Unix Text Editing!!

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Re: Unix Text Editing!!

by bruce » Wed Feb 05, 2003 3:20 pm

Forum Socialist wrote:I'm currently using Emacs. The version I have is garbage. I doubt that I will be able to really ever memorize vi, at least not well enough to get good at it.

Is there an Emacs-like text editor that is really good? I need for it to do parenthesis matching and support plug-ins that give me the cool colors when I load a Perl file that my current version of Emacs does. (The things I don't like about this version is that there is a bug that will stop any of the menus from being clickable from time to time, and I have to move the window before I can click on a menu again, and the fact that "Search Again" isn't mapped to the fucking keyboard, which is just such a ridiculous oversight that I can't believe the thing ever left alpha.)

Please help me. I have, in my hand, FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS.
Are you smoking crack?

The whole point of Emacs is that it's completely customizable. I don't know nothin' about no menus, but mapping search again to your keyboard is a matter of doing something like
(define-key global-map "\C-s" 'repeat-last-search) in your .emacs file. For whatever the repeat-last-search function is.

Although in every recent emacs (since v.19, anyway) I've used, Control-S is already incremental-search, and it by default is loaded with the last search you did.

What version of Emacs, for what platform, are you using?


Unix Text Editing!!

by Forum Socialist » Wed Feb 05, 2003 2:35 pm

I'm currently using Emacs. The version I have is garbage. I doubt that I will be able to really ever memorize vi, at least not well enough to get good at it.

Is there an Emacs-like text editor that is really good? I need for it to do parenthesis matching and support plug-ins that give me the cool colors when I load a Perl file that my current version of Emacs does. (The things I don't like about this version is that there is a bug that will stop any of the menus from being clickable from time to time, and I have to move the window before I can click on a menu again, and the fact that "Search Again" isn't mapped to the fucking keyboard, which is just such a ridiculous oversight that I can't believe the thing ever left alpha.)

Please help me. I have, in my hand, FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS.
