Dave Chappelle's Show... is really funny.

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by Debaser » Wed Mar 26, 2003 8:38 pm

Debaser wrote:I simply no longer find racially-based humor funny.
But scatlogically-based humor, on the other hand, never gets old. As of 9:37 PM Central Standard Time, Dave Chapelle has officially won me over.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Feb 16, 2003 9:37 pm

Just saw the one that was originally shown on Wednesday. The skit(s) where he is decked out as the white news reporter was good, the one where he is awarding NY BOOBS ribbons was not (except for the fact that the Newsradio guy was there, though that was probably intended unintentional comedy). But as always, my brother and I cracked up the most when he was just saying something normal.


by Bugs » Sun Feb 16, 2003 8:33 pm

I thought the Kinko's knock-off commercial was brilliant.

by loafergirl » Sun Feb 16, 2003 8:29 pm

I'm digging it, it's not great, but it's good, and it has random rappers in it because it's meant to be a variety show. One of funniest skits so far I have to agree is the singing white girl. Though the news broadcast was pretty amusing. The car one by far was the best though... I was dying laughing.


by SERIAL RAPIST » Sat Feb 15, 2003 3:19 pm

Think nothing of it, Robb! I'm always happy to help provide an air of civility and kindness to the proceedings. So many people these days think they can score cool points or be funny by putting others down, especially behind the anonymity of the internet. I'd like to promote a more positive, cooperative mindset.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sat Feb 15, 2003 8:20 am

SERIAL RAPIST wrote:Don't worry about it, Jonsey. I'm sure everyone understands, and you can probably catch it in reruns.

Personally, while Dave's probably a funny guy, I can't abide by all the cussing he does.
Thanks, Rap. You're the most reasonable guy on the forum these days.

by Guest » Sat Feb 15, 2003 8:08 am

SERIAL RAPIST wrote:Personally, while Dave's probably a funny guy, I can't abide by all the cussing he does.
Too busy raping?

by SERIAL RAPIST » Sat Feb 15, 2003 1:26 am

Don't worry about it, Jonsey. I'm sure everyone understands, and you can probably catch it in reruns.

Personally, while Dave's probably a funny guy, I can't abide by all the cussing he does.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sat Feb 15, 2003 1:23 am

Debaser wrote:Whenever he's doing something else, anything else (other than watching some dude rap, maybe) the show ranges between "mildly amusing" and "borderline hilarious". I still think everyone's overestimating him, though.
Shit. I missed the show on Wednesday.

I'll mention this so that you don't think I am ignoring this thread, a thread that I got myself into and cannot now properly discuss.

Maybe it's available as a Bit Torrent download link or something. I'll take a look.

by Bugs » Sat Feb 15, 2003 12:51 am

Dude, that thing with Dave driving while Mos Def rode shotgun and freestyled was effin' awesome, whether you like rap or not. Best use of an overused sample (Grandmaster Flash - "Don't push me, 'cause I'm close...") EVER.

by Debaser » Sat Feb 15, 2003 12:11 am

I did catch another episode on Monday and neglected to comment, so I will do so now:

I simply no longer find racially-based humor funny. "Black guy dressed up as a white guy" was fucking hilarious the first time back when Eddie Murphy did it, now it's trite and old hat.

Whenever he's doing something else, anything else (other than watching some dude rap, maybe) the show ranges between "mildly amusing" and "borderline hilarious". I still think everyone's overestimating him, though.

by Worm2 » Fri Feb 14, 2003 10:46 pm

Okay, I caught it. Watching it now. It's pretty good except for the bit where he mentioned the Donahue show.

by Worm » Fri Feb 07, 2003 12:49 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:1) I had to know who was responsible for that. That was pure Auric Comedyfinger, and I'm pretty proud of our boy Worm for posting that one
Yea, that was a great post for me. I figure I should simply only do that when it is going to be good because ... when I try I end up with something like what I was about to do. Posting under "Cue Card Guy" and cuing jonsey to check lowtax's IP. I stopped myself though. 2:50 AM most definitely is not a good time for me to try to be comedic.

So anyone mind telling me when this is on so I can check it out? Chapelle doesn't seem like the kind of "White guys are uptight haha" people ... I may be wrong.

by Richard "Lowtax" » Fri Feb 07, 2003 12:23 am

Solution: Apparently there is some kind of racial problem going on down there, and if Russell Simmon's "Def Comedy Jam" has taught me anything, it's that all racial barriers and blockades can be broken through the sheer power of African American comedy. Black comics have the ability to tackle any and every racial issue without being labeled a racist because it's scientifically impossible for black people to be racist. Therefore, I believe we should adopted a bartering system with Zimbabwe: for every displaced white farmer they send us, we'll give them one African American comedian who specializes in a particular theme of racial comedy. We'll get some moron who harvests corn, and they'll receive a black guy who points out how uptight white people are when harvesting corn. Then, through the powerful medium of laughing at sweeping generalizations which may or may not be based in reality, Zimbabwe will soon find themselves devoid of meddlesome white farmers... and chock full of laughter! Their government will eventually take the hint by disassociating themselves with the genocidal, murderous, warring tribes, and instead appointing hilarious, cutting edge, sassy American African-American comedic geniuses! The amount of red tape and stabbed citizens will be slashed as each and every governmental meeting will turn into a loving laugh-in!

