by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Oct 12, 2008 11:44 pm
Yeah, I don't even need it to be an isometric game. Honestly, the tools are there if someone wants to make an isometric Fallout 3.
(... OK, I just re-read that, and it works no matter which definition of "tool" you use.)
But then, I can't remember the last good isometric game I played - I never really got into Silent Scope (I think that is what it was called? The X-COM game with the Russians?) ... I guess that leaves Jagged Alliance 2. But yeah, FO1 and 2 were a lot of fun.
The graphics on the first Fallout don't QUITE holdup, over ten years later, but not by much.
The only thing I know about Fallout 3 is that there is supposed to be a nuclear weapon in the game. I've never played a game that wasn't an RTS with an actual nuke... I mean, the thought that you can do quests in the game and stuff, plant a nuke, and have it go off and see it go off, is amazing to me.
(And if you, the player, can't personally do that, and the nuke I've seen in previews is a canned event, that's fine - but a player planting a nuke, scurrying a safe distance away and watching the world blow up needs to be in a video game.)
Yeah, I don't even need it to be an isometric game. Honestly, the tools are there if someone wants to make an isometric Fallout 3.
(... OK, I just re-read that, and it works no matter which definition of "tool" you use.)
But then, I can't remember the last good isometric game I played - I never really got into Silent Scope (I think that is what it was called? The X-COM game with the Russians?) ... I guess that leaves Jagged Alliance 2. But yeah, FO1 and 2 were a lot of fun.
The graphics on the first Fallout don't QUITE holdup, over ten years later, but not by much.
The only thing I know about Fallout 3 is that there is supposed to be a nuclear weapon in the game. I've never played a game that wasn't an RTS with an actual nuke... I mean, the thought that you can do quests in the game and stuff, plant a nuke, and have it go off and see it go off, is [i]amazing[/i] to me.
(And if you, the player, can't personally do that, and the nuke I've seen in previews is a canned event, that's fine - but a player planting a nuke, scurrying a safe distance away and watching the world blow up [b]needs[/b] to be in a video game.)