by SW ActionFigure Collector » Sat Jun 01, 2002 7:31 pm
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:There is a Star Wars Action Figure Collector guy who has bopped around Pinback's site. Maybe he has a take on this, I dunno.
Hey listen, I've been meaning to stop by.
Seriously! I just didn't wanna be tossing around spoilers for the new Star Wars flick. Although really, if you haven't seen it by now, than quite frankly you
deserve to have the movie spoiled!!
That and the fact that I can barely afford my already meager internet connection. I'm dying over here, Jonesy! For those of you outside the collecting world, on April 23rd, Hasbro released the AotC merch to us eagerly awaiting collectors. I picked up all of the figures released, 'cept the three Deluxe figures (as I've stated over at Pinback's place, the deluxe figures will eventually wind up on clearance anyway -- its only a matter of time). I ended up spending approximately $286.73. Not bad! Not bad at all, considering I dropped $364.04 of cold, hard scratch on the Episode I toys back in '99. Still, it was nearly three hundred bucks blown on the uber-geeky, socially frowned-upon hobby of action figure collecting.
And it hasn't stopped there!! I've spent about $300.00 on figures (and vehicles) since April 23rd. When it comes to releasing figure, Hasbro is a cold, unrelenting monster. I'm trying my best not to get left in the dust. While on a recent toy hunt, I spotted the latest figure waves at Walmart:
Bespin Darth Vader, Bespin Luke Skywalker, Jango Fett (Final Battle), Mace Windu (Geonosian Rescue), Geonosian (with Massiff), Endor Rebel Soldier, Orn Free Taa.
Also, I found the new TIE Bomber and Snowspeeder (each selling for $29.99).
You're killing me Hasbro... Absolutely killing me...
Heh. But we're here to discuss Hasbro's recent acquisition of Wizard of the Coast, not my personal victories and pitfalls as a collector...
I gotta tell ya, I didn't shed a single tear when Hasbro gobbled up WOTC. Shitdoggies, I was more concerned back when Hasbro ruthlessly swiped up Kenner (previous makers of SW toys) and Galoob (mini Star Wars toys) like a greedy, desperate child. Besides, since WOTC swallowed up the Star Wars Fan Club, we haven't had a
single Fan Club figure release! And the Star Wars Insider, run by the Fan Club (now WOTC), hasn't been
half the magazine it has been in the past. Even worse, once WOTC had it hands securely on the Fan Club, it managed to snatch the rights for the role-playing game away from WestEnd Games as well as the card game from Decipher -- effectively rendering every single cent and second invested in each useless!!! I have thousands of SW:CCG cards which are now utterly worthless!! Good riddance to WOTC, if you ask me! I can't seem to use enough exclamation points when talking about them.
-Star Wars Action Figure Collector
[quote="Ice Cream Jonsey"]There is a Star Wars Action Figure Collector guy who has bopped around Pinback's site. Maybe he has a take on this, I dunno.[/quote]
Hey listen, I've been meaning to stop by. [i]Seriously![/i] I just didn't wanna be tossing around spoilers for the new Star Wars flick. Although really, if you haven't seen it by now, than quite frankly you [i]deserve[/i] to have the movie spoiled!!
That and the fact that I can barely afford my already meager internet connection. I'm dying over here, Jonesy! For those of you outside the collecting world, on April 23rd, Hasbro released the AotC merch to us eagerly awaiting collectors. I picked up all of the figures released, 'cept the three Deluxe figures (as I've stated over at Pinback's place, the deluxe figures will eventually wind up on clearance anyway -- its only a matter of time). I ended up spending approximately $286.73. Not bad! Not bad at all, considering I dropped $364.04 of cold, hard scratch on the Episode I toys back in '99. Still, it was nearly three hundred bucks blown on the uber-geeky, socially frowned-upon hobby of action figure collecting.
And it hasn't stopped there!! I've spent about $300.00 on figures (and vehicles) since April 23rd. When it comes to releasing figure, Hasbro is a cold, unrelenting monster. I'm trying my best not to get left in the dust. While on a recent toy hunt, I spotted the latest figure waves at Walmart:
[size=100]Bespin Darth Vader, Bespin Luke Skywalker, Jango Fett (Final Battle), Mace Windu (Geonosian Rescue), Geonosian (with Massiff), Endor Rebel Soldier, Orn Free Taa.[/size]
Also, I found the new TIE Bomber and Snowspeeder (each selling for $29.99).
You're killing me Hasbro... Absolutely killing me...
Heh. But we're here to discuss Hasbro's recent acquisition of Wizard of the Coast, not my personal victories and pitfalls as a collector...
I gotta tell ya, I didn't shed a single tear when Hasbro gobbled up WOTC. Shitdoggies, I was more concerned back when Hasbro ruthlessly swiped up Kenner (previous makers of SW toys) and Galoob (mini Star Wars toys) like a greedy, desperate child. Besides, since WOTC swallowed up the Star Wars Fan Club, we haven't had a [i]single[/i] Fan Club figure release! And the Star Wars Insider, run by the Fan Club (now WOTC), hasn't been [i]half[/i] the magazine it has been in the past. Even worse, once WOTC had it hands securely on the Fan Club, it managed to snatch the rights for the role-playing game away from WestEnd Games as well as the card game from Decipher -- effectively rendering every single cent and second invested in each useless!!! I have thousands of SW:CCG cards which are now utterly worthless!! Good riddance to WOTC, if you ask me! I can't seem to use enough exclamation points when talking about them. [i]Seriously![/i]
-Star Wars Action Figure Collector[size=59][/size]