by Flack » Thu Nov 20, 2008 7:39 am
I don't know about you, but when I started collecting arcade games, I would buy anything -- especially for $100. I ended up with a really nice (or at least large) collection of games that I didn't much care for. I got a cheap Bucky O'Hare and a cheap Road Riot and cheap Heavy Barrel and yeah, I ended up with a bunch of cheap games that I was never a fan of.
No matter how much space you have, eventually, you'll fill it -- and that's when the decisions begin. For me it was pretty simple: I sold off a lot of my projects (read: non-working games) and anything I hadn't played more than a couple of times. You laugh, but I ended up with games that I hadn't even tried. (Yes, I'm sick.)
After riding the initial wave of collection-excitement, I set myself some ground rules. I decided from that point on I would only buy (A) games that didn't play well in MAME, (B) games with unique controllers, (C) games I liked as a kid and still like, or (D) collectables (if I found them at a reasonable price).
A and B are kind of related. For example, TRON is on my "own someday" list and it kind of meets all three of those. TRON is a pain in the ass to play in MAME. Sure it can be done using a mouse and a keyboard but it sure doesn't feel anything like playing a real TRON machine. If you run down the list of the last dozen or so games I've purchased, most of them have unique controls (Centipede, Karate Champ, Road Blasters, Super Off Road, etc).
I've picked up a few games recently from the (C) category as well. I got Buster Brothers for $50 from the last SuperAuctions I attended (needed a new power cord) and I paid $250 for a cherry Commando. That's one that does play fine in MAME but ... man, I love me some Commando. It's all good.
To be honest I doubt I'll buy any more games that are included on the 48-in-1 board unless I run across an unbelievable deal (I got my Ms. Pac-Man for $80 a couple of weeks ago -- that's an unbelievable deal). I just don't have the space and can't justify the space (and money) for owning the dedicated version of a game I already own.
I don't know about you, but when I started collecting arcade games, I would buy [i]anything[/i] -- especially for $100. I ended up with a really nice (or at least large) collection of games that I didn't much care for. I got a cheap Bucky O'Hare and a cheap Road Riot and cheap Heavy Barrel and yeah, I ended up with a bunch of cheap games that I was never a fan of.
No matter how much space you have, eventually, you'll fill it -- and that's when the decisions begin. For me it was pretty simple: I sold off a lot of my projects (read: non-working games) and anything I hadn't played more than a couple of times. You laugh, but I ended up with games that I hadn't even tried. (Yes, I'm sick.)
After riding the initial wave of collection-excitement, I set myself some ground rules. I decided from that point on I would only buy (A) games that didn't play well in MAME, (B) games with unique controllers, (C) games I liked as a kid and still like, or (D) collectables (if I found them at a reasonable price).
A and B are kind of related. For example, TRON is on my "own someday" list and it kind of meets all three of those. TRON is a pain in the ass to play in MAME. Sure it can be done using a mouse and a keyboard but it sure doesn't feel anything like playing a real TRON machine. If you run down the list of the last dozen or so games I've purchased, most of them have unique controls (Centipede, Karate Champ, Road Blasters, Super Off Road, etc).
I've picked up a few games recently from the (C) category as well. I got Buster Brothers for $50 from the last SuperAuctions I attended (needed a new power cord) and I paid $250 for a cherry Commando. That's one that does play fine in MAME but ... man, I love me some Commando. It's all good.
To be honest I doubt I'll buy any more games that are included on the 48-in-1 board unless I run across an unbelievable deal (I got my Ms. Pac-Man for $80 a couple of weeks ago -- that's an unbelievable deal). I just don't have the space and can't justify the space (and money) for owning the dedicated version of a game I already own.