by GB » Wed Jul 02, 2008 3:06 pm
I'm thinking about what would be the best kind of object to use for locked doors: a space, an obstacle, a custom space, a custom obstacle. I've decided that the kind of door behavior I want will probably require me to learn macros.
Focusing limitations:
I need doors with varying structural strength:
Super easy, easy, medium, hard, very hard, ultra hard and impossible.
We're talking about maybe 7 levels of door strength.
If the door detects conditions and changes its state I'd expect to create 7 doors as custom obstacles, each running a macro to be set later when bumped. 7 because I want 7 levels of structural integrity, and custom objects because I'll want to open them with more than 7 keys as well is in other ways besides passage with key or destruction. However, it seems a waste to have the action run a macro rather than give a unique description of the door when examined close.
This can't be handled by any action besides a macro because I want the door to be replaced by different objects depending on how a player contrives to get by it. It should be replaced by an unlocked door in the case of a successful use of a key, lock-pick or spell, by door debris if hacked through, maybe my cinders if a fireball spell or flaming oil was used.
The locked door needs to be an obstacle, not a space. I don't want anyone dropping a key that isn't working for them on the locked door and discovering that 1 they can see what's on the other side and 2, they cannot get their key back, as I discovered after I fought the camel bandits in Caravan.
Since I'm going to be relying on Macros anyway, I ought not to use up the A-D values that objects can use.
I probably won't want to trigger any actions for if passed, or if passed holding or redeeming or bumping for standard doors, because I want the player to consciously try various keys on various doors. This probably means that unlocking a door means USE-ing a key. So maybe the key instead of the door should be an object that runs a macro.
I don't want using a key to set a value that can be increased by using it again, or combined with other objects influence on that value, for instance, say a key sets a value of 3 for B, but the door requires a value of four. One idea for a lock picking skill was to set a random value and compare it against the value needed to pass the door. So I'm worried that a key that does not set quite the right value combined with a failed attempt of lock-picking could raise the variable enough to allow passage, so the key's macro should probably re-set the value after a step. This would force the player to use the key for a given door in the space adjacent to the door.
The macro that unlocks the door could depend on bumping the door or by using the key on the space in front of the door. A key macro that tested for this map location could replace locked door obstacle, with unlocked door space and give a message. It might also give alternative messages for using the key on the wrong door:
"Your key does not quite fit."
"The key will not fit this keyhole at all/the principle of the mechanism is entirely different"
"The key slides in very roughly and turns with great difficulty, but the door remains locked."
"The key is too big to fit"
"The key is entirely too small"
The special case here would be a floor tile with 2 or more doors adjacent. The best possible solution might be one which, when the player tried to use a key were prompted for which door? (direction) and they could choose an arrow key to indicate the door they tried their key on.
This is not critical. I could simply avoid setting up situations like this, but I like the idea of trying a key being like melee attacking.
I also want most doors to be susceptible to lock picking, with a chance of failure, and spells, with a chance of failure. Different chances depending on different doors as well as different levels of skill.
A cool thing would be the ability to re-lock doors, however that's probably not necessary for a game like this that one person can play, and where NPC's are extremely limited and have no intelligence at all. To get any use out of locking a door you would have to script it so that locking the door was the solution to a puzzle or the fulfillment of an instruction, and make up some rationale. Otherwise the player would only be thinking something like: Gee, I'd better lock this door so that it won't be disturbed by other adventurers that come by, or pillaged by wandering thieves. (This is a clue to why most computer RPGs are not nearly as satisfying as playing with a serious game group.)
The early game should have several doors which are hard to open in any but one of these ways: a breakaway door made of balsa wood, a stainless steel bank vault door with a lock Mickey Mouse could pick, a door that opens when any spell is cast at all, a set of similar doors that open for their own keys, a skeleton key and sometimes for each other's keys. etc. This trains the player to try many ways of getting through doors, so that thereafter you can have more doors that open for just one condition, and the players will stay busy trying lots and lots of ways, and hopefully receiving an entertaining response each time they try something new on a door. It beats combat hollow as a way of keeping players busy.