PRESIDENT MGBVUMNDBSE: "Greetings staff members. I have called this meeting so we may discuss the current economic problems our dear country of Zimbabwe is facing."
AMERICAN AFRICAN-AMERICAN COMIC #1: "Staff? You talkin' bout staffs? Then you talkin' to the right man, cus us black men got some big STAFFS, if you know what I'm talkin' bout!"
AMERICAN AFRICAN-AMERICAN COMIC #2: "See, now white folks, they get all nervous when they see a crazy niggah like me in the urinal next to 'em. They be trying not to look over an shit at me cus they know if they try to look over, they gonna get a big eyefull of my beautiful black rod, you know what I'm talking about!"
AMERICAN AFRICAN-AMERICAN COMIC #3: "Us black people we all cool and shit when we peein'. White people, man, they actin' like peein' is some kinda BUSINESS, they all like 'ERUMPH, HRUMPH, let me call this meeting to order, Mr. Johnson, you are now at the head of the table.' Us niggahs, we just pee, you know what I'm sayin?"
PRESIDENT MGBVUMNDBSE: "I wish the next coup would hurry the hell up."
AMERICAN AFRICAN-AMERICAN COMIC #1: "Coup? Yeah, thas coo', we black people are all coo' an shit, we be sittin' round and just relaxin', but white people, man, they be some crazy folk!"

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Feb 07, 2003 12:14 am

Worm wrote:
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:As the guy who posted the winking smiley under "The AIDS virus" in that one thread, it very much disappoints me that you and Mr. Chappelle don't see eye to eye.
I think I might tune in. Though you have violated my privacy.
I'm sorry!! I do apologize. I have been really good about that recently, however. Except for that one particular case.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Feb 07, 2003 12:09 am

Debaser wrote:Everyone keeps saying how wonderful this guy is. I mean, Conan O'Brien of all people keeps insisting he's like the funniest guy ever, but I just ain't seeing it. I mean, yes, the line "I'm just a n!33r who likes titties" is worth a smile and would make a fine forum signature, and yes, last week when he got that girl to sing his opening monologue I actually laughed (once they reached the point where she started singing about how much she liked her own ass), but for the most part he's just... I don't know, mediocre, I guess. Combing Madame Cleo and "black guys like big butts" humor is so Premium Blend. And what the hell's up with that rapper at the end of every episode?
The rapper sucks. I agree on that. The guy's only got a half hour show, so some of it being taken up by a guy singing a song is really lame.

Also, "Half Baked" sucked, in my opinion. So the guy isn't infallible. But I love his stand-up routines. The other thing is that a lot of shows like his aren't all that funny at first. The second one was kinda like that, but the pacing of the third one was something out of season five Kids in the Hall.

The other thing is that I can't help but crack up just looking at him. If you're on any of the file-sharing networks, or if you see any of his CDs in the store they are probably worth getting. (Unless he released a severely crappy one that I don't know about.)

As the guy who posted the winking smiley under "The AIDS virus" in that one thread, it very much disappoints me that you and Mr. Chappelle don't see eye to eye.
Are you ignoring Ben's advice and looking these things up? Should I be worried you'll learn my Terrible Secret of Space?
What secret? I haven't been clicking lately, because with Ben not officially around I assume that every new user is him. I did click on the winking AIDS virus post, because

1) I had to know who was responsible for that. That was pure Auric Comedyfinger, and I'm pretty proud of our boy Worm for posting that one


by Worm » Thu Feb 06, 2003 6:58 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:As the guy who posted the winking smiley under "The AIDS virus" in that one thread, it very much disappoints me that you and Mr. Chappelle don't see eye to eye.
I think I might tune in. Though you have violated my privacy.

by Debaser » Thu Feb 06, 2003 4:49 pm

Everyone keeps saying how wonderful this guy is. I mean, Conan O'Brien of all people keeps insisting he's like the funniest guy ever, but I just ain't seeing it. I mean, yes, the line "I'm just a n!33r who likes titties" is worth a smile and would make a fine forum signature, and yes, last week when he got that girl to sing his opening monologue I actually laughed (once they reached the point where she started singing about how much she liked her own ass), but for the most part he's just... I don't know, mediocre, I guess. Combing Madame Cleo and "black guys like big butts" humor is so Premium Blend. And what the hell's up with that rapper at the end of every episode?

Oh, and
As the guy who posted the winking smiley under "The AIDS virus" in that one thread, it very much disappoints me that you and Mr. Chappelle don't see eye to eye.
Are you ignoring Ben's advice and looking these things up? Should I be worried you'll learn my Terrible Secret of Space?

by Roody_Yogurt » Thu Feb 06, 2003 3:09 pm

And I thought the little jab on the WB frog was especially righteously biting.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Feb 06, 2003 3:08 pm

Worm wrote:When I saw him on the Donahue show I just figured I didn't want to see him again ... ever.
As the guy who posted the winking smiley under "The AIDS virus" in that one thread, it very much disappoints me that you and Mr. Chappelle don't see eye to eye.
