by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Jun 10, 2008 3:04 pm
From Grand Text Auto: ... vie-atari/
As Variety and The Hollywood Reporter relate, Paramount has just reached for its wallet after hearing a pitch for the movie Atari by writers Brian Hecker and Craig Sherman.
Well, I will hand it to DiCaprio, I can't remember the last time he decided to be in a movie that was a complete abortion on every level. Here's hoping the movie "Atari" is not filled with egregious errors like, hoooooooooooah, the King of Kong.
From Grand Text Auto:
[quote]As Variety and The Hollywood Reporter relate, Paramount has just reached for its wallet after hearing a pitch for the movie Atari by writers Brian Hecker and Craig Sherman. [/quote]
Well, I will hand it to DiCaprio, I can't remember the last time he decided to be in a movie that was a complete abortion on every level. Here's hoping the movie "Atari" is not filled with egregious errors like, hoooooooooooah, the King of Kong.