Suck it

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by pinback » Sun Jun 08, 2008 8:46 am

On a side note, I laughed the entire way through that post. That might be the funniest thing since Kevin Everett.

by Knuckles the CLown » Sun Jun 08, 2008 8:12 am

Ohhhh, i thought he had bought a new Corolla. GET IT!!!???

Oh Worm even though I think you are a maggot, spend your godamn money on whatever the fuck you want when you are young. Cause once you hit a certian age buying shit aint nearly as exciting anymore. At least at this point you have friends to impress or make feel bad by having nicer things. And thats what having nice things is mostly about, making others feel bad. When you hit 30 all anyone wants to do is tell you about is their goddamn babies or lawnmower. Everyone turns in to Freemesser :)

On a side note, anyone who purports to having a "super bowl party" without having a HD TV should be put in jail. Why? For putting me in the uncomfortable position of having to tell them thats why im not coming.

by Worm » Sun Jun 08, 2008 6:17 am

Finsternis wrote:Hey, Worm - where did you get the money for that fancy TV?
It was free, and it's not fancy you prole. Though for a old rear projection TV it is pretty great.

EDIT: Before you shit a brick that I may have actually had a section of my life easier than you, recognize that it was a fire damaged TV. Someone gave it to me because they were just gonna throw it away. All I had to do was get the soot off the screen, mirror, and lamps. I might try to scrub some parts of the screen more clean later, but It's not that bad.

EDIT: EDIT: Also if I did buy a fancy TV the money would come out of my student loans or I'd spend a whole week of salary on it, cuz, I just don't GIVE A FUCK.

by Finsternis » Sat Jun 07, 2008 11:58 pm

Vitriola wrote:Jesus, what is wrong with you? You know basically next to nothing about Worm.
I know he's an asshole who has attacked me for no reason.
Vitriola wrote:Where the hell did you live when you were in college?
In dorms, mostly. When I was a senior I did live in a house which, while not a palace by any means, was at least better than Worm's shithole.

And I can tell you one thing for sure: I was poor, and I had to scrape by, and I never - in a million fucking years would have dreamed of spending that kind of money on a fucking useless thing like a fancy TV. If I had gotten that kind of money (which I did not) I would have spent it on something practical.

Hey, Worm - where did you get the money for that fancy TV?
Vitriola wrote:Not everyone on here is in their 30-40s making lots of money working in tech jobs with no kids.
Right. Exactly. When you're in your 30's and 40's earning decent money - that is when you get fancy TVs. Not when you're a poor student.
Vitriola wrote:And spending your disposable income on booze and games is not an excuse for a lack of play money, either.
It is when you do earn enough to have "play money". When you've taken care of the necessities, like having a real roof over your head, savings, and retirement money. When you're poor student, yeah, maybe you have to live in a shithole. But you do it because you have to, not because you spent all your money one a fucking huge TV and Xbox.

by Vitriola » Sat Jun 07, 2008 10:03 pm

Finsternis wrote:Hey, Worm, thanks for the picture. Very revealing. What is clearly says is "I live in a fucking hovel."

Instead of buying an expensive TV to try to forget about the fact that you live in a condemned slum-dumpster, maybe you should have spent the money on something useful, like food, or roach motels, or wallpaper, or carpet, or maybe just moving to a place a fucking human being would live in. Although I guess you got your food covered by food stamps, eh?

I wouldn't give that place to a fucking dog to live in.
Jesus, what is wrong with you? You know basically next to nothing about Worm. Where the hell did you live when you were in college? Did you double your credits taken to graduate early? Not everyone on here is in their 30-40s making lots of money working in tech jobs with no kids. And spending your disposable income on booze and games is not an excuse for a lack of play money, either.

by Worm » Sat Jun 07, 2008 8:40 pm

Haha, whatever Chris Lowell, good thing the blinds didn't get in the picture!

by Finsternis » Sat Jun 07, 2008 7:58 pm

Hey, Worm, thanks for the picture. Very revealing. What is clearly says is "I live in a fucking hovel."

Instead of buying an expensive TV to try to forget about the fact that you live in a condemned slum-dumpster, maybe you should have spent the money on something useful, like food, or roach motels, or wallpaper, or carpet, or maybe just moving to a place a fucking human being would live in. Although I guess you got your food covered by food stamps, eh?

I wouldn't give that place to a fucking dog to live in.

by bruce » Tue Jun 03, 2008 6:21 pm

Is that a dildo on top of the TV?


by Worm » Tue Jun 03, 2008 3:49 pm

You can stream stolen movies (and porn) to your Xbox 360 given you encode them properly first(it plays most shit). This allows HD movie (and porn) playback.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Jun 03, 2008 10:44 am

There aren't any jokes about the girth of the PS3. So why bother? Blu-ray? Blu SHIT

by pinback » Tue Jun 03, 2008 10:40 am

We are thinking of getting a PS3 so we can upgrade to a Blu-Ray player.


by Vitriola » Mon Jun 02, 2008 3:52 pm

Worm wrote:If we had a higher res picture you'd see what I mean :(
You'll have to upgrade your camera, then!

by Worm » Mon Jun 02, 2008 3:41 pm

I don't love TV, but I love that TV. If we had a higher res picture you'd see what I mean :(

by pinback » Mon Jun 02, 2008 8:23 am

Vitriola wrote:Wow
Just wow!!

by Vitriola » Sun Jun 01, 2008 10:00 pm

Wow, you got yo'self a big tv. Aspire for greatness!

by pinback » Sun Jun 01, 2008 7:42 pm

Man, that thing is HUGE! I'm surprised you could fit it through that door!

Oh, and the TV is cool too.


Suck it

by Worm » Sun Jun 01, 2008 7:39 pm


Suck it
