some of the lamer elements of the last one, so I'm still planning on buying it (the main reason I wanted to beat this one).

Half-Life- It was basically what I expected from beginning to end, and I'm kind of surprised that it holds a special place in so many FPS fans' hearts. I guess I prefer my FPS to have a more involving plot, like Outlaws (which I hope gets a sequel one day) and even something like Cybermage (which, I think, is considered one of the worst FPSs ever, but I think its style makes up for some of the bad game play). And not that it's a FPS, if I were to recommend a futuristic game with a certain level of cringe factor, I'd go with Messiah. I respect Half-Life for its effect on later FPSs, though, especially Halo, and I still think I'll check out some of the mods I've downloaded and see if any of them strike my fancy.

Games I've tried lately and have already given up on-

Aliens vs. Predator Gold Edition- I just suck at this game, but despite the premise, I don't think it has enough 'wow' factor or cool plot things going for it that I'd feel bad about giving up on it. The sequel keeps on catching my eye at the store, but considering how bad I was at the demo, I should probably stay away from that one, too.

Games on my 'maybe next' list-

Freedom Force
Jedi Outcast
Baldur's Gate
Interstate 76 Nitro Pack
