pinback wrote:I only messed with it for a couple hours. Are you sure this isn't GTA3.4? I mean... awesome, right? Bigger, badder, better? But golly did it feel like I was playing GTA3 again... for the first time!
I think it's pretty close. The driving is definitely more slick when you get used to it, there is testament to this in that I beat my first racing mission on the second try. Far too many of the missions are two part fare, so you'll have to get the car for the race if you fail the race, or you'll have to get a cop car before you're allowed to find a guy and do a shoot out and get killed.
The restarting is way more integrated but it still isn't a giant advancement from GTA SA's cab system. What they should have done is put checkmarks in the missions, since they have started making them longer to show off their cover system.
I'm going to do some multiplayer soon and check that out. Cuz I think that's an important thing here.
However the more I mull this over the more I wonder how they could actually produce a GTA 4 rather than a GTA 3.4. I don't even know if it's possible since the overall sandbox and theme of the game is so overriding. Even Bully felt like a Grand Theft Auto game. I really don't think it's a shadow they can leave ever with any of these games. Even games in a similar vein (Mercenaries or Saints Row for example) feel much like GTA 3, and I predict that the sequels to those games will only feel like Mercenaries 1.1 or Saints Row 1.1.
When you have this kind of gameplay that is a combination of many things you can't rely on improving it, because chances are your improvements aren't that meaningful, no one is looking for indepth combat to master. People go into GTA to shoot people, not to be the best at shooting people. The cover system effectively boils down to a simple way to avoid the way you'd normally get wasted in earlier GTAs, from a guy getting too close to you and emptying a clip as you fumble with the controls to pull a gun or run away.
I think I could make an argument that in GTA 1 the 2d and Robotron inspired shooting had more in depth and complex gameplay than the lock on fare of GTA 3.
Similarly no one is coming into GTA IV for complex simulator driving or in depth arcade driving. They're coming in for driving where they can run over people, then jump out of the car and start shooting cops. So I think the fair way to evaluate if the game has progressed isn't to look for Gears of War shooting or Burnout driving, both which would not have made GTA better. You have to judge GTA how good of a bulleted list it gives you for the back of the box.
Well it lets you get less fucking frustrated by the shooting segments, makes driving easier(or better, I dunno), gives you some awesome rag dolls, and it's still GTA.
The only thing I could think they could have added in this respect would be letting me enter more buildings (even if they looked all the same on the inside). I wish they stuck to adding more fun criminal things rather than just taking a rain check on using their brains and just adding a bunch of The Sims shit. I admit it's fucking hard to think of more fun shit for a player to do, but I'd like to think if I was getting a paycheck I'd come up more with than The Sims shit.
So, GTA 3.4 or GTA 4? I have no fucking idea, however it's definitely not as good as it could have been.
[quote="pinback"]I only messed with it for a couple hours. Are you sure this isn't GTA3.4? I mean... awesome, right? Bigger, badder, better? But golly did it feel like I was playing GTA3 again... [i]for the first time[/i]![/quote]
I think it's pretty close. The driving is definitely more slick when you get used to it, there is testament to this in that I beat my first racing mission on the second try. Far too many of the missions are two part fare, so you'll have to get the car for the race if you fail the race, or you'll have to get a cop car before you're allowed to find a guy and do a shoot out and get killed.
The restarting is way more integrated but it still isn't a giant advancement from GTA SA's cab system. What they should have done is put checkmarks in the missions, since they have started making them longer to show off their cover system.
I'm going to do some multiplayer soon and check that out. Cuz I think that's an important thing here.
However the more I mull this over the more I wonder how they could actually produce a GTA 4 rather than a GTA 3.4. I don't even know if it's possible since the overall sandbox and theme of the game is so overriding. Even Bully felt like a Grand Theft Auto game. I really don't think it's a shadow they can leave ever with any of these games. Even games in a similar vein (Mercenaries or Saints Row for example) feel much like GTA 3, and I predict that the sequels to those games will only feel like Mercenaries 1.1 or Saints Row 1.1.
When you have this kind of gameplay that is a combination of many things you can't rely on improving it, because chances are your improvements aren't that meaningful, no one is looking for indepth combat to master. People go into GTA to shoot people, not to be the best at shooting people. The cover system effectively boils down to a simple way to avoid the way you'd normally get wasted in earlier GTAs, from a guy getting too close to you and emptying a clip as you fumble with the controls to pull a gun or run away.
I think I could make an argument that in GTA 1 the 2d and Robotron inspired shooting had more in depth and complex gameplay than the lock on fare of GTA 3.
Similarly no one is coming into GTA IV for complex simulator driving or in depth arcade driving. They're coming in for driving where they can run over people, then jump out of the car and start shooting cops. So I think the fair way to evaluate if the game has progressed isn't to look for Gears of War shooting or Burnout driving, both which would not have made GTA better. You have to judge GTA how good of a bulleted list it gives you for the back of the box.
Well it lets you get less fucking frustrated by the shooting segments, makes driving easier(or better, I dunno), gives you some awesome rag dolls, and it's still GTA.
The only thing I could think they could have added in this respect would be letting me enter more buildings (even if they looked all the same on the inside). I wish they stuck to adding more fun criminal things rather than just taking a rain check on using their brains and just adding a bunch of The Sims shit. I admit it's fucking hard to think of more fun shit for a player to do, but I'd like to think if I was getting a paycheck I'd come up more with than The Sims shit.
So, GTA 3.4 or GTA 4? I have no fucking idea, however it's definitely not as good as it could have been.