Vitriola wrote:Jesus, what is wrong with you? You know basically next to nothing about Worm.
I know he's an asshole who has attacked me for no reason.
Vitriola wrote:Where the hell did you live when you were in college?
In dorms, mostly. When I was a senior I did live in a house which, while not a palace by any means, was at least better than Worm's shithole.
And I can tell you one thing for sure: I was poor, and I had to scrape by, and I never -
in a million fucking years would have
dreamed of spending that kind of money on a fucking useless thing like a fancy TV. If I had gotten that kind of money (which I did not) I would have spent it on something practical.
Hey, Worm - where did you get the money for that fancy TV?
Vitriola wrote:Not everyone on here is in their 30-40s making lots of money working in tech jobs with no kids.
Right. Exactly. When you're in your 30's and 40's earning decent money -
that is when you get fancy TVs. Not when you're a poor student.
Vitriola wrote:And spending your disposable income on booze and games is not an excuse for a lack of play money, either.
It is when you
do earn enough to
have "play money". When you've taken care of the necessities, like having a real roof over your head, savings, and retirement money. When you're poor student, yeah, maybe you have to live in a shithole. But you do it because you
have to, not because you spent all your money one a fucking huge TV and Xbox.
[quote="Vitriola"]Jesus, what is wrong with you? You know basically next to nothing about Worm.[/quote]
I know he's an asshole who has attacked me for no reason.
[quote="Vitriola"]Where the hell did you live when you were in college?[/quote]
In dorms, mostly. When I was a senior I did live in a house which, while not a palace by any means, was at least better than Worm's shithole.
And I can tell you one thing for sure: I was poor, and I had to scrape by, and I never - [u]in a million fucking years[/u] would have [u]dreamed[/u] of spending that kind of money on a fucking useless thing like a fancy TV. If I had gotten that kind of money (which I did not) I would have spent it on something practical.
Hey, Worm - where did you get the money for that fancy TV?
[quote="Vitriola"]Not everyone on here is in their 30-40s making lots of money working in tech jobs with no kids.[/quote]
Right. Exactly. When you're in your 30's and 40's earning decent money - [u]that[/u] is when you get fancy TVs. Not when you're a poor student.
[quote="Vitriola"]And spending your disposable income on booze and games is not an excuse for a lack of play money, either.[/quote]
It is when you [u]do[/u] earn enough to [u]have[/u] "play money". When you've taken care of the necessities, like having a real roof over your head, savings, and retirement money. When you're poor student, yeah, maybe you have to live in a shithole. But you do it because you [u]have to[/u], not because you spent all your money one a fucking huge TV and Xbox.