I'm thinking about what would be the best kind of object to use for locked doors: a space, an obstacle, a custom space, a custom obstacle. I've decided that the kind of door behavior I want will probably require me to learn macros.
Focusing limitations:
I need doors with varying structural strength:
Super easy, easy, medium, hard, very hard, ultra hard and impossible.
We're talking about maybe 7 levels of door strength.
If the door detects conditions and changes its state I'd expect to create 7 doors as custom obstacles, each running a macro to be set later when bumped. 7 because I want 7 levels of structural integrity, and custom objects because I'll want to open them with more than 7 keys as well is in other ways besides passage with key or destruction. However, it seems a waste to have the action run a macro rather than give a unique description of the door when examined close.
This can't be handled by any action besides a macro because I want the door to be replaced by different objects depending on how a player contrives to get by it. It should be replaced by an unlocked door in the case of a successful use of a key, lock-pick or spell, by door debris if hacked through, maybe my cinders if a fireball spell or flaming oil was used.
The locked door needs to be an obstacle, not a space. I don't want anyone dropping a key that isn't working for them on the locked door and discovering that 1 they can see what's on the other side and 2, they cannot get their key back, as I discovered after I fought the camel bandits in Caravan.
Since I'm going to be relying on Macros anyway, I ought not to use up the A-D values that objects can use.
I probably won't want to trigger any actions for if passed, or if passed holding or redeeming or bumping for standard doors, because I want the player to consciously try various keys on various doors. This probably means that unlocking a door means USE-ing a key. So maybe the key instead of the door should be an object that runs a macro.
I don't want using a key to set a value that can be increased by using it again, or combined with other objects influence on that value, for instance, say a key sets a value of 3 for B, but the door requires a value of four. One idea for a lock picking skill was to set a random value and compare it against the value needed to pass the door. So I'm worried that a key that does not set quite the right value combined with a failed attempt of lock-picking could raise the variable enough to allow passage, so the key's macro should probably re-set the value after a step. This would force the player to use the key for a given door in the space adjacent to the door.
The macro that unlocks the door could depend on bumping the door or by using the key on the space in front of the door. A key macro that tested for this map location could replace locked door obstacle, with unlocked door space and give a message. It might also give alternative messages for using the key on the wrong door:
"Your key does not quite fit."
"The key will not fit this keyhole at all/the principle of the mechanism is entirely different"
"The key slides in very roughly and turns with great difficulty, but the door remains locked."
"The key is too big to fit"
"The key is entirely too small"
The special case here would be a floor tile with 2 or more doors adjacent. The best possible solution might be one which, when the player tried to use a key were prompted for which door? (direction) and they could choose an arrow key to indicate the door they tried their key on.
This is not critical. I could simply avoid setting up situations like this, but I like the idea of trying a key being like melee attacking.
I also want most doors to be susceptible to lock picking, with a chance of failure, and spells, with a chance of failure. Different chances depending on different doors as well as different levels of skill.
A cool thing would be the ability to re-lock doors, however that's probably not necessary for a game like this that one person can play, and where NPC's are extremely limited and have no intelligence at all. To get any use out of locking a door you would have to script it so that locking the door was the solution to a puzzle or the fulfillment of an instruction, and make up some rationale. Otherwise the player would only be thinking something like: Gee, I'd better lock this door so that it won't be disturbed by other adventurers that come by, or pillaged by wandering thieves. (This is a clue to why most computer RPGs are not nearly as satisfying as playing with a serious game group.)
The early game should have several doors which are hard to open in any but one of these ways: a breakaway door made of balsa wood, a stainless steel bank vault door with a lock Mickey Mouse could pick, a door that opens when any spell is cast at all, a set of similar doors that open for their own keys, a skeleton key and sometimes for each other's keys. etc. This trains the player to try many ways of getting through doors, so that thereafter you can have more doors that open for just one condition, and the players will stay busy trying lots and lots of ways, and hopefully receiving an entertaining response each time they try something new on a door. It beats combat hollow as a way of keeping players busy.